Truth and Lies

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The next day after the concert I went to the pool where I meet Nagito, I stood there for a while, No one went past me and Nagito didn't show up, maybe I should see if he went on without me? I began to walk towards the restaurant when Hajime ran up to me,
"Hey __ where is Nagito? Isn't he always with you?"
"I umm I don't know"
"What? You don't know where he is"
"No that is why I'm heading to the restaurant to see if he's there"
Hajime understood and came with me to the restaurant to find Nagito.
We got to the stairs and heard crying, we walked a bit faster to see who it was and if they were okay.
We got to the restaurant to find Akane crying and Nagito stood in the center of the restaurant looking more crazed then normal, he ran up to me and grabbed my hand,
"__ you look awful this morning!" He said looking proud of himself
"Umm thanks?" I released my hand from his and nudged closer to Hajime,
" oh I see you prefer me over Hajime right"
Hajime pushed him back away from me,
" Hajime whats going on!" I questioned,
"I don't know just stay back he is acting stranger then normal"
This whole time Akane continued to cry, then Ibuki walked in acting like she was a robot.
Following Ibuki was Mikan, she walked up and felt Nagito's head then Akanes,
"Just I thought they are all sick"
"Sick what do you mean?" Hajime inquired, she explained that tgeir strange behaviour os due to them having a fever,
"How do we know no one else is sick?" Hajime questioned her.
"They best way to tell is the hosts body will be hot to the touch that a..all I have gotten so far" she looked a little disappointed in her self,
" so do we need to check everyone? Won't that possibly infect others?" He asked, that's when Monokuma popped up, he explained about the sickness then went on to an interesting detail, Nagito has the liers disease , Akane has coward and Ibuki gullible, so far that's everyone who is infected. As he was explaining this behind everyone a tremendous bang could be heard, we all spun round to see Nagito had collapsed I was gonna run to him but Hajime pulled me back, Mikan was by his side,
"Its would seem his condition is getting worse, I need get them to the hospital"
Mikan took the infected to the hospital with the help of Kazuichi and Nekomaru, whilst Hajime explained what is happening to the others.

I followed along to the hospital with everyone else, Mikan explained that she needed to dress everyone into a hospital gown, Mikan turned to me as she was clearly stuggeling to support all three of the patient's,
"Umm __ could you help me carry Nagito, its okay if you say no, please dont hate me for aaking"
"No its fine I dont mind helping you out Mikan don't be afraid to ask" I said with a smile, I like Mikan she is a nice person just misunderstood. I carried Nagito to his room and sat him on the bed, he is beeing strangely quite not that I care but it is odd maybe it's cus of his condition. Once I got him on the bed Mikan opened the door and hands me a hospital gown,
"I'm sorry to a ask this of you but w would you umm mind changing him, I'm sorry please don't hate me, you can hit me for asking this off y"
"Mikan! don't say such things!" I cut her off,
"You don't need to say stuff like that Mikan we are friends, I would never hit or hate you okay, and it's fine I understand you have Akane and Ibuki to change and it makes sense considering the amount of time I've spent with Nagito" I said looking down at him on the hospital bed.
"Freind" Mikan whispered to herself, it looks like she is crying, I looked up at her and she jumped to me giving me a hug
"Ahh haha a freind!"
"Ahh Mikan calm your self you still got patients to deal with"
"Oh yeah of course haha" she quickly let go of me and rushed off, phew I'm free.

"You dont want to dress me do you " Nagito spoke suddenly which shot me out of my skin, bloody hell I forgot he was there.
"No I don't want to change you but in your condition I dont have much choice" oh wait I forgot he lies so that means, my cheeks whent pink when I realised, oh my god he thinks I actually want to change him, what a pervert, and what gave him the impression that I do!
He smiled at me, he looks a lot more pale then normal, I stepped closer to him and began to remove his jacket, I had to help him stand as he is so weak but I couldn't get his jacket off if not, I folded it and placed it down on the table besided the bed.
Then I went to remove his shirt, I wish he would stop glearing at me and smiling, god he is sick, in both ways. When his sirt was going over his head i couldenr help my self but to take a quick peek, how the hell is he so toned! I felt my cheeks burn instantly, stop looking! Once his shirt was finally off I folded it again and placed it on top of his jacket,
"You don't want to see me with no clothes on" he said smugl with his arms out showing his body off, he then went to grab my hands but I moved back, he chuckled a little before collapsing on the bed,
"I don't want to see you with no clothes on and I'm not gonna" I grabbed the hospital gown, then walked over to help him sit back up, I then slid the gown over his head then guided his arms through, he looks rather disappointed, I feel rather proud of my self for once he ain't gonna get his own way.
I hauled him up off the bed, his arms slung over my shoulders to help support him, I reached down and started to undo his trousers all the time I didnt have to look thanks to the gown conveniently blocking my veiw, bet he is super upset I can't not grin at my own brilliance.
His trousers fell down on their own so I sat him back down on the bed, thank you gravity, then took them off this feet and placed them along with his other clothing.
"I guess you lose then" he spoke looking at me weakly from the bed,
Haha your right I did win I though to my self,
"But I lose too"
"Huh how do you win?" Now I'm confused,
"Not having you undress me and not dressing me" he said looking at me and giving a wink, you arrogant piece of shit. Well that blew all my cocky attitude out of the window. He then weakly pulled himself further in to  the hospital bed,
"Go away and leave me alone" he spoke tucking in to the sheets,
"I know that's a lie and all and that you want me to say but I'm gonna take is as I heard it, bye" I said smugly to him, that's what he gets for beeing an ass.

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