Season 3 - Episode 20: A Different Shade of Pink

Start from the beginning

"Way to go!"

"You did it!"

(The team swarms Sammy in celebration as she beams in the spotlight. She then spots Robbie leaning by a tree and skips over to him excitedly.)

Sammy: Robbie!!! You came to see me!

Robbie: Take them apples with a bag a chips?

Sammy: Oh no you had to be there. They had this whole taunt going on us.

Robbie: Sounds like a rough bunch.

Sammy: Totally. You... wanna get a drink?

Robbie: Sure.

(Moments later the two sit in a bench nearby a hotdog vendor, with two sodas in hand.)

Sammy: ...and so I tried out for this outside team when I found out the cheerleaders have a monopoly on volleyball and gymnastics.

Robbie: Yeah. They get around.

Sammy: Tell me about it.

(Remembering his current situation, Robbie quickly tries to walk it back.)

Robbie: Uh... that's not what I meant by the way. I meant...

Sammy: (Interrupts) I mean they think the whole world revolves around them. Just because all the stupid guys in our school worship them and all the teachers validate them. It's so annoying.

Robbie: Yeah...

Sammy: Honestly, besides their looks that's all hype and makeup, what else is there to them?

Robbie: (Shrugs) I don't know. I mean they also have the ability to ruin a man's life. Some guys might be into that.

Sammy: Sounds like sad men.

Robbie: Well on that we can agree.

Sammy: So anyway, enough about me. What about you? What's been going on with you since we both promised to move past our past?

Robbie: (Shrugs) I've been okay. Fewer bad days at least. I mean, that is...

Sammy: What?

Robbie: Well, Kim's leaving. She's moving to Florida.

Sammy: (Gasps) Kim? Aw she's so cute.

Robbie: Sure. She's trying out for the Pan Global games.

Sammy: Oh my god that's so amazing! Well you should be happy for her!

Robbie: I mean I am happy for her. And she's a great gymnast and all. I'm just a little bummed for myself. She really helped me through this time. She made a really bad time in my life slightly more bearable. Hanging with her was one of the few things I looked forward to. She's been like my only friend.

(Out of nowhere, Sammy punches Robbie in the arm.)

Robbie: Ow! What was that?!

Sammy: So what am I then, doofus? I'm not your friend? You don't look forward to seeing me?!

Robbie: I do. Geez. (Rubs arm) That's... not what I meant. It's just... never mind.

Sammy: You know what I think your problem is?

Robbie: Tiny Asian girls?

Sammy: No. You like to get all mopey and depressed and act like you're all alone. When really, you have a lot more people that care about you than you really care to admit.

Robbie: I guess... I mean, I guess I do have a girlfriend now.

Sammy: (Gasps) Really?!

Robbie: She lives in Canada. You don't know her.

Sammy: Oh. Well, I know Kim's friendship means a lot to you. And if there's nothing you can do to stop her from going, then the next best thing is to make sure you tell her what her friendship meant to you before you go. Get closure. Like I wish I got when Jason left.

(Robbie stares out into the open, then nods before getting up.)

Robbie: Yeah. You're right. I guess I'll go speak to her then. Thanks.

Sammy: No problem-o.

(Robbie marches forward, but walking in his direction and blocking his way are Bulk and Skull.)

Bulk: Out of our way dweeb.

Robbie: ...

(They play a brief mirror game before getting by. They take a seat where Robbie sat.)

Sammy: What's up with you guys?

Bulk: Nothing. Nothing at all. We literally have nothing going for us.

Sammy: Oh?

Bulk: Skull got canned as a DJ after botching another wedding. And I got a discharge notice from the service.

Sammy: Wait, service? The military?

Bulk: Postal.

Sammy: Oh.

Skull: We have nothing going for us. I mean ever since we lost our jobs as junior police it's been all downhill since.

(As Sammy tries to console her downtrodden friends, Zedd gets to work back on the moon. He studies the void in space stoically, looking for any clues that get him closer to where he needs to be. Finally he find something...)

Lord Zedd: Vile, come quick. I've found him.

Master Vile: Found who?

Lord Zedd: Ninjor.

Master Vile: What? So quickly? I've spent weeks looking for him. Why I've covered the depths of the known universe and came up empty. Where is he?

Lord Zedd: Angel Grove.

Master Vile: Oh.

(Stunned and stupefied, Vile quietly walks over to the telescope to see.)

Lord Zedd: He's in bad shape. Likely searching for help from the rangers.

(Vile finds Ninjor collapsed on the floor of the park. Struggling to move another inch, he phases in and out of his morphed state.)

