Part 4

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Ragini knew that she will see him today but she had taken enough time to prepare herself, to meet him and show him that nothing is the same now, neither she nor her life

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Ragini knew that she will see him today but she had taken enough time to prepare herself, to meet him and show him that nothing is the same now, neither she nor her life..she wanted him to know that she had compromised with her life and had moved on alone because now she can't punish anyone who love her...she is not the same now...nothing is same.

As she and Samar returned from their lunch which they at the last moment decided to have together, Samar did mimicry of his friend and she laughed wholeheartedly forgetting everything around her but her voice got caught in her throat as her eyes landed on her and her breath hitched 'Laksh' her heart screamed but her mind remained mum, may be because it knew and has accepted that Laksh hates her .

'Oh boy!! Laksh are you man?' Samar exclaimed bringing them back to present and laksh stood up to meet his friend...they hugged and talked a little just standing there and she stood there quiet and lost until Samar held her hand with authority and came to him 'I...I am' Laksh asked coming out of his revive and eyed Ragini, samar followed his action and turned to him 'well this is my best friend Ragini...' he Introduced him to her with one wide smile while Laksh frowned 'well during office time she love to be called my PA only...' and laughed .

''s 2' Ragini announced and Samar face turned serious making ragini realize her blunder 'I am sorry...I mean samar it's can talk to your friend later but for now let's just start with the meeting' ragini said quickly and samar chuckled, asking Laksh to come inside he made his way to office and Ragini and Laksh followed him together.

Laksh felt a pain as ragini didn't even once looked at him while he all the time hooked his eyes at her 'ohkay so let's start' Samar said taking his place and ragini and laksh sat opposite him, while Laksh tried to concentrate on the meeting ragini involved herself in her note book noting down .

As they finished samar turned to Ragini 'ragini I think you should leave now, in fact I am going to give half day to all as everyone have to be at the venue before the guest and yes laksh I want to invite you at one of the great celebration party of our company so do come along your family...' he then said turning to Laksh 'of course...why not Samar' he replied with a tight smile and then eyed ragini who was just looking at him but as he turned to look back at Samar.

'Samar I will leave in sometime then...see you tonight' 'sure Ragini and please ask someone to get an invition card for laksh ' 'sure' with that she left and laksh tried to involve himself in some conversation with samar ignoring his thoughts which just revolved around ragini.

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