Chapter 12

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A/N: Actually I wrote this chapter first, so that I would be more into the scene - if you understand what I mean. I didn't want to interrupt my writing flow of Namseok's conversation. That's why it took even longer to have the 11th chapter published after the long break of editing the old chapters. I deeply apologise!
But hey! Double update! Yeyy! You can thank my dongsaeng mAdChEoNsA! I asked her if she'd like me to double update and she said yes! It's her fault that you have to suffer because of all this emotional mess today.

Namjoon POV:

I smiled at Hobi. Maybe it would make him feel better if he knows at least half the truth - well, as much as Yoongi hyung allowed me to tell him, I thought.

I understood very well that he didn't want me to talk about his crush to Hobi. It's his decision whether he confesses his feelings towards the younger, or not. And if he does, he should definitely tell him himself. I don't want to be the one to confess my best friend's feelings towards my other best friend. Who knows where this could lead to... Ah, me and my inner monologues.

"Okay, Hobs. I actually know the reason why Hyung left for a few days." "Really?! Why? Tell me already!" I rolled my eyes. "Calm your dick, horse-boy." He hit me on the shoulder. "Spill!" "Okay, okay!"

I became quiet for a second to think of my choice of words. It was important to say it the right way.

I took a deep breath. Let's go, Namjoon, I encouraged myself. "You're extremely important to him, you know?" "Damn right, I am. Of course, I am! I have to be extremely important to him! I'm his best friend along with you!"

Why the hell is Jung Hoseok always this loud? I understood that he was outraged because of all this drama, but can't he be a little more calm?

"Will you just let me talk? And please be a little less loud." He sighed. "I'm sorry." I nodded in response to let him know I accepted his apology.

"And he's afraid you won't hang out with him as much as you do now anymore. You spend 8 hours, 6 days a week with him. And lately I've been trying to join you guys as often as I could. You're a huge part of our lives. We're afraid to lose you... He-" "Hold up! Why would I...? Wait, let me start the sentence differently: Lose me? What are you talking about?"

A deep sigh came from the depth of my throat. "Do you really have no idea why he left? Why he took a few days to get away from you? I'm sorry this sounded harsh but in the end it's the truth - maybe more of the truth than I'm allowed to tell you. You were the reason why he wanted to leave."

Tears started to form in his eyes. Hobi, please... Don't cry... This is already hard enough without you crying, I thought. I wanted to shout into his face 'YOONGS HAS A FREAKING CRUSH ON YOU! HOW HAVE YOU NEVER NOTICED?! THAT'S WHY!!!'. But I didn't. This was not my thing to do.

"But what did I do?!" His bottom lip started to quiver.

"You know... This girl you met... What if you grow feelings for her? I mean this could happen once you get to know each other more. And what if you two would start dating? What will happen to us? He's worried you'll fall for her and that you won't have time for us or don't want to spend your spare time with us anymore - if you would date her, that is. Please understand this, Hobi. You mean more than anything to him. To both of us. You're more than our best friend to us. You're our family. You're always there for us to cheer us up, no matter what. You hide your own problems and feelings behind this beautiful wide smile of yours. I always asked myself: do you tell yourself 'I have to be strong for Yoongi hyung and Namjoon' before you decide to put on this smile even though you don't feel like smiling? Just so that we don't worry too much about you?"

He looked at me, tears running down his cheeks. He was crying so hard. I felt so sorry for him... Was I too harsh with my words?

The next second he came over to me and hugged me tightly, sobbing into the crook of my neck.

"Thank you for your words. I'm so sorry if I made you feel upset because I met Danbi. I really didn't mean to. I just thought you'd want to know what's going on in my life..." He whispered against the exposed skin of my neck. I smiled and pulled him closer into our hug. "We always want to know what's going on in your life! And I hope you will continue telling us everything about the little part of your life that we don't spend with you! Don't feel bad about telling us. You know Hyung isn't someone who likes to socialise with people. That's why he's just so worried to lose one of his only friends." "I would never choose a girl over you. I promise."

We broke the hug and talked for the remaining time until he had to leave to pick Danbi up at the bus stop near my house.

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