Master Vile: This is almost too simple. We send down the troops right away. A quick pick up, in and out.

Lord Zedd: Nonsense. We are inches away from obtaining everything we need to rule the world. Now's the time for grandeur. Grab my wife and meet me at the park.

Master Vile: Your wife is not here. She's giving Thrax a tour of the fire station.

(Cut to earth, where Rita is casually walking down the street pushing a carriage. She stops outside a local fire house. She looks around inconspicuously then knocks three times. The door opens...)

Fire Fighter: Hello?

(Rita vanishes, leaving the carriage behind.)

Fire Fighter: Anyone there?

(Back on the moon...)

Master Vile: But I bet the father of the year knows where his own kid is.

Lord Zedd: Silence. Then I go down myself.

(Back in the park, not too far from Ninjor's location, Katherine is seen going for a casual stroll. Finally free from Rita and Zedd's control she takes her time with her walks and take in all the small things she once took for granted. Out of nowhere though, she feels a tight grip around her mouth, before she can process what's going on, the grip tightens and she's pulled beyond her will against a nearby tree.)

"Where is he?!"

Katherine: (Struggling) Gaaaaah!!

(Still disoriented, she can only make out the tentacle in front of her face.)

Kraken: Take me to him now.

(Kraken's tentacle slips down around her neck. Immediately she begins feeling faint. Foam falls out of her mouth as she struggles for breath. Finally he releases the grip momentarily to allow her to answer.)

Katherine: (gasps) Who... are... you... talking abou--


(He grabs her again from her keeled position and slams her against the tree.)

Kraken: You have until the count of three, or you die where you stand.\.

Katherine: Gaaaaaah!!

Kraken: One.

(Panic sets in, coupled with an inevitability that she won't be able to escape in time.)

Katherine: (Wheeze) ...

Kraken: Two.

Katherine: ...

(She feels herself slipping away. Her grip losesns...)


(Further down and with his power morpher out, Robbie charges for the rescue.)

Robbie: Let her go, now!

Kraken: ...

(He stops some ten yards short and throws his hands forward.)

Robbie: It's morphin ti--

Kraken: This doesn't concern you, brown ranger.

Robbie: ...

Kraken: This is between me and Zedd's mole.

Robbie: What? Mole?

Katherine: I don't... (Gags) I don't work for him... anymore...

Kraken: (Tightens grip) LIAR.

Robbie: What?!

Katherine: It's... true...

(Kraken eyes her carefully, then drops her. Before Robbie can make a move, Kraken reaches for his waist and throws a flash grenade to the ground.)

Robbie: Ahhh!!

(Robbie is briefly paralyzed as his vision is distorted. Once it resets, he finds that Kraken is already gone. Katherine is safe, if not for the bruising around her neck and her gasping for air. Carefully, he approaches her.)

Robbie: ...

Katherine: (Wheeze) Thank you...

(But he doesn't reply. She looks up at him...)

Katherine: I suppose... I have some explaining to do.

Robbie: Yeah. You do.

(Moments later, Katherine finds herself in the parking lot of the Juice Bar, standing in the middle of a circle of ranger. Each of them looking at her as if she were some alien to be cautious around, perhaps justifiably so.)

Robbie: Go on. Tell them what Kraken said.

(She looks around as her heart sinks as she knows her past deeds, and perhaps worse, her inability to come clean in time, has probably sealed her fate in their eyes.)

Katherine: I... I was a mole for Lord Zedd and Rita. They had me under a spell. And I followed their orders.

Kimberly: ...

Tommy: ...

Katherine: And I feel truly awful. And I'm not under their control anymore. I can ev--

Kimberly: How do we know? I mean, how do we know she's not lying?

Robbie: She was attacked by Kraken. Probably looking to get to Zedd. She told him as much.

Kimberly: And? She doesn't want someone who wants to kill her boss from getting to him.

Katherine: He's not my boss. Kimberly, I promise. I... I'm one of you guys.

(Kimberly snorts at the notion.)

Kimberly: No you're not.

Katherine: Kimberly... I...

Kimberly: At worst, you're a manipulative little twit, who does and says whatever she needs to either get what she wants or to get out of trouble.

Katherine: ...

Tommy: Kim, I think that's enough...

Kimberly: No. It's not. And at best, you're dishonest. Even if we were to believe that you were under Zedd's spell but not anymore, you've still conveniently failed to mention that to us. And you've seen what they're doing, you know what their plan is. They want to conquer this planet. They want to decimate everything here, everything we've fought for.

Katherine: ...

