5 - Otayuri on Ice

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Yuri hops on the back of Otabek's motorcycle. Being as short as he is, he has to jump to get on top of the tall vehicle.

Otabek smiles and clips on his helmet, handing one to Yuri. "Ready to head to the rink?" He asks, looking behind his shoulder at the blond.

Yuri holds tightly on to Otabek, burying the side of his face into his lover's back. He takes a deep breath before responding. "Yep!"

On cue, the handsome driver pulls on the gas and the bike slowly speeds up. He turns corners perfectly, practice evident in his driving skills.

The two glide through town, this time on a more natural and mystical ride. Unlike last time, sounds of birds and blowing wind linger through the air.

They whizz under bright green trees with thriving leaves. As much as Yuri enjoys the colorful sights of spring, he loves summer's natural palette even more.

After minutes of driving, they arrive at the skating rink. The parking lot is luckily empty, with only a few cars in sight.

Otabek hops off the bike first, offering Yuri a helpful hand to help him dismount the bike. Yuri slaps his hand away and hops off the bike himself, making Otabek chuckle and roll his eyes.

"Hurry up!" Yuri nags, leading the tall skater to the rink doors. Otabek quickly catches up, shuffling behind Yuri.

The blond boy gapes at the sight of the rink before him. It's been forever since he's last skated, and he can't wait to return to the ice.

Yuri dashes to the rink while Otabek rents them a pair of skates. They would have brought their own, but it would be rather dangerous to bring a pair of knife shoes on a motorcycle.

The Russian grins at the ice, watching various skaters have fun on the rink. None of them seem to be figure skaters, just people looking to enjoy themselves.

Yuri taps his chin mischievously. If Otabek and him managed to keep up their skills, they could surely give the beginners a show.

As Yuri runs through jumps and positions in his head, Otabek wraps his arms around him from behind.

"Ready to skate?" He asks, nuzzling into the crook of his friend's neck. Yuri blushes. "Yep." He replies, turning around to face Otabek.

Otabek, still holding Yuri, now faces him. A cocky grin creeps onto the brown eyed boy's face as he leans closer.

Yuri leans in slightly too but realization quickly dawns on him. Right before their lips connect, he pulls away, leaving a confused Otabek.

"No kisses until you have completed your little love quest." He says teasingly, standing on his tippy toes to peck a kiss on the tall boy's cheek.

Otabek groans and lets the blond boy out of his arms. "Fine. I'm expecting an overload of kisses later in the week." He says with a subtle wink.

The two walk over to a bench against the wall and sit down, starting to tie their skate laces. They weave the soft, black strings together with ease in unison.

Yuri stands up and waddles over to the entrance to the ice. Otabek follows alongside him. They step on to the familiar texture, smiles on both of their faces.

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