Season 3 - Episode 4: The Ninja Quest

Start from the beginning

"Rita Repulsa."

(A calm, low pitch voice approaches from behind them.)

"If it isn't my pleasure to meet you again."

Rita: (Gasps) ...Ivan Ooze.

(Later on in the day after school ends, most of the teens split off into groups. Robbie takes a late shift at Charbucks after somebody called in, Kimberly and Tommy are downtown looking at engagement rings, and the rest are at the Juice Bar, which seems to have gotten a makeover.)

Billy: This place looks awesome.

(Ernie's business has been flourishing recently. So much so that he's decided to expand with tropical themed outdoor seating along the side entrance with table service.)

Aisha: Yeah. It's really bringing more people here too.

(Adam walks in with a drink for himself, and a blueberry muffin for Aisha.)

Aisha: Come on, why would you bring me this? You know I'm trying to lose weight.

Adam Just being nice. Why, you don't want it?

(She looks at it momentarily.)

Aisha: No. I'll eat it.

Ernie: How you doing guys?

(A visibly hustling and sweaty Ernie runs over to clean off their table.)

Billy: Oh hey Ernie. Shrewd plan expanding the Juice Bar. I love the island theme too.

Ernie: I'm glad. I just wish I had a moment to take it all in. It's been a mad house. I basically had to hire the new dame on the spot.

(He turns to Sammy, who is dressed in a sweaty, oversized Hawaiian shirt, and is clearly having her own trouble keeping up.)

Aisha: Is that shirt yours?

Ernie: I wish I was that thin. It was supposed to be that Ritchie kids. That is until he decided to quit with no notice. If that rat thinks I'm giving him a good reference he's got another thing coming.

Billy: Well... you probably don't ever have to worry about that Ernie.

Adam: And you don't have to worry about us. We can clean our own tables.

Ernie: You guys are awesome. Where would I be without you?

Billy: Out of business, I believe.

Ernie: Oh yeah.

(Ernie briefly stares reminiscently into the distance. Then notices somebody impatiently waving him over. He rushes off.)

Rocky: The new girl's kinda cute. Have I seen her before?

Aisha: She's a freshman at our school, Rocky. She's the one who's like, obsessed with Jason.

Adam: She's the one who was dared to tattoo his name on her chest, but can't remember who dared her.

Rocky: I still don't know who Jason is. Should I feel bad?

Aisha: Were you dropped on your head? You replaced him as red ranger. We worked together for like two months before he left!!

(He stops for a moment to think back.)

Rocky: He was black, right?

Aisha: (Sighs) Come on Rocky. Buy me another muffin and I'll refresh your memory.

Rocky: Oh, okay... sounds good.

(She pulls him by the arm into the side entrance; passing by a frazzled Sammy along the way.)

Rocky: Hey, do you need help with th--

Sammy: Buzz off!!

Rocky: Okay! I'm sorry.

(She blows the bangs from her face as Rocky walks off in shock.)

Billy: (Chuckles) Rocky's a real character.

Adam; Yeah man, I'm sorry about him. He can be a little off sometimes.

Billy: Don't be. He'll come around. Once he stops worrying so much about fitting in and getting girls.

Adam: (laughs) Yeah.

(Then proceeds an awkward silence; as if Adam is looking to segue into something.)

Adam: So, speaking girls... What's your story with Trini?

Billy: Huh?

Adam: A little forward?

Billy: No. Well, I don't understand the question.

Adam: Just that... you kind of light up whenever she's mentioned. Did something ever go on there?

Billy: Oh. Well no. I mean, there is not much of a story. She was like a big sister to me. We were never anything more than friends.

Adam: Not for a lack of trying though?

Billy: Well, I guess I wanted to be a bit more. But she didn't.

Adam: She didn't want to date someone who referred to her as big sister?

Billy: Yeah I guess that was a mistake. Robbie beat me to it anyway.

Adam: That's a shame.

Billy: I suppose.

