Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

It was June 20th. Leo had spent the past four days working on the samophlange, and was making little progress, even with Annabeth’s help. It seemed almost impossible to figure out how to fix and Leo was beginning to lose hope.

Leo’s attitude was contagious, whether he knew it or not. It started with his grumpy attitude while he was working on the engine. Whenever Jason or Piper would ask if there was anything they could do to help, he would answer sarcastically. Then, Piper’s mood began to darken. She became grouchier by the minute. Next, Jason started to get irritated by Gleeson Hedge whenever the satyr would try to make conversation.

It seemed that it was only Annabeth was trying to keep up her good mood. In all truth, she felt extremely sad, like usual, but she was keeping up the façade for the sake of the group. She tried to be as perky as possible, but there seemed to be no effect on the group’s dynamic, so her mood began to sadden.

Annabeth was working around the fire pit looking for some tips on fixing the engine on the Internet. It wasn’t working too well. Each link on the Internet page was taking her right to the page she was at before. Annabeth was becoming so stressed, that she started pulling on her hair.

“Argh! This is so pointless,” she shouted.

“What is it,” Piper, who was sitting next to her, asked.

“Well, I’m just trying to figure out how to help Leo fix the samophlange faster. The mechanic only told him part of the directions for fixing it, and I’m trying to find the other piece. It’s not working to well, and it’s beginning to tick me off.”

“You’ll figure it out.”

Annabeth gave a humorless laugh. “Yeah; easier said than done.”

“Is there anything I can do to help?”

Annabeth shook her head. “I don’t think so. I don’t know as much as Leo does about mechanics, and I’m guessing you know less than I do. Thanks for offering though.”

“No problem. I’m gonna go find Jason.”

“Okay, I think he’s on the ship with Leo and Coach Hedge.” Piper nodded and then left Annabeth behind as she worked on her laptop.

That night, Annabeth was getting ready for bed when her cell phone rang. When she looked at the caller ID, she saw that Sally Jackson-Blofis was calling.

“Hi Ms. Blofis,” Annabeth said once she flipped open her phone.

“Hi Annabeth, how are you doing,” Sally asked.

“I’m doing okay. We’re pretty busy with the ship. How are you?”

Sally sighed. “I’m doing as well as I can be, I suppose. I just really miss him. I want to know if he’s alright.”

“You aren’t the only one who does, Ms. Blofis.”

“I know that. I know you miss him a lot and that you love him just as much.”

Annabeth remained silent for a moment, basking in the other woman’s understanding of her love for the woman’s son. There have been people who sympathize with Annabeth about her pain, but it was Sally who could truly understand.  Percy was loved by both very much.

Finally, Annabeth said, “Have you heard anything?”

“No, I’m sorry to say that I haven’t. I haven’t heard anything from Grover either, which is frankly, quite surprising.”

Annabeth snickered. “That is surprising.”

Annabeth heard a little commotion in the background of Sally’s end. Suddenly, Sally said, “Sweetie, I’m sorry to cut this short, but I have to go. I just wanted to call and check up on you.”

“Alright Ms. Blofis, I’ll call you when I get to the Roman camp and hear about Percy.”

“That sounds great honey, thank you. I’ll talk with you soon. Goodbye,” Sally said before hanging up.

Annabeth then pulled down her covers and went to sleep.

This is just a short little update I felt like doing. Just so you all know, this story will be ending soon- just a heads up...... It'll probably be 5-ish or so chapters more.

So enjoy! (and thanks for reading)

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