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I'm doing this tag by stringslady.

But first, here are some ground rules:

1.) Add your own questions before tagging others.

2.) If you are tagged back answer the new questions and put the same answers to the questions you already answered.

3.) Tag at least five people.

4.) Be creative. (Don't Hug Me I'm Scared fandom: I THOUGHT WE AGREED TO NEVER BE CREATIVE AGAIN) 

5.) Keep count of the questions.

6.) Be sure to tag the person who tagged you. stringslady

7.) If you've never been tagged before, create a new chapter in your book and answer these questions and tag people by using this @, their username, and push enter (it'll become orange). 

Alright, here we go:

1. Cats or dogs and why?ARC_Trooper_Courage )

Probably dogs. They're loyal and you're the one who chooses them, not the other way round like it is with cats.

2. T-Rex or Triceratops? Stalker514 )


3. What hobbies do you have? If you have more than one, which one is your favorite?IsilwenofRivendell )

I like to write, read, role play, watch movies, and draw (occasionally). My favorite is either writing or role play (which are basically the same except one you do by yourself and the other you have to have at least another person).

4. What would you consider your strengths and weaknesses?stringslady )

Learning how to do things comes easily to me, although my ability to do those newly acquired skills is average or below average. However, my weakness must be my procrastination. 

My question: 

If you could do anything with your best friend but it was the last thing you could ever do with them, what would it be? 

I tag: 






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