Adam: It's strange. Robbie just doesn't seem like he'd be a good fit for her at all. No offense to him, but he just doesn't seem like that much of a pleasant person to be around. He's kind of a bummer.

Billy: Yeah we've been through that. At least I have. It's okay, I've gotten over it.

(Then there is another awkward pause...)

Billy: So... is Aisha single?

Adam: What?

Billy: A little forward?

Adam: No. I mean, well... Yes, she's single.

Billy: That's good. She's cute. Spunky too. I might make a move.

Adam: Uh, I wouldn't. I'm not sure you're her type.

Billy: You clearly haven't been paying attention the past year. I'm everyone's type.

Adam: Except Trini's.

Billy: I guess not.

(The two of them share a laugh, but they quickly clam up.)

Robbie: What about Trini?

Billy: Oh! Hey...

Adam: Uh... nothing.

Robbie: Oh. Is Kim here? I need to talk to her.

Billy: Uh, no. She's not. She's downtown with Tommy. They're looking for engagement rings.

Robbie: Oh.

Billy: How long were you standing here if you don't mind my asking? We didn't hear you coming.

Robbie: I just got here.

(The two share a sigh of relief.)

Robbie: I didn't know Ernie renovated. Probably why the café has been so dead lately.

Billy: Did you just come from work?

Robbie: Yeah, it was slow, so they let me go early.

Billy: I see.

(Robbie takes a seat next to Billy and Adam, who suddenly tense up. A third, more awkward silence ensues. Fortunately though luckily this one doesn't last as long.)

Rocky: I can't believe it! So this whole time I was lied to!

(Rocky and Aisha return, with the former seeming furious.)

Adam: What's wrong Rocky?

Rocky: I'm so angry! You guys don't know what I just learned.

Robbie: That men aren't supposed to shave their legs.

Rocky: No. I learned... wait, what?

Aisha: I told Rocky that Jason was the red ranger before him. I also told him that Jason used to be leader. Even though he should already know this, seeing as he was there when he transferred powers.

(Still, no one seems to understand why Rocky would be upset.)

Billy: So... what's the problem?

Rocky: What's the problem? I was robbed!! Tommy stole leadership from me and has the nerve to smile in my face and act like a friend. I should be leader, I should be the one the kids love and I should be the one with the hot girlfriend. That spot belongs to me! The red ranger!

Adam: Oh.

Rocky: I'd make a good leader! Right?

(The word "no" pops into everyone's head simultaneously. However no one had the heart to say anything. Back on the moon, Rita confronts this familiar intruder.)

Lord Zedd: You certainly have a lot of friends, Rita.

Rita: This is no friend. This is Ivan Ooze.

(Ivan calmly stands before her clan, as if he isn't expecting conflict nor is concerned by it. He is draped in a dark purple robe and cape. His face looks unassumingly human as well; if only for the horn protruding from his chin. The warts on his face and the fact that his skin is also a slimy purple color.)

Lord Zedd: Ooze? Is that why he's staining my carpets?

Rita: Yes. It also explains why he looks like a giant purple booger.

Ivan Ooze: And they say pretty girls can't be funny.

Rita: He's with Zordon's clan. He is not to be trusted.

(Ivan's calm expression suddenly evaporates.)

Lord Zedd: Well don't just stand there you imbeciles, get him!!

Ivan Ooze: ...Zordon? Did you say Zordon?!?!

(His voice echoes throughout the hallways, startling Squatt and Baboo.)

Ivan Ooze: I take it he's still alive?

Lord Zedd: Yes.

(Goldar draws his sword and approaches Ivan, but Zedd has a sudden change of heart and waves him off.)

Lord Zedd: I am hoping that it won't be the case for long.

Ivan Ooze: Good. Then you and I aren't so different after all.

Rita: Good?

Lord Zedd: Good.

(Ivan calmly walks past the couple and leans on the guard rail as he stares out to earth.)

