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I wasn't really concentrated for the rest of the day. The scene kept replaying in my head. My landlord wanting the money. Eunbi. Jihoon.
I turned around. My boss sighed. "Go home and rest, Valerie. You had a tough day."
I bowed. "Kamsahabnida. See you tomorrow", I said and went to look for Eunbi.
When we came home, I sent Eunbi to her room and grabed the card from the manager. I sat down on my coach and dealt the phone number.

"Annyeonhaseyo?"- Manager

"Annyeonghaseyo, here's Valerie. I called so that I know how I can repay you for what you've done for me today"- Me

"Ah yes. I already know a solution. The Wanna One members need someone to look after them. I mean, cook for them. Clean the house. But you'll also get to spend some time with them too. You'll be with them on fanmeetings etc. That means you'll live with them"-  Manager

I was so shocked, that I couldn't answer at the moment.

"I know, that it's a surprise. But the boys would like the idea too. Eunbi would live with you too. Of course. And I'm sure that the other boys will like her too." - Manager

"I'd love to. But what happens with my job at the restaurant? Do I have to leave? And what about my apartment?" - Me

"I'm sorry but yes you have to leave your job. And for your apartment, you and your daughter will live with the members. You'll get also a loan and you can do what you want. " - Manager

When we said goodbye, I made dinner for my daughter and me.
The next day, we packed many things and I said goodbye to my landlord.
I also went to work to give up my job and to say goodbye to my boss and coworkers.
They were sad but I promised to visit them often.

Are there many faults?😂

This chapter is done. The next one is coming soon and I promise it will be longer😄

~ Seo Yoon

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