Thinking of You- A Percy Jackson Story

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Chapter 1

It had been three days since Jason, Piper, and Leo returned from their quest. Preparations were being made to complete the Argo II. Leo was the one leading that endeavor. Everyone was helping out. The Hephaestus kids were ecstatic to have an interesting project to do. Clarisse was even making the Ares kids help out. She even threatened a few people from her cabin to do their share. Piper led the Aphrodite cabin. Everyone there, minus Drew, was happy to help. The Athena cabin was helping to help their sister, Annabeth, feel better.

You’d think that hearing where her boyfriend of four months would make her feel better. Instead, Annabeth spent the majority of her time by the lake in Camp. It was the same lake where she and Percy had their mind-blowing underwater kiss.

As she remembered the kiss, she lightly touched her lips. She felt tears sting her eyes. As a leader of the camp, she had to remain calm and under control. But as a young girl worried about her boyfriend’s safety, she had her weak moments.

Suddenly, several different memories came to Annabeth’s mind at the same time. When the two made their truce to stop arguing when they were headed to Las Vegas to retrieve the lightning bolt. When he listened to her tell about the Cyclops who mimicked her father’s voice and she threw her knife to Thalia. When he saved her from Luke and Atlas on Mt. Tam. When he hugged her comfortingly when she was stressed out about going into the Labyrinth. Lastly, when she took that knife for him after she sensed that he was in danger.

All of these memories were enough to get Annabeth to crack. She finally let go and let her sobs out. Tears started to stream down her face.

“Percy, where are you? Are you safe,” she asked softly to no one in particular.

“Annabeth, you should come inside. It’s getting dark out and the harpies will be around to clean in a bit,” said a voice behind her. Annabeth turned to see that it was her older brother, Malcolm. Ever since Percy disappeared, he had become very worried about his sister. He’s seen her like this once before, and he didn’t like what it did to her. It was when he went missing for two weeks and was declared dead. For that whole time period, Annabeth was hysterical with grief. She blamed herself for his disappearance. She believed that if she stayed with him, instead of turning back, like he told her to, he would have been fine.

“Okay, I’ll be there in a moment,” she replied when she stopped crying. Malcolm nodded and headed back to his cabin. Annabeth then pulled out a school picture of Percy that his mom gave to her before his disappearance. She took a quick look at his green eyes and his black hair. She missed him so much. Quickly, she kissed the picture before she got up to go to her cabin for this night.

Okay, I got a request to keep writing Percy Jackson stories. This story can possibly be taken as a sequal to Reunited, it just depends on how you'd look at it. I plan this to be a multi-chapter story, but I don't know if I'll update them as often as my other two.


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