Season 3 - Episode 4: The Ninja Quest

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Goldar: Where are these idiots coming?

Squatt: Yeah, I'm missing Golden Girls.

(On the moon, Goldar, Finster, Squatt and Baboo stand by the back exit, waiting for someone.)

Finster: Quiet, the both of you. Rita called, and said they both should be back in a few minutes.

Goldar: You said this an hour ago. And besides, nobodies interested in seeing those two coming back from their honeymoon making kissy faces at each other.

Baboo: Ew, that's gross.

Finster: (smirks) Oh, don't worry. I rather doubt that'll be an issue.

(Finster's ears perk up as he hears a noise from down the hall.)

Finster: Oh my! Here they come!

(From up the hall they spot Rita. She appears to be carrying most of the luggage, and is sporting a scowl on her face.)

Finster: She's here, she's here! Welcome home my empress--

(Rita shoves the luggage in Finster's face and continues marching toward the main quarters.)

Baboo: So? How was the honeymoon?

Rita: Great. Time of my life.

(She puts her hands on her hips and looks both ways.)

Rita: Where's the shower?

Goldar: Where's the lord?

Rita: "The lord" is pushing his noble steed, Serepentera back into the garage.

Goldar: What? Why?

Rita: The idiot forgot to put gas in it before we left, and it broke down in front of the projects. We're lucky it didn't wind up on four cinderblocks.

(Rita storms away to her left. A distressed looking Finster hands over the luggage to Squatt and Baboo, and runs after her.)

Finster: My queen, what happened? W-we had a plan! We agreed to feed him poison.

Rita: He doesn't have a mouth, nitwit. You have any other bright ideas?

Finster: Oh my. That was quite an oversight. I'm afraid not. Well, how was Nigeria at least?

Rita: It was lovely. We met the prince.

Finster: Oh yeah?

Rita: Yeah, he robbed us blind.

Finster: Oh.

(Rita starts to walk away when something else pops into Finster's mind.)

Finster: Oh! There is something else you should know.

Rita: Make it quick. I have to wash the Zedd off of me. Who woulda thought marriage meant you have to spend all your time around somebody?

Finster: Well, I sort of... got ahead of myself. I wasn't expecting Zedd to make it back from this trip. I sort of got excited and I... well...

Rita: Spit it out!

Finster: I uh... I invited some people over to celebrate his passing?

Rita: Who?

Lord Zedd: FINSTER.

Finster: (Sighs) ...I suppose you're about to find out.

Lord Zedd: Finster, come out here this instant!!

Finster: Yes... I'm on my way my lord.

(Finster bows his head and starts walking out with his tail between his legs.)

Rita: This outta be fun.

(As Rita follows him out, we head to earth where on a bright and sunny morning, the kids start their days in class. Things for them have settled down with the shock of recent changes cooling off. The team is doing their best to fight off the newlywed, Rita and Zedd. Their also continuing to adapt to their new roles as rangers; many of which occupying roles left vacant.)

Kimberly: Ugh. I cannot wait for this day to be over! Tommy and I are gonna go downtown after class and start looking at engagement rings.

Aisha: Oh my god, that's so exciting!

Kimberly: I know!

Aisha: Girl, make sure you think of me when you're looking for a maid of honor.

Kimberly: Of course Aisha, you're like, my best friend!

Aisha: I know!!

(Rocky, who is sitting behind them, turns to Tommy.)

Rocky: Boy, you sure lucked out with Kim. She's a real keeper.

Tommy: (Smiles) Yeah she is.

Rocky: I just hope someday I find Mrs. Right.

Tommy: There's no rush Rocky, she'll come. You're still young.

(Tommy then turns forward and gestures toward Aisha.)

Tommy: Besides, "Mrs. Right," could be right under your nose.

Rocky: (laughs) I don't know. I doubt she'd be into me. Besides, dating Aisha would be like dating my sister. Fine to think about, not fine to do.

Tommy: ...oh.

(Before Tommy can respond, Ms. Appleby takes the floor.)

Ms. Appleby: Good morning class. May I have your attention please? Before we begin I have some wonderful news I'd like to share with you all.

(She excitedly reaches for a cut out of a newspaper article.)

Robbie: ...

(Ms. Apply turns to the front door, as a disheveled looking Robbie walks in after the bell. She eyes him judgingly.)

Ms. Appleby: You're late, Mr. Clemente.

Robbie: Yeah.

(Robbie looks okay with his lateness and strolls into class casually. He reaches for the article in her hand, mistaking it for class work. He looks to sit next to Kimberly, but finds all seats around her already taken by the others. Without so much at a glance from her, he decides to just take the first empty seat in front of him.)

Appleby: Do you mind not snatching things from my hand young man? And do you mind telling me why you've been showing up late to class so often?

(Robbie blows a raspberry, and tries to come up with a quick excuse.)

Robbie: Uh... my cat.

Appleby: Your cat?

Robbie: Yeah. He's sick.

Appleby: With what?|

Robbie: A car.

Appleby: A car?

Robbie: He got struck by a car.

(The two go silent for a few seconds during this standoff. The only noise is a few disbelieving chuckles.)

Appleby: Every morning for the past three weeks? Either you're lying to me mister, or your cat is an idiot.

Kimberly: I didn't even know you owned a cat?

Robbie: Thanks. Good morning Kim.

Kimberly: Good morning!

Ms. Appleby: You're slipping Roberto. I don't know what's going on, but you need to get motivated again and get it together. This semesters just begun.

Robbie: Sure. Great talk.

(Robbie sinks into his seat dejectedly and just tries to stay out of the radar.)

