Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday to you! Happy Birthday dear Annabeth! Happy Birthday to you!” Annabeth woke with a start with the voices of her cabin mates singing.

“Thanks guys,” she muttered after she wiped the sleep from her eyes. She then swung her legs so they were then dangling from her bunk.

“Happy Birthday sis,” Malcolm started. “How does it feel to be officially seventeen?”

Annabeth smiled. “Well, I wouldn’t know. I wasn’t born until 12:36 p.m. So I’ll let you know then.”

“Oh yeah, I forgot: you’re technical about that stuff.”

“Hey, technically Athena was still trying to create me at this time. She hadn’t fully formed me into a baby yet.” Malcolm rolled his eyes and left the cabin. Annabeth got up from her bunk and grabbed a clean Camp shirt and shorts before heading into the bathroom to change.

Once she was dressed, Annabeth left her cabin and started toward the mess hall. Then she noticed Piper walking a little behind her, so she decided to wait for her friend.

“Hey Piper! How are you this morning,” Annabeth asked merrily.

“Eh, I’ve slept better. Drew was up all night crying because some guy broke up with her. Apparently he was the love of her life.”

“Oh, that sounds…lovely. Even though I really don’t find any support for her-especially since she was such a witch about you and Jason back in December.”

“She’s not just a witch about me and Jason. She’s horrible when it comes to anything else that some other camper has, but not her.”

“Were there people trying to calm her down last night?”

“Yeah, Lacy was there. There were also a couple other girls. I think they just didn’t know what to do. She’s always been the one to preach how to be worthy of being a child of Aphrodite, you have to break someone’s heart. Now she’s the one with the broken heart.”

Annabeth giggled. “I didn’t even know she had one.”

Piper smiled. “No kidding. I still think the others were freaked out.”

The two girls then reached the mess hall and parted ways; Piper to the Aphrodite table and Annabeth to Athena’s. Each camper made their offerings before they sat to eat. After breakfast was over with, Chiron stood up to make an announcement.

“Good morning campers. I’m not sure if you are all aware, but it is April 21st. This is a very special day, as a lovely camper, leader, fighter, and friend was born on this day. Please join me in wishing Annabeth Chase a happy birthday!”

Annabeth could feel her cheeks redden as the other campers wished her a happy birthday.

“Now, now, settle down. Today’s camp activities include your usual classes and then at four o’clock there will be a special Capture the Flag game. I’m aware that the teams have already been made, as per each counselor’s preference. I will bid you all a good day,” the Centaur exclaimed before he left his table in the mess hall.

Annabeth’s day went on as usual. She went to Advanced Archery, taught the younger campers in Beginner’s Archery, and silently celebrated her new age at exactly 12:36 p.m. on April 21st. Her team won the Capture the Flag game, which wasn’t a big surprise. Dinner went on as usual.

There was only one thing that wasn’t usual about Annabeth’s day. About seven o’clock, she couldn’t find any of her siblings. They had a plan to meet at their cabin so they could exchange presents with Annabeth- much to her dismay- and there wasn’t anyone in the cabin. She walked out of the cabin and went looking for any of the other campers, and the entire camp looked vacant.

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