Entry, Login:These R Unspeakable Horrors chp.2-Cynically Comical/Shadows on windows.ReadRespondVote

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Title: Entry: Login these are unspeakable Horrors

Chapter:2 Cynically Comical/Shadows on windows!

Music/Pictures: Are what's seen but heard..

Inspiration: My personal Life's clever creative..

Comments: Make me Comment back!

Entry Login 2:

p.s. As I have mentioned in Entry one. Instead of Diary I am going to call these Entry logins.. Thank you. Please go on-

So where was I? When talking about myself? Let's talk about my latest series of dreams shall we? Okay then we are, so anyways besides those annoying creepers lurking around me. They always like to fuck around with my dreams. But I can't stop them even in dreamland which sort of sucks. Because well that's like my escape from them. So I get no peace even while sleeping.. it's a curse I swear..

So my dream evolves me, of course. Isn't everyone the Star of their dreams? Moving on, Its constantly dark with an absolute of silence. You can't even hear the wind or my breathing. In the dream I have always just awoken on the wooden floor. I am always made up the same way...feeling numb but alive.

Then there's these windows but I can't see into or out of them..

After some observation. I see that the room is in a circle type of design and there are all of these old looking wooden doors.. Sometimes just for fun.. Because technically even in a dream that was a recurrence.. Its like a fresh new start..

The Creepers like to mess around and start shaking the knobs on the doors and making shadows on the windows.. Those evil bastards. Sometimes they even scream from the other side of the doors. Knowing that I will jump from it.. After awhile I always get up. Trying to open the doors. Sometimes the handle responses and I hear the soft click. Only to discover that the door will not open for me..

Then after getting frustrated I start kicking everything. Just destroying the place.. Yet it all stays the same.. No matter what so then I give up.. And I lay on the floor looking at the ceiling. Then I see it, Something emerges from the ceiling it's another door. But this ones always different from the others.. Its crimson red with a sinister white door knob.. And then the other doors..

They go berserk almost like they are living.. Because then there's an overwhelming chaotic noise of knocking. All the doors are pounding with this annoying knowing sensation. All while I am just laying there watching this one new door, and its like. My gaze is locked on it..

Then something happens, the door slowly creeps open. With this blindingly inviting light. I have to shield my eyes. Then there's this voice, it always changes in all my dreams its people I knew or used to know. It, Or they. Always say the same thing to me..

"Come with me, You'll finally be safe. Free from this and them."

And my dream self always looks, then there's this hand and it reaches out, as the face of the speaker is revealed.. Its always a no face or blurred one.. As their hand reaches and we touch finger tips almost gasping each others hands. It happens..

The other Doors Open, and its them I can tell.. They pull me away dragging me to the ground.. And An instant the hand recoils rejecting me.. As I struggle to get back up and grab it so it can take me away and through that door. The door in the ceiling shuts tight with a little moan as it softly clicks locked.. Then its as its always been I awake alone. Well as alone as someone can get with "Them" Hanging around.. Me whispering..

Anyways Another thing, I looked this up awhile ago curious as to what the dream meant. It says that an open door means a new opportunity. That the locked door signifies someone is hiding things or is stopping me from doing something. That I want or that because I am locked in. I might have a change of Location in my life.. Yea those screw ups never fail to ruin everything for me..

Sometimes I wonder who comes up with bull shit. Like this and makes others wonder for themselves of a inner meaning that was or never is actually there.. To be recognized, now for another topic of discussion since we are so fascinated with me! My doctor Story from when I was younger!

Okay if you've not noticed nor cared to know. My family is basically loaded.. Which is ironic giving that I can have anything I want. But cannot rid myself of these creatures.. Damn them! Okay so I was once in an asylum because my mom. Said and I quote from her...

"Harlow, Love I believe you've lost your. Self."

What the hell mom, was what I thought. But she's my mother and I cannot say things like that.. So here's what would happen eventually..I had been there maybe a month or so. It was actually pretty nice. . Didn't feel like a prison to me more like a home.

Because at my house. No ones really there for long before they are off on another trip, or vacation. So this one day I was getting this. The Doc's called it the Blackout Ex Experiment or something. It was special and only richies like me.. Got it..

So as I got to the appointed room.

I felt this ominous feeling. That something was about to go horribly array. Because "They" Were there and oddly enough I hadn't see them till then.. It was like a welcome party for me.. And so began. Thus that was my unspeakable horrors...

That's all for now! Okay My One through Three Questions! 1. Did you like the title of this one, and the music/picture? 2. Are you still interested in hearing more about Harlow? 3. Also What do you think is going to happen to Harlow in the Blackout Ex experiment? That's all for now leave me in the form of a comment bye! Okay for some reason I cannot add the music so I do it later sorry>.< p.s. which do you want more of The LoveLorn Romantic, or V/V?

Dear Diary,These R My Unspeakable Horrors-A Tale-Tell of Twisted Sinister Cynicism-Vote.Read.Input. Where stories live. Discover now