1 - Meeting

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Yuri's hair blows in the swift summer breeze, spiraling tufts of blond around his head. His eyes scan the boy on the swings, the boy he had talked to for six months.

He glances down to his phone, where a confused Otabek is spamming his messages.

Yuri lets out a shaky breath. What if he hated him in person? What if they were awkward in real life?

He knows Otabek has a crush on him, he had admitted it himself, but the thought of rejection haunts Yuri's brain like a plague.

His thoughts play a game of tug-of-war, constantly battling between the two options. He could leave the park and keep delaying on meeting Otabek, but he could also run and hug the love of his life.

He peeks behind the bushes to to see the raven haired boy perched on a swing. He's glancing around, eyed laced with confusion and hope.

Yuri takes a deep breath. He knows there is nothing to be afraid of, he's only overthinking it. He didn't think there could be so much suspense in a single moment.

The blond haired boy tucks a stray strand of hair behind his ear and smiles. He knows what he's going to do.

He pushes the bush to the side and dashes straight over to the boy on the swing. He can feel the wind slide over his ears and hear his heart pounding in his chest.

His feet graze against the wood chips that scatter the ground, not caring that he's getting rocks and pebbles in his shoes.

Otabek stands up at the sight of Yuri. His eyes widen and he grins, opening his arms widely. Yuri runs straight into them.

They hold each other in silence, both of them with joyous tears down their cheeks. Otabek kisses the top of Yuri's head, making him nuzzle even farther into the tall boy.

"I-I can't believe it's you." Yuri says, sniffling. Otabek grins. "I thought this moment would never happen." He agrees.

After a moment, Yuri narrows his eyes and giggles, a thought popping into his head. "What is it?" Otabek asks, noticing the boy's strange behavior.

"I have a present for you." He replies, taking the raven haired boy's hand in his. He leads Otabek through the park, both of them smiling and still shaken from their meet-up.

The two walk down the mulch, eventually reaching the park exit. Yuri smirks mischievously as he approaches a pastel blue bike with a basket on the front.

"Is that yours?" Otabek asks. Yuri nods. He plucks a large bag from the basket and peers inside it.

"Close your eyes." He commands. Otabek crosses his arms playfully. "This seems very sketchy." Yuri rolls his eyes in response. "This is the good kind of sketchy."

Otabek lets out a long, sarcastic sigh and closes his eyes. Yuri giggles as Otabek feels something warm being placed atop his head.

"Open your eyes." Yuri says through laughs. He hands his friend a small hand mirror. He takes the mirror and looks at his appearance, beginning to laugh himself.

The lovely, terrible, ugly yet wonderful croissant hat. Sigh.

"Now you really are The Bread Daddy." Yuri says with a snicker. Otabek playfully punches him in the arm. "That makes you The Bread Mommy." "Hell no."

"Did you walk here?" Yuri asks, looking around for any other cars in the empty parking lot. Otabek shakes his head. "I rode my motorcycle."

Yuri's eyes widen and he tilts his head. "You have a motorcycle?!" He asks. Otabek nods and smirks. "Indeed I do. We should go for a celebration ride." He suggests.

Yuri claps his hands in excitement. "I've never been on a motorcycle!" He says, wondering how it must feel.

The tall boy smiles and leads Yuri over to a very nice motorcycle that's probably a very good brand but the author doesn't know shit about motorcycles so it just looks cool.

"That's so badass." Yuri says in awe. Otabek sits down on the black leather seat and gestures for Yuri to sit down.

Instead of sitting, the boy bursts out laughing. Otabek's rather confused now, he thought he looked very rebellious and cool.

"Your hat." Yuri says simply between humorous wheezes. The motorcyclist takes off the croissant hat, throwing it at him. "You ruined my vibe."

Yuri catches the hat and cradles it. "This was expensive!" He says. Otabek rolls his eyes. "Will a motorcycle trip make you feel better?" He asks. The blond nods and strides over to the back of the bike.

He hops on, instantly colliding with the warm back of his lovedove. "You're warm." He announces, cuddling into the heat source.

Otabek grins and looks behind his shoulder at the relaxed boy leaning on him. "Hold on tight." He warns.

Yuri's grip tightens around his waist and he starts the motorcycle, moving it slowly through the parking lot.

"Where to?" Otabek asks. "Narnia."


I spent forever putting animal pictures all over my bulletin board & it's soo worth it


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