Ms. Appleby: Now, as I was saying. I have a special announcement from Switzerland! It appears as if our very own Jason, Zack and Trini have done what many said is impossible and brokered a ceasefire between Israel and Palestine.

(Anyone even remotely following the news is immediately amazed, and the whole class bursts into applause.)

Ms. Appleby: I know, it's amazing. Trini is even receiving a commendation for taking the lead in negotiations.

(Robbie eyes open wide with shock.)

Billy: That's incredible! I knew she could do it. I'm so proud of her!

Rocky: (Confused) Wait, who brokered a ceasefire?

Billy: Jason, Zack and Trini.

Rocky: Are they new here?

Ms. Appleby: It's an incredible accomplishment; one that our world's greatest diplomats have tried to accomplish for decades and failed to do. This is only the first step though, but they certainly deserve our gratitude.

Bulk: Pfft. Big deal!

Skull: Yeah. Big deal!

Bulk: So little miss tree hugger told two losers to "gung-ho."

Skull: Like we haven't seen that before.

Billy: That's an incredibly ignorant statement, Bulk. It obviously wasn't that simple.

Kimberly: Yeah. You wish you could ever do anything half as impressive as they've done.

Bulk: Please. I've found more impressive things between my toes than anything those dweebs could ever do.

Aisha: I'd be impressed just to see you reach your toes.

(The classroom bursts into laughter. Humiliated, Bulk retreats into silence.)

Ms. Appleby: Simmer down class. This is a time for celebration. That is why in lieu of homework today I want all of you to write the three of them letters. Congratulate them for what they've done, and thank them for making us all very proud.

(The class again applauds, partially because they are excused from homework. Robbie himself as he silently studies the article in his hands which reads, "Angel Grove Teens teach Middle East to 'Gung-Ho.'" Meanwhile, in the command center, Alpha and Zordon are seen running routine maintenance checks.)

Zordon: Alpha, run a scan of our internal software. I want to be certain there is no spyware in our system.

Alpha: Right away Zordon.

Zordon: Afterwards, I want to double check the stability of the morphing grid. Then we locate the coordinates for possible hardware upgrades for the rangers.

Alpha: I'll put it all on my to-do list.

Zordon: Excellent Alpha. If all goes to plan, then there should be a seamless transition within the next few weeks.

(Alpha starts the scan, then turns around and enjoys the view of Angel Grove from the viewing globe.)

Alpha: Sure is peaceful right now, isn't it?

Zordon: Yes Alpha. That is in large part to our new recruits, and our work in recruiting them.

Alpha: They have fit in perfectly with the new team. Everybody has embraced them so well. It's like they were always here.

Zordon: Yes, and everybody has a new role to fulfil. Everyone advances and has a new challenge to overcome so as to not become complacent. We got the best case scenario out of a potentially disastrous situation. Although I will say that I do at times miss Jason, Zack and Trini.

Alpha: Who?

(Back on the moon, a nervous Finster approaches Lord Zedd in front of his chair in the main quarters.)

Finster: Yes, my lord?

Lord Zedd: Don't "lord" me you little mutt.

(Zedd's response takes Finster aback. It worries him that he's angry about something more.)

Lord Zedd: Of all the peons in this castle, I figured you would be the most obedient. Well, I guess I thought wrong.

Finster: W-what did I do my l-

Lord Zedd: Don't get coy with me! The others told me about your little plan!

(Now Finster's heart is racing.)

Lord Zedd: You have about ten seconds to explain yourself, before I throw you into dark space like the rubbish you are.

Finster: Uh... uhhh...

Lord Zedd: Nine seconds.

Finster: I-I can explain. Surely, you'll understand. Whatever the others think they know, I assure you it is a simple misunderstanding.

Lord Zedd: A misunderstanding? You call this a misunderstanding?!

(Zedd reaches over and pulls his chair around, revealing a bony corpse rested on it.)

Lord Zedd: Is this some kind of a joke?!

Rita: Little brother!!

Lord Zedd: Huh?

(Rita runs in from the back and walks up the mantle to the chair.)

Rita: Wake up you bum!

(Rita smacks the corpse over the head, and it shakes itself awake.)

Lord Zedd: Ahhh!!

Corpse: H-huh?!

Rita: Rito?

Rito: Big sis! You're home! It's so nice to see you!

(The talking skeleton shoots up and hugs Rita.)

Lord Zedd: Rita. You know this person?

Rita: Know him? He's my brother!

Rito: Yeah, don't you see the resemblance?

Rita: How could he? You've gotten so tan. (Gasps) And muscular.

Rito: Yeah, I've been hitting the gym.

(Lord Zedd approaches Rito with his hand extended.)

Lord Zedd: Well it is nice to finally meet you. I am Lord Zedd; emperor of all that is evil.

Rito: Oh. You're Rita's husband?

Lord Zedd: That's right.

Rito: Well, this is awkward.

Lord Zedd: Why's that?

(Rito reaches behind him and hands Zedd a card.)

Rito: Here; I guess this is for you.

Lord Zedd: "I'm sorry for your loss?" What is the meaning of this?

(Finster quickly snatches up the card and puts it in his pocket.)

Finster: Uh... you know, Rito's a real joker.

Rito: Uh yeah. I guess. Hey, I didn't know this was gonna be a small shindig, so I sort of invited someone on the way here.

Lord Zedd: Did you?

Rito: Yeah, he seems pretty chill. He picked me up and brought me here. Once I told him where I was going, he practically pulled my arm off to come with. Well, he did actually.

Rita: You let in a complete stranger into our base of operation?! What is wrong with you?

Rito: Relax. He says he's a pretty big fan of yours.

Rita: Who is this person?

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Robbie Chronicles - Volume 3Where stories live. Discover now