Ivan Ooze: Zordon is the one who stole my freedom with that wretched tin can. Words do not describe the torture I went through. Sensory deprivation kicks in after fifteen minutes. I was there for ten thousand years! I only knew darkness. My only company were the voices in my head. I do not only wish to destroy Zordon. I wish, no, I must make him suffer.

Rita: So... you want to work with us then?

(Seeing a valuable opportunity, Rita scurries over and puts her arm around Ivan's shoulder. He never breaks eye contact with earth.)

Ivan Ooze: I object to your goals, however you offer valuable resources to meet mine.

(He turns to her.)

Ivan Ooze: Yes. I will cooperate only as far as ending that turncoat's shameful existence.

Rita: Good enough for me!

Lord Zedd: Wonderful.

(Zedd excitedly runs to the top of the stairs to join them.)

Lord Zedd: We will give you Zordon's coordinates. We will give you our warriors as support, and allow you do to the rest.

Goldar: But my lord, the command center is protected by a heavy shield. Only a person with a power coin can gain access inside.

Ivan Ooze: You leave that to me.

Rita: Aha! I love a man that takes charge.

Lord Zedd: Haha! That's why you married me, right sweet pea?

Ivan Ooze: I cannot wait to get my hands on that Zordon. That miserable tyrant. I will strangle him with his own long locks and smash his legs into a million pieces until he begs for mercy!

Squatt: How long was he was trapped for?

Lord Zedd: ...right Rita?

(Meanwhile back at the Juice Bar, Rocky remains ready to boil over.)

Rocky: I'm gonna give that Tommy a piece of my mind. Where is he?

Billy: He's downtown with Kim.

Rocky: Then that's where I'm heading.

(He aggressively grabs his jacket and storms out dramatically.)

Billy: Rocky wait.

Adam: Should we stop him?

Aisha: No. It's alright.

Adam: What if he hurts himself or Tommy?

Aisha: He won't.

Adam: How do you know?

Aisha: He's walking uptown.

Adam: Oh.

Aisha: I should be heading home anyway. It's getting late.

(Billy rushes up from his seat.)

Billy: Yeah me too. Come on, I'll walk you home.

Aisha: Oh, okay. Don't... you live on the other side of town?

Billy: It's okay. We haven't really had much time to talk. It'll give us a chance to get to know each other.

Aisha: Oh. Cool.

(Billy quickly grabs his jacket and the two walk away together. Billy strategically places his hand gently on her back as they go.)

Billy: So Aisha. What ethnicity are you?

Aisha: I'm black.

Billy: Oh. Are all the girls from there as pretty as you are?

Aisha: Huh?

(All that's left are Adam and Robbie. Neither of whom seem to recall the last time they've ever had a personal conversation. Or even the first.)

Robbie: So...

Adam: Yeah...

Robbie: Yeah.

Adam: How's school going for you?

Robbie: Not great.

Adam: Yeah. I heard. Miss... uh, Appleby. She really let you have it today.

Robbie: Yeah.

Adam: Yeah.

Robbie: ...

Adam: Yeah.

(Searching for something to do, Adam reaches for his drink. He takes an extended sip before continuing.)

Adam: So. Kim and Tommy getting married. That's crazy! Ha-ha.

Robbie: Yeah. I'm not sure they really... yeah.

Adam: Yeah.

(Adam smiles, and stares blankly into the air. He cups his drink again and glances briefly at the exit.)

Adam: Uhm... how's Trini?

Robbie: None of your business.

Adam: Oh. Okay.

Robbie: And for your information: Billy never stood a chance.

Adam: Okay... yeah.

Robbie: Stop saying yeah.

Adam: Okay... ye- well... Excuse me, I'm gonna go run to the bathroom.

(Adam quickly grabs his belongings and heads off to the side. Robbie says nothing, but raises his eyebrows in acknowledgement.)

Robbie: Yeah.

(Seconds then pass after Adam leaves, and Robbie seems almost relieved to be alone. As if he can finally drop the act for a bit. He almost wishes Adam didn't come back.)

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Robbie Chronicles - Volume 3Where stories live. Discover now