3 - Love Quest

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The sounds of cars and humanly chatter harmonize under the sky, clouds shading the large structures and darkening the city.

The streetlight's luminance provides a mystical glow to the busy streets. Various hues colors linger in the air, igniting the town with life and energy.

"It's beautiful." Yuri whispers in awe. His eyelashes flutter at the sight. It's been so long since he's been to the city, and he's glad he gets to see it again with Otabek.

"It sure is." The other boy agrees. He pulls the motorcycle to a halt outside a small, cozy building. Shimmering windows give the two a glimpse at the pastries displayed inside.

"Let's go!" Yuri says, quickly shuffling off the bike and tugging at Otabek's sleeve. Otabek chuckles and clips off his helmet while Yuri does the same.

The blond boy leads him to the cafe, glancing over his shoulder at Otabek with a smile that could light a whole world.

He pushes the door open gently, letting a quiet ding echo throughout the room. He slips inside, holding the door open for Otabek behind him.

The two walk up to the pastry display case. Their eyes scan the appealing foods, mainly the crepes.

"What are you going to get?" Otabek asks. Yuri hums in thought. "Probably the Nutella banana  crepe." Yuri replies cheerfully. "You?"

"The strawberry and blueberry one." He replies. Yuri snorts. "Are you trying to be healthy while getting a crepe?" He asks, amused.

Otabek shrugs and chuckles. "I guess there isn't much point in being healthy with crepes." He agrees. He points to a chocolate covered one with white mousse on the edges "That's my heaven." He says with a smile.

Yuri fake pouts. "I thought I was your heaven." He puffs a strand of hair out of his eyesight. Otabek chuckles and leans forward to kiss his forehead lightly. "You are."

Yuri blushes at the affection and hides his face in his hands, making Otabek smile. He turns to the cashier to place their orders.

"I'll take the banana Nutella crepe and the chocolate vanilla mouse crepe." The tall boy says to the worker behind the display case.

The worker smiles and works to place the pastries on two plates, handing them to the duo.

The cashier's eyes linger on Yuri, remembrance sparking in his mind. He tilts his head, trying to understand why the blonde seems so familiar.

"Yuri?" He asks, making the Russian blink blankly. "Do I know you?" He replies. The worker grins. "I'm Phichit! We go to school together." Phichit says cheerfully.

"And you're Otabek!" He recites, smiling at the two customers. Yuri waves and shifts on his heels, not liking the sudden social interaction.

"You should text me!" Phichit says, scribbling a number down on a napkin and handing it to Yuri.

Otabek clenches his jaw. He normally never gets jealous, but he can't help but feel protective of the blond boy.

"I definitely will." Yuri replies to the cheery worker. "Sorry for holding you up! You must be starving. Go enjoy your crepes, free of charge." Phichit says with a wide smile.

Otabek fakes a smile and waves to him, taking Yuri's hand and steering him away from the cashier.

They take a seat by the window, cars gliding past the corner of their vision.

"You okay?" Yuri asks when they take a seat. Otabek lets out a loud sigh and unwraps his crepe.

"That boy just gets on my nerves." He replies honestly. His eyes find Phichit's and he glares, sharply turning away.

Yuri takes Otabek's hand under the table and he smiles beamingly. "No need to worry, I threw away his number anyways." He says with a chuckle.

Otabek smiles and takes in Yuri's beautiful appearance. He never thought he would get to meet this boy in person, but here he sits.

"I've got a question." Yuri states, swallowing a bite of his pastry. Otabek looks up from his food to the boy. "Shoot." He says.

"What are we? Friends? Boyfriends?" The blond asks, tapping his foot under the table nervously. Otabek thinks for a moment.

"Will you be my boyfriend?" He asks. Yuri chokes on a piece of his crepe. "W-What?" He stutters.

Otabek smiles and repeats himself. "Will you be my boyfriend?" Yuri grins and claps his hands happily. He opens his mouth to respond but closes it, a smirk resting on his lips.

"I will, on one condition." He says cheerfully. Otabek narrows his eyes playfully. "Anything." He says. Yuri thinks for a moment.

"You have to show me three ways you love me during the span of three days ." He says teasingly. Otabek grins. "Pffft, easy." He already starts to plan all three reasons in his head.

"We'll see, my love." Yuri says while giggling. (A sight Otabek found adorable.) The two continue to eat their crepes, chatting the whole meal and enjoying each other's presence.

They both knew the next three days would surely be interesting.


it may be fluffy so far.. but drama is coming soon... :0


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