Chapter 8

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Yoongi POV:

I felt myself slowly awakening from a deep slumber. I didn't feel better than yesterday at all. Sometimes I really don't understand myself. Why didn't sleep make me feel better? I must've slept for long... I went to bed at 8PM. What time was it now?

I groaned and stretched my arms out. I was still curled up into the ball in which I had rolled myself into before "falling asleep". I decided to deny what I actually did before sleeping. It was only me who knew, but still. I didn't want to see myself as this weak guy. No one will ever know that I cried myself to sleep.

I turned on my left side to check the time. 1PM. I slept 17 hours straight. Well... Nothing unusual in my depressed state. I shrugged to myself. Whatever.

What do I do now that I'm awake? Oh! Right... Last night I promised Namjoon to call Jimin as soon as I wake up.

Yesterday it had seemed like a great idea to me... But now I wasn't so sure if I should really do it anymore. I ignored my thoughts and picked up my phone and the next second I had already dialed 'Park Jiminie'.


I heard a click in the line and then the soothing voice that I've been dying to hear.


His voice was so much deeper than usual, as if he was sleepy... Did I wake him up? Now I feel bad, I thought. But it's late. He's someone who wakes up early. And again I found myself in a fight with my thoughts about something stupid to which the answer is clear: Jimin hadn't been sleeping. There had to be a different reason to why his voice sounded deeper. Maybe it was because of my phone or his.

"Good morning, Jimin. It's Yoongi hyung..."
"Good morning? Hyung, it's lunch time! Did you sleep until now? It's nice that you're calling. I missed you!"
"To be honest yes... I'm sorry... I missed you too, but that's not why I'm calling..."
"Why are you apologising? You didn't do anything wrong! Are you alright? Why are you calling then? Do you need anything?"

I chuckled. He's always overreacting. It's so cute when he's worried about me, I thought.

"I don't know... I just don't feel well. I wanted to ask you something, that's why I'm calling..."
"Did something happen?"

Can't this boy let me talk for once? I was about to ask if I could visit him but he just didn't let me... *sigh*

"I don't want to talk about it. At least not on the phone..."

There was a minute of silence until he spoke again.

"Do you want me to come visit you in Seoul? I could be there in 6 hours."
"Actually I called because I wanted to ask you if I could come to Busan..."
"Yes! Sure! You can come whenever you want."

I could literally hear his bright smile with those cute slightly crooked teeth of his and his eyes forming into crescents through the phone. I could imagine his happy face at the thought of me visiting him just too well. We haven't met for quite a while. I really missed him. I had planned on visiting him as soon as I would have finished writing all the lyrics for the tracks on our mixtape, but now it was much sooner than I expected.

It was good in some way, I guess.

"What about 7PM? I would get ready, pack a few things and then drive to you."
"I'll be waiting for you. Do you want something special for dinner?"
"Your favorite food, maybe?"
"Kimchi jjigae? I already had that a few days ago... How about we just get fried chicken?"
"Sounds good."

Silence. Again. Why did we not know what to say when being on the phone? It was so different when we were talking to each other in person...

"Could I... By any chance... Maybe stay at your place for a few days instead of only one night...?"
"Of course you can, Yoongi! What's up with you? It's as if you're thinking I wouldn't like you anymore... Nothing changed! We just haven't talked let alone met for a few months... I can't wait for you to come here! I'll prepare everything for your arrival."
"Okay, I'll be there in about 5 hours!"
"Okay! Bye, Hyung!"
"Bye, Jiminie."

We hung up and I let myself fall back into my sheets. How long are 'a few days'? I wanted to be as far away from home - and from Jung Hoseok - for as long as possible...

I stood up with a sigh and walked over to my desk. I turned on some music and laid my phone down on it. After I had finally skipped enough songs for a song that I actually wanted to listen to right now to come on, I walked over to my closet and started searching for some clothes I'd need for 'a few days' in Busan.

I know, I know. I could've just chosen a song to play... But I'm the kind of person who has so many songs on his phone that he can't decide which song he wants to listen to. So I skip songs for as long as it takes until some song comes on that I like in that second.

Five tshirts. Three jeans. Four hoodies. Two pairs of sweats. Boxers. Several pairs of socks. Some shoes.

I threw the mountain of clothes onto my bed and stared at it for a moment. That should be enough, I thought. I pulled the big suitcase from under my bed, opened it and neatly placed the clothes in it. Only a few things left. I took a backpack and headed to my bathroom.

Hairbrush. Toothbrush. Toothpaste. Shampoo. Razor. Shaving creme. Aftershave. Body lotion. I threw all that mindlessly into the backpack and went back to my bedroom. I took my charger and threw it to the other things in the backpack just like my keys and similar stuff and got dressed.

Only five minutes later I was fully dressed, ran down the stairs and walked out my door - carefully locking it and checking that it really was locked twice - and sat in my car.

Annyeonghi gyeseyo, Seoul.

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