I was speechless. Me? Beautiful? He didn't look like he was lying... he looked like he was serious. and enchanted...I don't know. How did someone look at me like he does?

"Sorry," he looks away from my silence. 

"N-no, it's okay. I just didn't expect anything like that," I admit.

His face is overcome with relief, "Okay, great. Um but try about Monday."

I give in with a smile and a blush heating my cheeks, "Sure."

"Oh, and what are you doing tonight? Around 9 ish."

"I have something to go to actually, sorry. Why?"

"Just wondering because I had tickets to go to this underground kind of fight tonight." Oh no. "Tyler had gotten the tickets for us and a few others and I was wondering if you would be willing to join. I know fighting isn't the most romantic thing." He laughs nervously.

"Yeah, no. I wish I could have but I had plans and fighting isn't really my thing," I say quickly. No no no this cannot be happening. Why is this happening to me? Fuck my life. "So is Tyler going?" 

"Yeah, him and a few others from the team actually. Maybe some of their girls too, not quite sure exactly."

"Cool, well I hope you have fun," I force myself to smile but meanwhile I'm dying.

"Won't be too much fun without you."

"Doubt it, I'm kinda the mom  of you dumbasses. I feel like I'm the party pooper."

"No! Not at all?" I give him a blank stare. "Sometimes maybe but like you said, we're dumbasses. But not all  the time. Just most of the time," he jokes. 

"I'll try believing that at the next game," I smirk playfully. 

"You better." 

After we both finally finished our meals and milkshakes, I look at the time and sigh, "I should get going. I hope you don't mind." 

"Nope, of course I don't." He helps me out of the booth and takes our trash and I smile.

"Thanks for lunch. I was good."

"I'm glad," he has such a genuine smile. It's welcoming. He drove me home, it was quiet but peaceful, not a bit of tension. "I'll see you Monday then?"

I slide out of the car and smile, "Yep, I'll see you later. Have a good weekend, Tristan."

He smiles driving off once I'm inside of my house. "Who was that?"

I jump terrified and see my dad standing there. "Dad!? Aren't you supposed to be at work?"

"In an hour or two, yes. But who was that?"

My dad isn't scary, at all. He's short and has that baby face that says HUG ME. My mom is the same way. Yet here I am...about 2 inches taller than him and 5 inches taller than my mom. "Friend from school. He took me out to lunch after I had visited Kevin."

He nods, "Tell him to come in and say hello next time." He walks away back to his room, most likely to watch TV in silence then change into scrubs afterwards.

I look at the time, 3:30pm. I have 6 hours to kill...now what do I do? I sighed knowing. Homework. I went back upstairs to my desk and sat for 2 hours, doing homework from my English and Math classes before giving up on letting my brain function. 


It's 8:30pm...I grab the last of my things, including another water bottle and my truck keys. I head out for the big night. I decided that this may very well be my last fight. I can't risk it anymore. If I got caught, I would be in a shit ton of trouble. I never really had to worry about being caught until now... Fuck. I don't want to stop though  I love what I do and I'm good at it, too. But it'll be for the best.

The Glorious Triumph - Previously {The Nerd Kicks Ass}Where stories live. Discover now