Kaden stared at him searchingly for a few seconds before answering. "Who?" He asked casually.

Farren forced himself to remain calm. "That one you were talking to back there? You seemed to be really hitting it off." He said, trying to keep his tone neutral. But he could hear that his voice was slightly higher than usual. He just hoped Kaden hadn't picked up on it.

"Oh, Shauna? She's this girl that I'm kinda into." Kaden said nonchalantly, and Farren was glad he hadn't picked up on his tense movements and higher than usual voice.

Why are you bothering with her? You could have me, Kaden. I'm so much better than some stupid skank.

That's what Farren wanted to say, but he held his tongue.

"Oh. Nice one, she's.. hot." Farren he said instead.

"Yeah." Kaden shrugged, looking out the window.

"Yeah." Farren repeated, clearing his throat. God, when did things get this awkward between them? He thought they god past all that post kiss tension the other night.

"Careful Milton, you're coming across as kinda jealous." Kaden joked with a smirk, though Farren could hear that there was a trace of some underlying emotion in his words.

"Jealous?" He snorted in reply. "Of what exactly? It's not like I couldn't get myself a girl like her if I wanted."

"I didn't mean jealous of me." Kaden said, and Farren thought, or perhaps rather convinced himself it sounded likely Kaden was only half joking.

"Then what do you mean? Jealous of her?" Farren laughed, even though he was in fact very jealous of the girl.

"Exactly." Kaden said with a smirk.

"And why would I be jealous of her?" Farren asked, raising his eyebrow as he looked at Kaden.

At this stage they had arrived back home and were parked in the driveway. But neither of them had made an effort to get out of the car thus far.

"Because," began Kaden, leaning in closer to him.

Farren felt himself begin to panic as Kaden advanced. This scene was so reminiscent of their other moments that Farren had to stop and remind himself that Kaden didn't like him like that.

"Because what?" Farren managed to choke out.

By now Kaden's mouth was just centimetres from his ear. "Because it's not her you're into." He said, so quietly that if Farren had so much as moved he wouldn't be able to hear it.

Kaden then pulled back, shooting him a smirk before opening the car door and making his way out and into the house, leaving Farren alone with his whirring thoughts.

What the fuck had just happened?


"Earth to Kaden."

It was Luke's voice that spoke, as a hand waved in front of his face. It was currently Thursday afternoon, and school had just ended.

"Sorry man, what were you saying?" Kaden asked.

They were making their way across the parking lot and towards Luke's car.

Playing The Straight Game [boyxboy]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon