Updates Schedule

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So, here's my schedule for updates for the rest of the year (hopefully):

Sunday: No updates (because no work on Sundays duh).

Monday: Single Pringles.

Tuesday: Homeschoolers Unite.

Wednesday: Quest.

Thursday: No updates (because of classes).

Friday: Homeschoolers Unite.

Saturday: Blurryface.

I will also try to update my Devotions book every day. 

If I don't update those stories on their designated days,  it's because

1.) I was busier than intended or anticipated. 

2.) There was a holiday.

3.) I was perhaps grounded from WattPad (but the likelihood of that happening is now small because I only have the subjects that I'm best at to do...)

4.) I am dead. 

5.) Flying monkeys decided to kidnap me because I got an awesome pair of magic shoes that I stole from a witch I killed with a house.

6.) I have no inspiration whatsoever.

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