Chapter 15

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Draco's POV

I pulled out a small box and her eyes lit up.
"What's this?" she asked.
"Why do people always ask that before opening the box?" I chuckled. She smirked and opened it. Her jaw dropped.
"Oh wow!" she gasped. She pulled out a gold necklace that had a star with a diamond in the middle. It was glowing in the sunlight.
"I saw it in hogsmeade and thought of you" I blushed.
"Oh Draco it's amazing!" She smiled and hugged me. I helped her put it on and she was smiling so bright. "Maybe I was wrong about you" she said quietly.
"So you like it?" I asked.
"I love it so much. I hope you're not trying to buy my affection though." She smirked.
"Oh I'd never do that" I chuckled.
"Well I better get back to Brianna. Practice tonight?" she asked looking hopeful.
"Wouldn't miss it" I smiled. She bit her bottom lip shyly then kissed my cheek.
"Thank you so much." She smiled then skipped away back to Brianna. My cheek was ablaze from her kiss. I think I'm falling for this girl, but I shouldn't be.
I saw crabbe and goyle eyeing me from across the lawn. I gave them a quizzical look and they made kissy faces at me. I rolled my eyes and flipped them off. I saw heather whispering to Brianna and giggling and they both looked at me. Brianna elbowed her in the side and she covered her face. I smiled and waved. She peaked through her fingers and waved. I went back to the common room to relax before our date... I mean practice.
Hmm maybe I will make it a date. Get some candles and make a picnic or something. Eh maybe, I don't want to scare her off. Maybe ill just bring some ice cream or candy.
Why am I getting so flustered over a girl?? she's just a normal girl... oh who am I kidding she's not normal. In a good way of course. My friends walked in and smirked at me.
"What do you buggers want?" I asked.
"Oh nothing, so when the wedding?" crabbe asked.
"What wedding?!" I questioned.
"Yours and that blood traitor you have a fancy for. We saw you give her a little gift. Is that in return for a gift she's giving you?" goyle winked.
"Shut up its not like that. its an inside thing" I mumbled.
"Oh I bet it is" Blaise laughed.
"Stop talking about it that way! Nothing is happening between us!" I yelled.
"Good! you know who wouldn't like distractions for you" crabbe said quietly. I had completely forgotten about him and everything else. I've been in my own little world lately. They left me alone with my thoughts until pansy came in.
"Hey malfoy" she smirked.
"Go away pansy" I sighed.
"Why? prefer that little freak to me?" she asked coming closer.
"Any day" I growled. She straddled me and grabbed my face. She smashed her lips to mine and I pushed her away. I saw something move in the corner of my eye and I looked over. Heather stood there with her jaw dropped and eyes wide open.
"I-I'm sorry to interrupt" she mumbled before running out. I pushed pansy off of me and ran after her. I saw something sparkle on the portrait frame and went over to it. It was her necklace. The portrait shook her head at me. I grabbed the necklace and went to find her. I saw her sitting with Brianna and some other Gryffindors. They looked up at me with hatred in their eyes. Heather looked up and smiled but it was clear she had been crying. Fred and George weasley came over to me.
"She doesn't want to see you right now" George said, at least I think it was him.
"I don't think she will want to talk to you ever again" Fred laughed.
"It was a right nasty thing you did playing her like that" they said together.
"I didn't play her!" I said through my teeth.
"He didnt play me guys, we were friends and that's it" heather said walking up to us. She grabbed their hands and pulled them back to the table. "I think I'm coming down with a cold, can't make practice" she said turning to me. I opened my mouth to say something but closed it and just nodded.
Well this sucks.

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