Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

The rest of April flew by quickly for Annabeth, as did May. Leo fixed the Argo II and the campers going on the trip to Camp Jupiter were making the preparations. The plan was to leave for California by June 5th; that was in four days.

On the evening of June 1st, Chiron called a counselor meeting. Annabeth went, joined with a very exhausted Leo, a lovey-dovey Jason and Piper, and several other counselors. The demigods were having conversations amongst themselves, but once Chiron joined the table, it all stopped.

“I know this meeting was called on last minute counselors, but I thank you for coming tonight,” the Centaur announced. “Well, I say we get down to it. In four day the Argo II will be leaving for California. Jason, Piper, and Leo are a part of this Great Prophecy and will be going. Annabeth, as one of the best fighters and strategists in this camp will also be joining. I know that there was some other interest in going to the Roman camp.”

Several voices of campers spoke up in acknowledgement.

“Silence everyone! I know that you all want to go and help, but I feel that having a small group going to Camp Jupiter will be best. If only the four campers go, it will seem less threatening. Even though I feel that these demigods will make the truce with the Roman camp easily, we cannot take any chances.”

“But Chiron, what if the Romans don’t take to the Greeks? What if they start firing on them and they have no backup,” Will Solace asked.

“I honestly feel that the Romans will not fire on us. Has anyone tried to Iris-Message lately? If you have, you’d have noticed that it hasn’t been working up to par. I have a feeling that Camp Jupiter will have their own quest about Gaea and her forces soon. They’ll soon find out that just as we need them, they need us.

“Now, as I was saying. Jason, Piper, Leo, and Annabeth will be taking the Argo II to California. In the meantime, our campers will be on standby for news about the truce. When the Romans and the Greeks come to terms to it, our troops will move out to where ever it is set that the next battle will take place.”

“Cool, so we aren’t exactly leaving those four out to fry,” Travis Stoll muttered, and earned a snicker from Connor.

Chiron and the rest of the counselors at that table ignored Travis’ sarcasm.

“How would we be able to contact you if the IM-ing is down,” Annabeth spoke up.

Chiron turned to her. “Miss Chase, I do believe that you have a cell phone and a laptop. Both are electronic devices. Either way, I’ll have someone on standby near the telephone or the camp computer.”


“Now, for everyone not going on this quest, please head back to your cabins. Piper, Jason, Annabeth, and Leo, please stay here. We have some details to go over.”

After Chiron dismissed the others, only five bodies were sitting at the table.

“Now, you will leave on June 5th. I don’t know how long it will take you to get to this camp by air, but I suggest that you do it by the summer solstice.”

“What’s so special about the summer solstice,” Piper asked.

“The Romans, we have a holiday then. It’s called the Feast of Fortuna,” Jason responded.

“Jason is right. The Feast of Fortuna is what brings Camp Jupiter either good or bad luck for the next year.”

“Wait, the Feast is on June 24th. What do we have to get there by the 21st, when the actual solstice is?”

“Well, I have a feeling the campers there are going to be in a battle. What better way to show your allegiance than by helping them in a battle. Besides getting there early could never hurt, but being late wouldn’t be good at all,” Chiron said.

“Well, let’s not be late,” Leo added.

“On the morning of June 5th, you four will report to the cave at dawn. I don’t want you to get caught up in saying goodbye to the others. Bring all the things you deem necessary for an intense battle. And Annabeth, make sure you bring your cell phone a laptop from Daedalus. I want you to keep me posted on the truce and anything else.”

“Okay,” she replied.

“Now, I think that covers everything. I’ll let you four go to your cabins now. Goodnight.”

The four heroes stood and muttered ‘goodnight’ to Chiron before leaving the table.

Once Annabeth went into her bead, she stared up at the top of her bunk. This is really happening! In four days I will be en route to this camp. In four days I’ll be en route to finding Percy on what isn’t a dead end!

Annabeth then fell asleep dreaming of herself and her boyfriend, Percy.

San Francisco, California

Percy Jackson walked along the pier, not knowing where he was. He didn’t know when those monsters were going to attack him again. His orange t-shirt had been torn apart and he held his pen in hand. Somehow, that pen turned into a sword once he uncapped it.

Percy stopped walking. There it was, across the bay. He was staring at the Golden Gate Bridge.

He only thought one thing.



Hey everyone! Sorry this chapter is a little on the shorter side. I hope y'all liked it. More is coming soon... so stick around! And anyway, thanks for reading!

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