Gregor Clegane X Greyjoy!Reader - Alive.

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*Time Skip*

When you woke, you were in an unfamiliar bed in the corner of an unfamiliar room, and in the middle of the floor, curled up on the unfamiliar, threadbare rug, was a stranger. The giant you had collided with earlier. You took in a deep breath, calming yourself before shuffling to the edge of the bed and getting, as quietly as you could, to your feet. You crept over a few steps to a little wooden desk, loaded with your shoes and knife, grabbing the contents and putting the knife in its sheath at your hip, your shoes still in your hand as you moved almost silently towards the door. You were almost there when the floor betrayed you, the wooden slat creaking as you put your weight on it and causing the giant man to stir. He gave you a lazy smile when you finally looked at him.

"Good, your awake," he murmured, his voice thick with sleep as he stretched, not moving from his spot on the floor. You took your moment, dashing for the door and yanking it open only for his voice to freeze you to the spot. "I wouldn't do that if I were you, they're still looking for you," he told you, sitting up and chuckling as you quickly shut the door again, leaning your back against it as you glared at him.

"Why did you bring me here?" you growled at him, your voice low as you kept your eyes locked on him, not allowing him to move from his spot on the floor, your hand fixed to the handle of your knife.

"Calm down, I'm not going to hurt you," he huffed, finally managing to shift to his feet and take a few steps back to slump into the seat behind him. You remained silent, staring him down until he answered your question. "You knocked yourself out; they would have killed you," he added and you scoffed at him.

"And why would you want me alive?" you asked him, earning a shrug and a smile from the large man. You shook your head in disbelief. "Why did you help me?" you growled at him, your brow scrunched up in frustration.

"What do you want me to tell you? That I thought you didn't deserve to die?" he asked softly and you bit your lip, shaking your head in frustration before he spoke again. "Or that I thought you were pretty and didn't want to see that go to waste?" he added and you scoffed at him.

"You're no better than the man I killed," you spat at him, letting out a deep breath and throwing your shoes to the floor.

"So you did kill him?" he asked getting to his feet and taking a step closer to you.

"He deserved it," you growled, watching him take a few steps in your direction.

"I'm not judging you, you don't have to explain your murderous tendencies to me," he chuckled, reaching out a hand for you to shake. "My name's Gregor," he told you and your eyes squinted staring at him. "Gregor Clegane," he continued and you let out a light gasp before taking his hand and shaking it lightly.

"So that's why I'm still alive? Because they were too scared to fight you?" you asked him and he shook his head slightly.

"None of them know you're here; I covered your head with a blanket and told them that my betrothed was tired, none of them thought to even question it," he told you and you gave him the smallest hint of a smile, your lips turning up only a tiny bit.

"Thank you," you spoke softly, just loud enough for him to hear you and he gave you a small nod. You moved over to the bed in silence, sitting down and pulling your legs up to settle them beneath you.

"What's your name?" he finally asked, causing you to chuckle.

"Y/N," you told him, continuing when he just stared at you. "Y/N Greyjoy," you finished and he let out a deep belly laugh.

"What the fuck is a Greyjoy doing out here?" he asked through his laughter causing you to shrug.

"Just travelling," you said as calmly as you could manage, your voice level and soft as you spoke.

"Bullshit, Balon Fucking Greyjoy isn't letting one of his little princesses go off travelling without an escort or a raiding party," he chortled at you and you sent a glare his way.

"Well, my father and I haven't seen each other since I was a child, so I doubt he gives two fucks what I'm doing," you growled at him, causing him to put up his hands in defence.

"I don't mean anything by it," he told you. "Just trying to work out why you're travelling alone," he added and your glare softened a little.

"I'm just a terrible travel partner, I guess," you told him, your voice gentle as you shrugged.

"I'm sure you aren't that bad to travel with," he scoffed causing you to raise a brow at him.

"My last travel partner woke up with no money, clothes, knife or horse, and I was off somewhere alone and much happier than I had been alongside him," you chuckled, causing him to laugh.

"Then he was a stupid fuck for trusting you; doesn't make you a bad travel companion," he teased causing you to properly smile for the first time since you had woke.

"Don't you trust me?" you joked, tilting your head to the side with a smile and keeping your eyes locked on his as you bit lightly on your bottom lip.

"Quit trying that seduction bullshit, sweetheart, you just admitted to killing a man," he laughed, causing your brows to quirk up in disbelief.

"Are you trying to tell me that The Mountain has never killed a man? Because I find that very hard to believe," you quipped, causing him to shake his head as he laughed.

"Of course I've killed, the difference is that I am a soldier, and you're a Lady," he told, causing you to scoff.

"I'm as much a soldier as you are and I can kill as easily as any man could. He wasn't the first to die at my hand and I highly doubt he'll be the last," you spoke, your voice low and even as you leant forward to stare into his eyes. You could see him shifting awkwardly in his seat, attempting to hide how much he enjoyed what you were saying. "Thank you for helping me Gregor, but I really must be on my way," you told him, moving to the other side of the room and shoving your feet into your shoes.

"Stay," he choked out, finally climbing to his feet and taking a few steps in your direction. "Travel to the capital with me," he added and you shook your head softly.

"And do what? There's nothing for me in King's Landing," you answered, your voice soft and gentle as you moved to rest a hand on his arm lightly.

"You don't have to stay for long, just keep me company on the road," he hurried out and you gave him a sad smile.

"We both know that I can't do that. We're at war and I'm on the wrong side because of my fool of a brother and his love for the Starks," you answered as gently as you could. "I'm sorry," you added, pulling away and wrapping the blanket around your shoulders, pulling it up to cover your head before leaving the room.

You were already outside when you felt his body behind your own, his hands coming to your shoulders to turn you around and press a harsh kiss against your lips. His arms snaked around you, pulling you in as you returned his kiss. "If you can't come with me then let me come with you," he murmured, his lips still against your skin as he spoke. He could feel your body shaking as you began to chuckle.

"Why on earth would you want me?" you laughed lightly, leaning your head into his broad chest as you thought. You had been thrown from pillar to post your whole life and no one had ever wanted you around, treated like an animal that just wouldn't die. But now here was Gregor, telling you he wanted to go with you, with no knowledge of where you were going.

"Because you deserve to be happy, and so do I," he told you, leaning down to press his lips to your forehead. "And this is the happiest I have been in years, for once I feel alive and it's because of you," he finished and you let out a light chuckle.

"Gods, you're insane," you mumbled into his shift, pulling away to look up at him. "Saddle your horse, we have to start moving before some fucker recognises me," you told him, allowing him to give you one final kiss before he hurried off to do as he was told.

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