Not Okay... but That's Okay

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Frank sat on the edge of the lake, watching the giant squid trail a tentacle along the surface of the water. It had been a week since the incident in the forest. The school year was continuing on, but exams had been canceled and parents had been permitted to pull their children out early.

Frank had declined the offer when he received the question from his parents.

He needed time to process all that had happened to him. From the love potion, to the blank space in his memory between standing in the forest after Jamia told him to wait and waking up on the forest floor near her lifeless body...

Frank brought his knees close to his chest. The enchantment was easily lifted from the castle by Professor Howell, but he had taken a leave once things had began to calm. It seemed that he had been under the imperious curse for awhile, and it had taken a toll.

Not that Jamia's mother had cared.

The woman had been taken to Azkaban for the murder of her child, as well as, several accounts of unforgivable curses. She didn't care though. She had just wanted back in the forest once she had woke up.

"I dropped it!" She had exclaimed, "I lost it! He spoke to me, I need it back!"

Frank shut his eyes, tightly. He had heard one of the older wizards call her rambles something along the lines of "devotion of a death eater he hasn't seen since the war."

The way Jamia had made it sound, the woman was still stuck in the war. She had killed her daughter. She may have killed her son for being a squib in a pure blood family, but Frank never received full confirmation from Jamia before...


The voice that called out to him was so tender and soft, matching the touch that was placed on his shoulder. He opened his eyes and turned his head.

Melanie stood there, offering a sad smile. The blond half of her hair was a faded blue, boarder lining gray. Spencer stood a few feet away, looking down at the dirt that he was kicking with the tip of his shoe.

"Are you okay?" Melanie asked, kneeling down next to him.

Frank just looked at her. He wasn't sure. He was feeling so many things that lead him off to conflicting thoughts that he just wasn't sure. How should he feel after being out of his mind for so long through love potions and a short time under the imperious curse? There were reasons why they'd happened, but he had never asked to be in the middle of it all.

Melanie looked down with a nod. "Do you want to come inside, at least?" She offered, bringing her head back up to look at him. "It's nearly lunch time."

Frank didn't respond again. He wasn't hungry. Every time he looked at food, he felt his stomach churn.

"C'mon, mate." Spencer had walked over. He didn't offer a smile, but there was simpathy in his eyes. "The weather's turning out here anyway."

Spencer was right. Dark clouds had been creeping into the skyline for ages, and the distant drum of thunder was growing louder with each beat. The sky would soon break, letting the rain loose in all its fury.

Frank nodded, letting Melanie hook his arm in hers and guide him to his feet. She kept their arms hooked as they walked towards the castle while her other hand rested in Spencer's. They walked in silence, which Frank was thankful for. He didn't want to fill the air with meaningless conversation or attempted breakthroughs right now.

As they crossed the threshold into the castle, rain drops began to fall behind them. Frank turned in just enough time to watch a bolt of lightning crackle across the sky.

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