Part 2

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Shutting off his laptop he turned off the lamp and lied on the bed decided to get some sleep but sleep was far away from him, his thoughts, his mind again and again going back to tomorrow's meeting or rather he can say the woman ragini

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Shutting off his laptop he turned off the lamp and lied on the bed decided to get some sleep but sleep was far away from him, his thoughts, his mind again and again going back to tomorrow's meeting or rather he can say the woman ragini... her voice, he knew who's voice it was and then that name...he had a feeling that it's her... it's ragini, the same ragini he knew.

He had promised to not to step his foot in Kolkata ever again, he never came here to even meet his family once, for him this city was not less then a worst memory, who had just taken away so much from him, his love, his friend although now If he sit back and think he always reach to one conclusion that may be he never loved swara if he had did then like ragini he would had fight for his love, he would had done each and every thing to win back his love but he never tried, may be because those feelings weren't that much deep like he thought they were... may be he was never in love that time.

But now do he love someone? He always ask himself just one question...that has he did the right thing by doing what he did to ragini in return of her love and trust... but then again how can he be wrong? After whatever she did to him and his family he should had done that only.

His Life had changed a lot in last five years, he now lives alone now, away from his family, years before he was adamant for a revenge but now he feels a certain guilt for his actions and may be something more, something less which he denies to acknowledge...

Before taking a decision of coming back here he had prepared himseld hard that he won't go back to that part of life from where he had ran away...he won't recognize those feelings from which he is running isn't like before.

But today when he called samar for the meeting, the only reason because of which he is here, he was met with the thing he was running away...when he heard her greeting he didn't even took a moment to realize that it was her and it got confirmed the moment she told her name...even though she dealed with him in way too much professional manner but he could sense the sadness in her voice, the pain the loneliness and it is the only thing which he hates the most, these unknown yet strong feelings he feel.

The rest of the day was filled with his failed attempts to fotget the voice, the pain in it... he called everyone to return back home from where ever they were and spend the rest of the day with them and didn't dared to ask about her just like last five years when even he urged to know about how she is and what she is doing with her life, he didn't... whenever his maa use to begin with her topic he use to stop her politely and just let go of the topic.

'Ragini...why don't you just leave me and my thoughts...I have forced you to walk away from my life long before but I myself couldn't let go of the past...which is that string that had still bound me with you' he thought and sighed helplessly before finally drifting into sleep.

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