6 - Heartbreak Through Glass

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Yuri's pale eyes scan the vast horizon behind his window. Raindrops fall quickly to the ground, pattering a soft harmony on the soil.

He hums softly while sipping from his auburn mug, the vibrations of his voice gently rippling the warm liquid.

Nothing's more serene than a rainy day. On days like these, you're compiled to spend your day indoors with nothing but yourself and your own thoughts.

Yuri stands up from his seat in front of the windowsill. He rests his drink on the flat structure, stretching his arms in a tiresome manner.

A ding erupts from a nearby room, indicating a text. Yuri heads towards the direction of the sound, his own shoes clicking on the hard tile.

He grasps the metallic device off the kitchen table, sitting down on a table chair while doing so.

shinyvictor: Hey Yuri! Yuuri and I are going to Cafe Agape for a treat, wanna come?

yuri.will.slaughter.you: fine, but you're paying (:

shinyvictor: will do. See you in ten?

yuri.will.slaughter.you: sounds good

Yuri quickly shoves his phone in his pocket and stands up, not wanting to miss out on the delicious opportunity.

He ties a maroon athletic jacket around his waist before dashing to the front door. He opens it widely, but a strong wind begins to blow against his stride.

The frustrated blond grumbles and closes the door, heading back inside his abode. Swiftly taking an umbrella from beside the staircase, he brings it outside and opens it quickly.

Red hues of the umbrella expand above him in a kaleidoscope of falling rain and fiery colors. He admires it for a fragment of time before starting to stroll through down the sidewalk.

His neighborhood appears secretive on this day, for everyone is busy with their own fanatics indoors.

Yuri smiles to himself and continues to jaunt down the moistened cement. He does a playful twirl before quickening his pace, deciding to arrive early to his destination.

He exits his neighborhood and begins to walk towards the city. Being only a ten minute stroll, he arrives outside Cafe Agape.

The town buzzes around him with humanly chatter, enlightening the morning. Umbrellas of different colors line the streets.

Yuri smiles and opens the door to the cafe, causing a ding to ring through the store.

He spots Victor and Yuuri sitting at a close-by table with three slices of banana bread. They spot him and wave the hungry boy over with welcoming smiles.

"Yuri!" They greet warmly as he sits down on a tall wooden chair. He smiles and plucks a fork off the table, instantly taking a bite of his banana bread.

"What's been going on with you?" Victor asks, brushing a strand of silver hair out of his vision. Yuri shrugs and takes another bite.

"Nothing much. I went to the rink yesterday with Otabek-" He starts to say but an excited Victor interrupts him. "Otabek Altin? The skater?" He asks.

Yuri, taken aback, slowly nods. "Yeah! Do you know him?" He asks. Victor ignores his question. "Is he your boyfriend?"

A blush plays on Yuri's cheeks at the mention of Otabek. Years ago they had skated in competition together, but never got very close.

"He's not my boyfriend yet, no." He settles on saying, tapping his feet on the ground nervously beneath the table.

Victor claps his hands happily. "Is he your fiancé? Husband? Oh you better invite us to the wedding!" His imagination runs wild through all the possibilities.

"N-No! We aren't married. We started texting a long time ago and finally met up. Friends for now, but boyfriends in a few days." Yuri explains in the simplest way he can.

Victor lets out a dramatic sigh. "Young love. Kind of like us, Yuuri!" He exclaims to his fiancé.

Yuuri shoves his shoulder playfully. "I do love you, but we aren't very young anymore." He says solemnly. Victor bats away his lover's comments. "Our love is eternal!"

Yuri continues to eat his banana bread in slow bites as he listens to the couple's loving words. He groans as they lean directly in front of his vision to kiss.

"Right in front of me?" He says, annoyed. Victor and Yuuri smile knowingly at the blond boy. "One day you'll fall in love too."

Yuri opens his mouth to snap a snarky remark but closes it, instead looking at his toes. "I think I already have."

Yuuri gasps and Victor grins. "With Otabek?" He asks bluntly. Yuri blushes furiously and glances upwards. "Yeah."

His eyes bore through the windows in front of him, thoughts of Otabek running through his mind. He thinks about their memories and conversations, moments and smiles.

"I do love him." He states again, mostly for himself. He realizes this now, and it's hitting him all so quickly. He loves Otabek Altin.

Victor throws his arms in the air excitedly. "My son has fallen in love!" He cheers while Yuuri smiles contently. "I'm proud of you." He says honestly.

Yuri beams at his two father like figures, both grinning madly. The couple begins to spark a different conversation as Yuri continues to eat his banana bread.

His eyes find the window directly in front of him once again. He watches as people pass by, some holding hands and some laughing amongst themselves.

His eyes land on two men sitting across from each other across the street. They seem to be having a lively conversation while eating a midday meal.

Yuri's eyes focus on one of the boys, he finds them rather handsome. It's only a moment before realization hits him suddenly.

"Oh my god." Yuri states, his teal eyes wide with confusion and sadness. Victor and Yuuri zap to attention, instantly staring at the blond with worrying eyes. "What is it?" Victor asks.

Yuri sniffles as his eyes remain on the two familiar boys. "That's Otabek... with JJ."


there's a stage four hurricane coming straight towards where I live 😅 Best of wishes to anyone else in the area 💞


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