Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Annabeth walked into the mess hall around lunch time. She saw Piper at the Aphrodite table, and thought that she looked miserable. Annabeth even laughed. If she were stuck in her position, she’d be pulling all of her blond hair out of her head. After all, Drew was holding an intense conversation about the importance of applying a suitable foundation before beginning your daily make-up routine.

“Piper,” Annabeth said quietly as she passed the table. Piper looked over and started to leave the table to join Annabeth.

“Um, where are you going Ms. Counselor,” Drew asked snidely.

“As if it’s your business, I’m going to see Annabeth,” Piper shot back.

“Annabeth Chase, now that’s a girl who needs a lesson on make-up,” Drew shouted and Piper just rolled her eyes and left.

“Hey, what’s up,” Piper asked when she met Annabeth.

“Eh, nothing really, you just looked so bored over there, I thought I’d save you,” Annabeth said, as she sat on the grass, outside of the mess hall.

“Oh, you have no idea.”

“Actually, I kinda do. Remember, I have been in camp since I was seven. Plus, I got a boyfriend while I was in camp. Your cabin mates were all over the fact that Percy and I got together last summer. Even Silena Beauregard was trying to give me advice on my looks.”

Piper laughed. “Oh, geez, I can’t imagine that. I can usually get anyone to stop talking about me about Jason, but it’s the constant ‘Oh, your looks are so important!’ think that drives me up the wall! Especially when people look at my hair, that’s the worse.”

“Yup, I know how that is. When Percy and I were thirteen, we got stuck on Circe’s island and the first thing Circe told her assistant was basically about how I need a new look. She even said she wanted me to change my hair!”

“Wow, like, the Circe?”

“Yup, we were going to save our friend, Grover and we got a little sidetracked. Percy got turned into a guinea pig while I was being made-up, too.”

“Wow,” was all Piper was able to muster out. It had only been a short while that Piper knew she was a demi-god. It still took a little bit for her to get the hang of all the myths she researched with her dad was real.

“So, how have things been between you and Jason?”

Piper felt herself blush. “Well, I guess they’re okay.”

“What’s up?”

“Nothing really, it’s just that ever since he started to remember people from the Roman camp, especially that girl named Reyna, he’s gotten really distant.”

When Annabeth had told Piper that her relationship with Jason had been a figment of the Mist. Piper was devastated. Annabeth tried to sooth Piper’s pain, as she knew how painful it’d be if a stranger told her that her relationship with Percy had been a lie.

She wouldn’t be sure she could take it.

“It’s a good thing that he’s starting to remember, though,” Annabeth reminded Piper.

Piper blew out a breath that she hadn’t realized she was holding. “I know. I just kind of don’t want him to remember the part about Reyna, whatever that part may be.”

“I kinda know what you mean,” Annabeth admitted, remembering how jealous she was about Rachel.

“Like what?”

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