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I waited for Nico by the door. We didn't talk after classes. Nico just rushed into the bathroom to get dressed. I don't see what the point of that was, seeing as he only wore black.

"I'm ready," Nico said, walking out of the bathroom. He looked as cute as ever. He was wearing black jeans and a black hoodie that was almost three sizes too big. He put the hood on his head, and looked adorable

"Come on," I said offering him my hand. He took it. I almost squealed with joy. Physical contact. That was a huge step for Nico.

We walked down the road for about two blocks. The McDonald's wasn't that far away.

I held the door open for him, once again. You gotta treat a blanket burrito for what it is. Fragile, cute, and ready to bite your face off when you step out of line.

I followed Nico through the door. There wasn't any people there except for some thugs in the back corner.

Nico and I walked up to the cashier. "What do you want?" I asked Nico. "I'm paying, so get anything."

Nico looked at his shoes and blushed. He probably wanted something sort of expensive, but I don't mind. He shouldn't be embarrassed.

Nico looked up at me through his eyelashes. "Can I have a Happy Meal?"

I laughed a little, but I could tell he was serious. "Of course," I said, patting his head.

"One Happy Meal and a Quarter Pounder with small fries," I told the cashier. I payed for our food and we sat down at a booth in the back. Sitting there gave us a lot of privacy.

I watched Nico as he opened his Happy Meal box with a huge smile on his face. The first thing he went for was his cheeseburger. I couldn't help but stare as he tore into the poor burger.

Then he started on the fries.

Suddenly, my notifications went off on my phone. Nico was really into his fries, so I decided he wouldn't mind if I just took a peek...




DrSunshine: GO AWAY!

HuntressCakey: NEVER!

I ended up turning off my chat notifications as Cakey continued to spam me.

When I looked up I Nico, I saw the literal most adorable sight ever.

"Swoosh!" Nico said, making his toy Superman fly. "Swoooh."

"Nico," I said, smiling. "You're the most adorable thing, ya know?"

Nico looked at his feet and blushed. "You weren't suppose to see that."

I reached across the table for his hand and held it.

"It was too cute for me to never see," I said, looking into his eyes once he raised his head again.

"Get a room!" One of the thugs shouted from across the restaurant. Just to avoid losing all dignity to those thugs, I quickly finished the last two bites of my hamburger.

"Ready to go, Blanket Burrito?" I asked, standing up and offering Nico my hand.

"Blanket Burrito?" He asked, taking my hand.

I smiled. "It suits you."

"Better than Neeks?" He asked.

"Definitely," I said, looking down at the adorable sight.

"Okay, Sunshine," Nico said, smiling up at me.


(A/N) Okay, so I said there was gonna be some smoochy smoochy in this chapter, but I'm gonna save it for next chapter. This one is already long enough. (It swear to the Gods, if anybody writes "That's what she said" in comments...)

Anyhow, my mind is trashed and I'm just gonna leave it there.

Hope you guys enjoyed! Thanks for reading/voting/commenting, and I'll see ya later

Sunshine and Blanket Burritos (Solangelo High School AU)Where stories live. Discover now