Chapter 17

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So I guess this chapter was deleted for whatever reason so I just quickly rewrote it

Draco's POV

I walked down the corridor quickly since it was past curfew. I saw the door to our common room and sped up. My hand reached out for the handle but it was knocked away, startling me. Snape stepped in front of me, staring me down.

"To my office Draco," he snapped. I trudged down the hall to his office and he slammed the door shut. "Have you completed your task?"

"I'm working on it" I mumbled.

"It has to be finished Draco! your time is limited! I think you should be spending more time on the task and less time ogling over a silly little girl"

"She's not some silly little girl and bedsides we aren't anything, not even friends" I snapped at him a bit too harshly. He grabbed me by my collar.

"Get it done or you're done!" he released me and I scurried from the office. I went to sleep that night in fear. I craved comfort, not just any comfort, heather's comfort.


Heather's POV

I was scared to wear the necklace knowing how rare and expensive it is. I couldn't wait until practice tonight even if I was mad at Draco for kissing pansy. I still sort of like him..

Are Slytherins able to love?जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें