Season 3 - Episode 9 - Toying With Trust

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(We pick up where we left off at the Juice Bar where the teens remain stunned. A new girl Katherine, has just walked in and immediately put the moves on Tommy. She convinced him to leave with her in order to go "fix her car." It seemed so surprising and out of nowhere, yet contrived. Some time has passed yet Tommy still hasn't returned. The rest of the teens try in vain to minimize Kim's growing anxiety.)

Kimberly: (Checks watch) You guys, it's been thirty minutes.

Billy: I'm sure everything's okay Kim. It's probably taking him a while to fix Katherine's car.

Kimberly: He's not a mechanic Billy. If it's more than a flat tire he wouldn't know what to do.

Adam: Do you actually think Tommy would do anything?

Kimberly: ...

Billy: He's right. Tommy's crazy about you. He wouldn't stray or be unfaithful.

Kimberly: Yeah... I just didn't like that girl throwing herself all over my boyfriend. And I mean... Tommy should've known better than to go with her. It was so clearly making me uncomfortable.

Robbie: Not everyone is a mind reader like you Kim.

Kimberly: Not everyone is clueless as you either.

Billy: Granted, she didn't make the best first impression. But I'm sure you've got nothing to worry about.

Kimberly: Yeah... (Exhales) maybe you're right. Maybe I'm just overthinking it.

(Kim appears to settle down afterwards and at least pretends to put it out of her mind with a couple sips of her shake. An extended silence follows as the teens try to think of something to change the subject to.)

Rocky: She was cute though.

Kimberly: ...I think I'm gonna go use the bathroom.

(Kim slides out of her chair and nearly bolts toward the exit.)

Billy: Kim, no.

Aisha: Kim you're acting like a psycho.

Robbie: I need to see this.

Adam: Wait up.

(As the others follow after her, Adam turns, smacking Rocky upside his head on the way out.)

Rocky: Ahh! What was that for?!

(Kim storms out the front door and heads up north of the Juice Bar hoping to find Katherine's car and nothing else. The other tail behind trying to convince her to come to her senses.)

Aisha: Kim, you're not being rational right now. Don't give in to your insecurities. Just come back.

Kimberly: I don't see a car! Where is she? Where's Big Foot?!

(Kim continues to march up the road, getting more and more worked up the further she goes without seeing anything. Thinking up a billion negative scenarios in mere seconds, it fails to register when she suddenly finds her boyfriend passed out in a ditch in the side of the road.)

Kimberly: (Gasps) Oh my... Oh my god, Tommy!

(She and the others rush over. Aisha notices something strange nearby and stays behind.)

Kimberly: Tommy! Are you okay?

Tommy: Uuugh.

Billy: He's awake.

Kimberly: Help him up.

Tommy: No! Ahh. My head is throbbing.

Kimberly: Tommy, what happened?

Tommy: I have no clue. I was working on Kat's car--

Kimberly: "Kat?"

Tommy: That's short for Katherine.

Kimberly: Oh.

Tommy: I needed a Jack to look under her car. The last thing I remember was me checking out her trunk.

Rocky: Alright!

Kimberly: ...

Aisha: Do you know if she had a cat by any chance?

(Aisha carries over a small white cat over that appears to be too neatly groomed to be a stray.)

Tommy: I don't know. Where is she, by the way?

Robbie: We were hoping you would tell us.

Adam: Yeah. We just found you here.

Billy: It's possible you were blindsided and Katherine fled.

Tommy: I hope so. I hope she didn't get hurt or something.

Kimberly: That would be horrible.

(Tommy gathers the strength to get up on his own.)

Tommy: I might give her a call just to make sure she's okay.

Kimberly: Oh. So you have her number?

Tommy: No. Just the number to a hotel I referred her to.

Billy: Well I guess as long as you're in one piece then I doubt there's any cause for concern. You might wanna check in with Alpha though as a precautionary measure.

Tommy: Nah. I think I'll be fine. I just need some Aspirin.

Billy: ...alright.

(Appearing to be in one piece, Tommy starts heading back toward the Juice Bar with the others. Aisha decides to take the abandoned cat with her. Meanwhile on the moon, Lord Zedd and Rita appear to celebrate something.)

Lord Zedd: YES!!

Rita: We did it! We have the white ranger power under our control!

Rito: Are you serious? This is huge! Great job, Ed.

Squatt: (Gasps) We have the white ranger coin?

Baboo: Oh goodie! Let me see!

Squatt: I wanna touch it!

Finster: I'm afraid that isn't possible.

(Finster calmly walks out of his workshop.)

Finster: Katherine was unfortunately unable to actually take the white power coin. Sadly when it was created, a firewall was added so that the "forces of evil" cannot take it.

Rito: Evil? This face? Nah.

Finster: What we did was install a malware that enables us to take control of the white power source from Zordon's very own morphin grid.

Rita: That way we can use the powers for ourselves and block out Tommy from messing things up. Excellent work, Finster.

Finster: (Bows) Why thank you my queen.

Lord Zedd: Yes, you actually did something right for a change. You made something that can't explode later.

Finster: Yes...

Rita: What we need now is a vessel to transfer those powers to.

Lord Zedd: Yes. But who is worthy of handling such power. Or what...

(The following day, the teens are out doing their own things with what happened last night largely behind them. Aisha is dutifully out putting up flyers for the found cat. Rocky and Billy are at Adam's preparing for a big day, while Tommy, Kimberly and Robbie are in the Juice Bar again studying. At least Robbie and Kim are studying. Well...)

Kimberly: Okay so I've gone through all of Chapter 7 and 8. You think we can quiz each other now?

(Robbie appears to be scribbling feverishly onto a sheet of notebook paper and lost in his own world.)

Kimberly: Robbie!

(Startled, Robbie quickly reaches for his textbook.)

Robbie: Wha--? Yeah I read it. What page is the quiz on?

Kimberly: That's not even the right book.


(A laughter comes from a table near the center of the Juice Bar. Tommy is there with Katherine filling out some papers. The laugh pierces through Kimberly's soul and clearly throws her off.)

Robbie: Still threatened by the new girl?

(There's no response.)

Robbie: Why don't you just talk to him?

Kimberly: And seem needy and insecure?

Robbie: You stormed out of the Juice Bar yesterday to go hunt him and "big foot" down. I think that ship has sailed.

Kimberly: Yeah but he doesn't know that.

Robbie: Trust is an important thing in a relationship. In any relationship. You need to trust him like Angel Grove needs to trust us. Nothing works without it.

Kimberly: That's cute. Remind me how you and Trini broke up again?

(Robbie shrugs)

Robbie: I acted irrationally. And I sure wished I talked to her about my concerns instead of stewing in anger.

(She pauses, as if to silently concede his point.)

Kimberly: Yeah. I-I don't know. You know, normally I'm not even the jealous type. You know it's not even really him I'm worried about. But her. There's something about her... I just don't know if I trust her.

Robbie: Well if you trust him that that's all that should matter, right?

Kimberly: That's easy for you to say. It's not like Trini ever hung around hot guys.

Robbie: Are you kidding me? Do you not remember Ritchie? That 2 dimensional, walking smile? It drove me nuts when she started hanging out with him. Katherine's not even all that. I mean she's alright. She's a bit tall and doofy looking. Flatter than a disk too. I think you're okay.

(Kim smiles, reassured.)

Kimberly: I guess I shouldn't worry so much. Thanks.

Robbie: No problem.


Katherine: (Giggles) You wanna date?

Kimberly: WHAT?!

(Kim nearly breaks her neck turning around to confront her.)

Kimberly: What was that?

Katherine: Um. Sorry. I asked him if he wanted a date. They're very healthy.

(Katherine shows Kim a bowl a fruit in her hand.)

Katherine: Would you care for one?

Kimberly: Oh. (Laughs) No, thank you.

(She returns to her seat, red faced.)

Kimberly: Oh my God, how embarrassing.

Katherine: (whispers) You should totally cheat.

Kimberly: Excuse me?

(She turns back around.)

Katherine: On the test this Monday. Tommy said he's having difficulties preparing.

Tommy: Don't worry, I won't. You can trust me.

Kimberly: Oh.

(She turns back around.)

Kimberly: What is wrong with me? Am I going crazy?

Tommy: Sex?

Kimberly: What was that?!

Tommy: We're applying for a visa. Kim what's gotten into you?

Kimberly: Uh... I'm sorry.

(Ashamed of her own behavior, yet unable to contain it, Kim walks out of the Juice Bar humiliated.)

Tommy: Kim? Kim...

(He gets up.)

Tommy: I'm sorry Kat, I've got to go.

Katherine: No, it's quite alright. I understand, really.

Tommy: Maybe we can pick up later?

Katherine: I can't, sorry. I have to go get ready for Comic Con.

Tommy: Comic Con?

(Meanwhile, at Adams house...)

Adam: Comic Con!

Billy: Comic Con?

Adam: Comic Con. A yearly gathering of all things nerdy.

Billy: I know what it is. I went there last year. Didn't go so well.

Adam: Wait till you see the roster of guests for this year.

(Adam hands him a flyer.)

Rocky: "Special guests include: Stan Lee, George Takaei, Hulk Hogan and Jason David Frank."

Adam: Not bad, huh?

Billy: Not bad.

Adam: I've already got my costume picked out.

Billy: You know you're a Power Ranger, right? You'll fit in just fine in costume.

Adam: Who wants to fit in, when you can stand out?

(Adam opens a walk in closet in his room, revealing a treasure chest of toys and collectibles.)

Billy: Whoa. This is incredible.

Adam: I know right? I have a collection of toys from all my favorite TV shows and video games growing up.

Billy: Al? Big Al from Happy Days had an action figure?

Adam: With Kung-Fu grip. You have no clue how much restraint it's taken to not play with that.

Rocky: You must get a ton of chicks with this room.

Adam: Right.

(A short pause follows. Adam then turns around and looks for his costume while Rocky and Billy admire his toy collection.)

Rocky: Wow, you have the whole ranger team here. Impressive.

Adam: Yeah, they even have civilian faces if you flip their heads over. They look nothing like us though. I look like a black guy. Go figure.

Billy: Interesting.

(While they continue to dig through Adam's closet, Zedd looks in. A light bulb flashes over his head.)

Lord Zedd: That's it! Who better to take control of ranger powers than rangers?!

Goldar: Uh, I don't understand my lord. You're gonna give the white ranger power to one of the other rangers? How would that help us?

Lord Zedd: Not those do goodies, the dolls. The black rangers' dolls.

Baboo: Action figures.

Lord Zedd: Whatever. They already have costumes. All they need is a little magic and some white ranger power and I will have my very own army to attack Angel Grove! Bahahaha!

Goldar: They won't know what hit them!

Baboo: Oh.

Squatt: Uh...

Lord Zedd: What? What's wrong?

Baboo: Well I mean. I-it sounds like a good plan and all your evilness... but uh...

Squatt: Haven't we seen this before?

Baboo: A few times?

Goldar: What?! How dare you question the methods of the ruler of all evil? You two ought to be banished for your treason--

Lord Zedd: Silence.

Goldar: ...

Lord Zedd: The goons have a point.

Baboo: We do?

Squatt: Oh thank god.

Lord Zedd: I shall have to turn it up a notch if I want this plan to work out.

(Listening in on the conversation, Rita and Rito join in...)

Rito: Why don't we do what the Kat girl is already doing to the ranger team? Destroy the trust!

Lord Zedd: I'm listening.

Rito: We can use the powers to energize our own ranger team. Then use them to attack citizens. I mean really go at it too.

Lord Zedd: Hmm. Not enough. I've done this all before.

Rita: (Chiming in) How about if we use the fake rangers to I.D. the real rangers. We can harass people they know and go to places they go.

Lord Zedd: Brilliant!

Rita: Word will spread of their identities and civilians will report their misdeeds.

Lord Zedd: The world will be after them. They will no longer be able to live much less fight my monsters. Oh, this plan is fool proof.

Goldar: (Murmurs to self) Not if Rita had anything to do with it.

(Lord Zedd marches up to the balcony and lifts his staff.)

Lord Zedd: All we need to get started, are the black rangers' toys.

(A dark energy beam emits from his Z-Staff toward earth. It reaches Adam's home and swipes his power ranger collection the second he, Rocky and Billy step away. Meanwhile at Angel Grove Park, Tommy is seen chasing after Kimberly.)

Tommy: Kim! Kim wait!

Kimberly: No. I need to be alone.

Tommy: Kim, please just tell me what's wrong!

Kimberly: Just leave me alone for a bit, please!

(As Tommy disregards her pleas and follows her deep into the park, Robbie is seen casually walking behind them though not particularly following them. He comes across Aisha who has a stack of papers in her hand.)

Robbie: Hey.

Aisha: Hey. What was that?

Robbie: Nothing important. Where's the cat?

Aisha: I left her home.

Robbie: So... she's yours now?

Aisha: No... not yet. Adam guilt tripped me into at least making an effort to find the owner first. So I'm putting up flyers.

(She hands Robbie one of her flyers.)

Aisha: I'll give them a week.

Robbie: This flyer is stupid. It'll never work.

Aisha: What? Why?

Robbie: There's no number here.

Aisha: Oh...

Robbie: It just says "I found a cat." And it's a picture of you holding the cat and smiling.

Aisha: I'll give them a week to find me. You studying?

(Trying to quickly switch topics. she gestures at the notebook in his hand.)

Robbie: Huh? Oh this? No, it's nothing. Just something I'm working on for Comic Con.

Aisha: You're going? Me too. I'm gonna dress as cat woman. What do you think?

Robbie: I think you need a boyfriend.

(Robbie's communicator goes off, confounding him a little. He and Aisha hide under a tree to receive the call.)

Robbie: I read you Zordon.

Zordon: Robbie. Cease what you are doing at once.

Robbie: Huh?

Zordon: I order you to stand down.

Robbie: Zordon, relax. That's just how we talk to each other. It's no big deal.

Zordon: What? Where are you?

Aisha: Robbie and I are at the park. Why?

Zordon: Aisha? But you are downtown.

Aisha: I don't think so.

Zordon: Hmm. This is very troubling. Please report to the command center immediately.

Robbie: Okay.

(He disconnects.)

Aisha: Is he okay?

Robbie: Better than you.

Aisha: Bite me, bone smuggler.

(The two teleport to the command center. They are shortly followed by the equally confounded Tommy, Kimberly, Billy, Adam and Rocky.)

Zordon: Rangers, my apologies for thinking you would abdicate your duties in any way.

Aisha: What's going on Zordon?

Zordon: Behold the viewing globe.

(Footage of Rangers assaulting citizens.)

Zordon: It appears Rita and Zedd are using clones to assault citizens of Angel Grove.

Robbie: Haven't they done this before?

Billy: Yeah, a couple times.

Zordon: Correct. However this time, they've taken it a step further.

(The image cuts to the top of a building. The black, blue, yellow and pink rangers appear.)

Fake Black Ranger: Let's get one thing straight. My name is Adam Park. That's Billy Cranston, Kimberly Hart and Aisha Campbell. And we worship Satan! Hui-yaaaaa!!!!

Kimberly: (gasps) They're revealing our identities.

Adam: This isn't good.

Alpha: And that's not all.

(Alpha cuts from downtown to the inside of a large chain pharmacy. The red ranger approaches the cash register where Hillary, Hannah's friend is working.)

Fake Red Ranger: My name is Rocky DeSantos. I attend Angel Grove High. My social security number is 122-05-2007. I would like a box of small condoms please.

Rocky: That's ridiculous!!

"Small condoms needed at register."

Robbie: (Chuckling) You gotta admit, that's kinda funny.

Tommy: Yeah it was.

(Alpha then switches to the outdoor seating of the Juice Bar. The brown and white rangers appear together, with their civilian faces showing.)

Fake White Ranger: I love you Robbie.

Fake Brown Ranger: I love you too Tommy.

(They hold hands and lean in for a kiss.)

Robbie: They're dead!

Zordon: I have already intercepted some calls to the police. Your names are being used in connection to several "ranger attacks."

Billy: This is extremely dangerous. If people find out we're the power rangers, this can have significant ramifications.

Kimberly: People will be after us.

Robbie: And they'll tie us to these imposters.

Aisha: And any other imposters they decide to come out with.

Zordon: The implications are indeed grave. You must try and silence them before it is too late.

Tommy: We have no time to lose. It's morphin time!

"Black ranger power"

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Robbie Chronicles - Volume 3Where stories live. Discover now