Chapter 24

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Third Person POV

It felt like days...

Months even...

Before those glorious knocks came sounding on the door.

It was probably the weekend and the only thing which led Sammy to believe such is because Gabriel leaves every Friday to go join Jared at his other new place and returns on monday night. Sammy was thankful, because it was probably a week or two after his first coming here and the weekends were his only time of freedom.

Sammy mostly spent it moping and napping on his bed in the corner or scrubbing himself until he bled and soaking in the sunshine on the porch. Currently, he was on the porch cowering in fear while leaning on the concrete wall on the patio, next to the sliding door. 

He peeked through and gasped.

Inside the apartment was a worried looking Jared. He was pacing up and down and had his hand on his right ear, murmuring into the phone. 

Why on earth is he here?!?! Sammy wondered in slight fright, but then it clicked. I thought he didn't know about this place... unless if he always knew.

Sammy carefully crouched down while eying a very vexed Jared. 

Jared on the other hand was pacing up and down his boyfriend's 'secret' apartment. He rolled his eyes as he thought of Gabriel thinking he was doing a good job at keeping this place to himself.

He was never a good liar...  Jared thought as he redialed his now missing -for two days- boyfriend. He bit his lip and murmured some more to himself as he scanned the empty yet somewhat unkempt surrounding. 

Typical of Gabriel to never clean.


'Owww!!' A voice slowly cried out in shock.

Jared frowned and made his way to where the noise came from- the balcony. Apparently, clumsy Sammy forgot about the old metal flower pot which housed a withering white rose bush. 

Why would anyone  even have a metal flower pot, anyway.

Sammy groaned and rubbed his forehead as the curious Jared slowly and surely made his way over to the patio, cautiously. Sammy was still trying to figure out whether or not he should make his presence known to Jared when he saw the familiar warm orbs staring down at him, confusedly.

Jared frowned, too confused to bother with asking him why he was only clad in a raggedy long tee shirt and some boxer shorts. "Sammy?? What on earth are you doing here?"

"Ugh, ask your crazy boyfriend." Sammy sassed back, most likely figuring out that Jared had nothing to do with his brutal kidnapping and hostage situation, yet completely suspicious of him nonetheless.

"Come on." Jared helped Sammy stand up, trying but failing to keep his eyes away from Sammy's milky thighs he missed so much. Jared shook his head and eyed Sammy, once more, utterly confused by someone 'knowing' about Gabriel's private place and even more so this person was Sammy, Jared's ex. "Why are you here? What's going on and where's Gabriel?" Jared flew multiple questions at Sammy, the concern for his boyfriend evident in his voice.

"Your crazy boyfriend kidnapped me." Sammy pushed back a grateful sob that finally someone came to his rescue- regardless of it being Jared. 

"Wait, wha-"

"He stripped me of all my possessions and has been keeping me hostage." Sammy cleared his throat and began lacing up his shoes. Sammy's nonchalancy about the situation was very much exaggerated yet he didn't want Jared to delay their departure, so Sammy played it cool. 

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