The Boy in Ropes

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I took the tray of food Mahiru gave me down to the old building, I gently  placed the tray down to the side to open the door properly, I did the same at the second door however it took longer to open as I really didn't want to go in there, I thought many times about just sliding the food in then running, however it's a big room and I didn't know exactly where he was tied up, after a lot of yelling and cursing at myself I finally opened the door and stepped into the room. There he was in the center of the room looking at me with a stupid grin on his face.
"Ah ___ I wasn't expecting you I thought Mahiru would have sent Hajime"
I sighed heavily,
"Yeah well I guess I was the first person she saw"
Reluctantly I walked over and placed the tray of food next to him then started to leave, but was stopped when I heard him cough for attention, I  turned to look at him with a face saying what! He smiled and spoke,
"There is a reason I kept sending Mahiru back ya know"
Frustrated I replied,
"Yeah I know you can't eat in the position you're in" ,
"Then why are you leaving if you know I can't eat unless you want me to starve to death" he never broke eye contact or his smirk whilst saying that sentence. I walked back over to him, crouched down and picked him up so he could sit up.
"You know ____ if you untie my hands you won't have to feed me and it would be faster if you're wanting to go that badly" what he said made sense but I don't trust him,
" How do I know you won't try anything funny?"
"___ I promise I'll only eat my food then you can tie my arms back up"
I pondered about it for a while then untied his hands and shuffled away to sit out of reach from him with his chains in my hands, I didn't take my eyes off him not even to blink I didn't  trust him one bit.

He sat happily munching on his toast then he went for his drink, he grabbed it too fast and knocked it over into the carpet, I sighed thinking to myself that I dont want it to stain the carpet along with the small milk gives off when old so with that I pulled out a handkerchief. I got up and crawled over to the spill then started to mop up the mess that's when he grabbed me, I thought he was still eating his food but no now he had my wrist, he pushed me over with his free hand and sat on my legs so I couldn't kick nor move. He had both of my wrists in one of his hands then proceeded to tie them with the chain that was used to tie him up earlier,
"Nagito what do you think your doing!" I screamed unable to move. Once my hands were bound he kept them above my head making it difficult for me to move, I had become completely helpless, with his free left hand he caressed my cheek staring into my eyes, the fear in them was all too real.

"Why.. why are you doing this?" I choked holding back tears, he said nothing just continued to stare never breaking eye contact, his hand moved from my cheek, extending his index finger he traced it down my slender neck to collarbone, tracing the bone structure along the shoulder down to the ribs below the breast,  following the curve of my body then finally placing his hand on my stomach under my top . Tears had formed steaming down the sides of my face, he continued to look at me directly in the eyes with no expression, it was terrifying, my lips started to quiver from crying, a small gasp of air escaped them from crying so much, this seemed to jolt him like he was in some sort of trance.
He blinked a few times looking down at the position he had put me in then looked back to my red eyes full of fear, he removed his hand from my stomach and placed it back on my cheek wiping away the tears.
He leaned forward and placed his forehead against mine.
why hasn't he said anything, what is he doing? Questions flooded my head this was freaking me out, the way he looked at me with those demented eyes was too much not to mention the fact he said nothing whilst doing what he was doing.

After a few moments Nagito removed the hand holding my wrists, they where still bound but I could move my arms to my torso.

He sat up a little then went to untie his legs. I watched him unsure of what to say,
he said only his hands why is he uniting his legs for? Do I say anything? What would happen if I do say something, I don't want to find out, I thought as I continued to watch him. Once his legs were free he glanced at me, I looked at him confused, he placed his right hand on my ankles this time then proceeded to turn around, oh god no is he going to tie my legs together ! I began to squirm and flail, with out him holding my arms anymore I could sit up and preceded to slam against his back and head butt him to get him to stop. Nothing worked he had bound my legs together pretty tight it hurt to move in the restraints,
"Nagito please why are you doing this?" I choaked again, he got off me and stood up, he grabbed my wrists and pulled me up, he pulled me up with so much force my limp body fell into his, my breast pressed into his chest where his left arm held my waist tightly supporting me.
My forehead was pressed against his chest looking down, I didnt want to look at him.
He moved my head to look at him it was forceful because I refused to move my head with his hand, he glared at me again,
that stupid look of his, that's it's I've had it!
Anger swelled overwhelming the fear I once had ,
"NAGITO! Talk to me for fuck sake what are you doing !?"
It seemed my outburst caught him by surprise but still no answer, well not a verbal one no this was far worse he gave me that stupid smirk he gave  earlier, then he proceeded to stuff the handkerchief I had left on the floor into my mouth then tied it with some left over rope like a makeshift gag. He slung me over his shoulder then walked to the door exiting the building, before opening the door he chuckled "Let's test my luck shall we" he said in a crazed voice.

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