Kimberly: And you practically have a key to their base where we might be able to stop them, and instead you play Mario Kart with Billy and Adam and hope this whole thing blows over.

Robbie: She has a point, Tommy.

Tommy: ...

Adam: What do we do with her?

Katherine: Whatever you want. I completely surrender.

(Just then, Tommy's communicator rings.)

Tommy: (Sighs) ...

Robbie: Wait here. We'll be back.

Katherine: Okay.

(The teens rush around their corner of the Youth Center and make sure the coast is clear before taking the call.)

Tommy: We read you Zordon.

Zordon: Rangers, head to Angel Grove Park immediately. Alpha has found Ninjor.

Billy: Ninjor?!

Zordon: He is collapsed on the floor and in grave condition.

Robbie: You mean he's alive?

Zordon: Barely. He is in danger however and vulnerable to kidnapping. Get to him and bring him back to the command center for medical attention.

Tommy: Right away. (Disconnects) Let's go guys.

(Without second thought, the ranger's teleport to the park, leaving Katherine alone. Not for long however as Sammy, Bulk and Skull are seen approaching the Youth Center's parking lot.)

Sammy: I don't think I can help you guys. You sort of made your bed with the Junior Police. I mean my daddy was stunned with how quickly you two went rogue. I mean like Lt. Stone says there's a thin line between preserving the peace and disturbing the peace.

Skull: Ugh. I'm so sick of hearing that line.

Sammy: Not only that, but you two somehow managed to bungle every task that was assigned to you. You guys couldn't even patrol the beach without causing trouble. And like Stone says there's a difference between rubbing lotion on yourself and rubbing yourself with lotion.

Bulk: Is there a point to you rubbing it in? Are you gonna help us get back in or not?

Sammy: Look, I know you guys. You're great guys. But there's a reason I don't trust cops. Even my dad at times: Power corrupts. And absolute power corrupts absolutely. You give a meathead a badge and gun, he doesn't suddenly become a superhero.

Bulk: ...

Skull: ...

Sammy: But maybe there's something else you'd be good at?

(They let Sammy's surprisingly insightful words sink in for a moment. Interrupted only by the feint sounds of weeping in the distance.)

Sammy: (Raises an eyebrow) You guys hear that?

(They turn the corner and find Katherine, standing in place, weeping into her hands.)

Skull: Hey, doesn't she go to our school?

Bulk: Yeah I know her.

(They walk over to her.)

Sammy: Hey. Is... everything okay?

Katherine: (Sniffs) I'm horrible. I'm absolutely horrible. The world would be better off without me here.

Sammy: Hey! That's no way to talk about yourself.

Skull: Yeah. And you should never say things like that. People care about you.

Katherine: No they don't. I have no one. Ever since I came to Angel Grove I've done nothing but hurt those around me. Everyone hates me.

Bulk: We don't hate you.

Skull: Yeah. I mean we all do stupid stuff.

Bulk: Yep. If you look at our work files with the junior police "stupid stuff" is probably the written under "reason for termination."

(Unexpectedly, Katherine laughs briefly. Then quickly reels it back in.)

Katherine: Thank you...

(Finding her to be slightly chilly, Bulk takes off his signature leather jacket and puts it around her. Sammy looks up at him, taken aback. The sentiments are short lived unfortunately, as painful groans are heard nearby.)

Katherine: What is that?


(From around the corner, Thrax, now toddler sized and walking, trudges into the Juice Bar parking lot, as if following a scent.)

Sammy: Ahhh!!!

Bulk: What is that?!

Katherine: Oh no...


Skull: It's coming for us. What do we do?

Bulk: Quick Skull, what would we do if we were still on the force?

(They turn to one another, before old instincts take over...)


(They turn around and run. Sammy follows shortly behind.)

Sammy: Wait for me you bozos!


(Recognizing the portions of this unholy amalgamation that resemble Lord Zedd, it quickly dawns on Katherine that she's staring at Rita and Zedd's spawn.)

Katherine: The rangers... I gotta get the rangers...

(She runs away. Meanwhile, at Angel Grove Park, where the rangers are currently in search for Ninjor's collapsed body. He is found by a small boy nearby recycling bins.)

Ninjor: ...

Boy: Mommy, what is that on the ground?

Mom: That's garbage, dear. Don't touch it.

Ninjor: ...

(From a distance, the rangers spot their fallen ally.)

Tommy: Look, there he is.

Kimberly: Ninjor!

(They bolt up a hill to get to him, falling to their knees to aid him. Kimberly lifts his head onto her lap.)

Billy: Ninjor! Ninjor, are you okay?

(Ninjor struggles to summon the breath to speak.)

