chapter two -:- are you happy?

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Later in the afternoon Normani was sitting outside, a first for the woman after her miscarriage.

Dinah took it as a good sign, and let her wife be, opting to set Ally up with a movie in the living room while she tended to some work on her laptop from the kitchen where she still had an eye on the darker woman.

Normani sat by the porcelain bunny and thought. She was doing a lot of thinking, but she wasn't crying. Another first.

Sometime between checking over an email and sending it, Dinah looked back outside and noticed her wife was gone, jumping out of her skin when she found the woman almost right in front of her, a sad smile on her face.

After recovering from the slight scare Dinah stood up and looked over the woman, trying to gouge her thoughts.

"Are you okay?" She finally asked, unable to read her wife's emotions.

"We should try again," was all Normani said, making Dinah furrow her eyebrows.


"We should try having another baby. Everything was fine. I-It was okay, our baby girl was okay."

"Mani," Dinah whispered sadly, watching Normani's face crumble as tears fell from her eyes.

"Sh-he was so tiny. A-and sh-he would have been okay. I want to try again. I want to bring her bac-ck," Normani said, sobbing when arms grabbed her and pulled her into an embrace.

"Baby – we can't – you can't. It's not safe."

"No," Normani sobbed, finally coming to terms with the fact that she was like her wife – she was unable to carry a baby safely for 9 months. "I want to try again."

"I know you do," Dinah said, sniffling as she pulled back slightly and looked into the wet eyes of her wife. "But I don't want to lose you."

"We were so close," Normani whispered painfully, taking a shaky breath.

"I know. But she's not in pain. She'll never know pain. Even if you carried to full term she wasn't going to make it. She was sick."

"It's all my fault."

"No," Dinah said, shaking her head. "What your body does is not your fault. Do you hear me, Mani. You cannot control what your body does sometimes. And I know it hurts. I know we lost our baby, and that nothing or no one will ever replace her, but we should thank God for the fact that she is not in pain and that she is in a better place. She's somewhere above us playing with all of the beautiful things that our Ally wanted to send up to her. She is alive, Normani. She is alive in our hearts."

Normani cried a bit harder, pushing herself into Dinah's arms once again as she nuzzled her face into the crook of the taller woman's neck. Dinah made everything feel safer, and Normani was so thankful to have her wife with her every step of the way.

"I love you."

"I love you too, Mani. I promise when the time is right we will adopt a child and start to grow our family again. We just need to let our hearts mend right now."


Another two weeks passed, making it a little over a month since the miscarriage. Everything was slowly returning to normal for the family of three. Ally continued to attend kindergarten, and Dinah and Normani returned to their recording studio. They were the successful co-owners of SYCO records along side Simon Cowell.

At work, Normani noticed the way her co-workers behaved as though she would break at any minute. It was discouraging seeing as she wanted to try to forget, but that was made nearly impossible as she was constantly receiving sympathetic glances whether it be while walking down the hall, or while she sat at the label meeting. If it weren't for Dinah keeping her sane she would have gone home hours ago.

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