Ninjor: R-rangers...

Kimberly: Ninjor! It's okay! We're here.

Ninjor I... (Deep breaths) don't have much time left.

Kimberly: Don't speak like that, we're getting you help.

Ninjor: No... no time.

Aisha: We gotta pick him up. He's withering away.

Ninjor: No.

(Ninjor uses up all of his strength to throw his hand in the air, as if to stop them from coming any closer.)

Ninjor: Heed my warning... (Inhales) Zedd's army is coming... it is... unlike anything we have ever seen. We do not... stand a chance as we are... (Coughs) he (Coughs) will decimate you all instantly.

(As Ninjor coughs in a struggle to catch his breath, his words hit the ranger teens harder than any attack they've ever sustained. For it truly dawned on them, for all their petulant infighting. For all their concerns about relationships and personal vendettas, they lost sight of what they should have been focusing on. They were warned about the threat Zedd's growing army posed. And they knew it was going to be bad, but they were stuck in their hubris that it would all just work out. Until now.)

Adam: Is there any way we can beat him?

Ninjor: You must... harness the energy of the earth to fight back... the Zeo crystals.

Tommy: You know where they are?

Ninjor: They are buried... they are...

"You guys! You guys!"

(Ninjor is interrupted by Kat who is seen frantically running up the hill.)

Rocky: Kat? Kat what's going on?

Katherine: Angel Grove is in danger. You have to help!

(The rangers instinctively drop everything and stand up to face her.)

Tommy: What's going on?!

Katherine: We're under attack. He's gonna get us!

Robbie: Who's he?

"His name is Lord Zedd, emperor of all you see."

(They turn back around and find Zedd, surrounded by Tengas, who are now holding a limp Ninjor by the arms.)

Tommy: Zedd!!

Robbie: He has Ninjor!

(Kim turns around.)

Kimberly: (Points) You did this!


Lord Zedd: Soon enough I will hold the secrets to unlock the power of this earth. I will be the immortal ruler of this galaxy and you will all bow to me.

(And just like that, he vanishes.)


(Robbie turns to Katherine. He makes a bee line for her, grabs her by the shoulders and shakes her.)

Robbie: What did you do?!

Katherine: I'm sorry!

Robbie: You betrayed us!

Katherine: No! I-I didn't mean to!

Robbie: Liar!

Kimberly: You still work for Zedd! You tricked us!

Katherine: No I don't. I swear!

Robbie: What you did could cost us all our lives. Do you get that?! Not just our lives. We're on the front lines. We're the first to go. Everyone. Your mom, your dad, whatever friends you haven't alienated yet. This isn't some cute high school game--

Katherine: I have no one, okay?!

Robbie: ...

Katherine:'re the only people that I know. I have no memory of having a life before I was under Zedd's control. As far as I know I'm only months old.

(Finally, Tommy steps in.)

Tommy: Alright, ease up you guys. Yelling isn't gonna get us anywhere.

Katherine: I'm so, so sorry. Look, I can help you. I know a way into the castle. I can get you all in. I can help stop this. Throw me in prison for all I care, just let me fix this. Please, I didn't mean for any of this to happen.

Kimberly: ...

Tommy: Okay. Follow us to the command center then. We'll need to talk to Zordon first.

Katherine: Okay.

(The teens guide the emotional Katherine off to a quiet spot where they can teleport. Meanwhile...)

Lord Zedd: We've got him!!

(Zedd celebrates on the moon with all of his goons behind him as well as Master Vile.)

Master Vile: And this time we don't let him go.

Lord Zedd: Not until his secret is ours.

(Zedd walks to the back where Finster's workshop has been repurposed into somewhat of a torture chamber. Ninjor is tied to a table by each limb.)

Ninjor: Zedd... I... I'll never speak to you... I'll die before I speak...

Lord Zedd: Thankfully we can make that death as long and painful as we please. Baboo?

(Baboo scurries in from around the corner, proudly wielding a potion in his hand.)

Baboo: With my age defying formula, Ninjor's rapid aging will stabilize, giving us all the time in the world we need to find out where those Zeo crystals are.

Lord Zedd: You hear that? "Age defying formula."

Ninjor: ...

Lord Zedd: That means you will speak.

(Zedd hovers over his adversary, then slaps him across the face.)

Ninjor: Ugh...

Lord Zedd: Or we will make what's left of your pathetic existence as miserable as possible.

Ninjor: Do your worst.

Lord Zedd: Oh, I plan to.

Ninjor: ...

To be continued.

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Robbie Chronicles - Volume 3Where stories live. Discover now