Puck: what is their song?

Tina: idk don't stop?

Quinn: I think there's somebody who would know.

Puck: who? Shue docent notice anything remember when we were all on drugs?!?

Quinn: no I mean someone who's always there, someone we barely ever notice...

Tina: who? Sue?

Quinn: Brad the piano guy!
From: Kurt to: Finn

Kurt: WTF dude, what is going on?

Finn: you don't understand...

Kurt: you're right, I don't. Where are you?!?

Finn: at Dalton...

Kurt: oh...so that's why you two broke up...😳

Finn: I'm not gay Kurt. For the millionth time 🤦‍♂️

Kurt: ok fffiinnnee, why exactly are you at Dalton?

Finn: I didn't feel like driving home and somebody gave Wes my number.

Kurt: ok. 🙄

Finn: I just needed to get away from all the questions. The guys here are really cool.

Kurt: geez, are they hitting on you? Please, anybody but Sebastian.

Finn: lol sure

Kurt: but seriously why did you dump her!?!

Finn: she cheated on me.

Kurt: WHAT?!?

Finn: she told Jesse she's in love with him...

Kurt: I'm so sorry.

Finn: it's not your fault. I just need a break.

Kurt: I'm coming up there.

Finn: dude you don't need to do that.

Kurt: yes I do! We're brothers remember😉

Finn: thank you, thank you so much
From: Will to: Sue

Will: hello Sue.

Sue: hey but chin 🍑

Will: real mature sue.

Sue:I thought so. Now why did you text me?

Will: I need help...

Sue: with what?

Will: Finn and Rachel.

Sue: got another glee club pregnancy on your hands do you?

Will: no they broke up.

Sue: okay. Let them work it out.

Will: no because they broke up Finn quit glee.

Sue: I don't see how I could help.

Will: get Finn to join Cheerios and he'll see how much he likes glee.

Sue: are you admitting I work my Cheerios harder then you work your glee club 😳

Will: yes of course sue, please help me out?

Sue: fine William💩

Will: poop?!? Really?!?
From: Sue to: Finn

Sue: you're in Cheerios now. Practice is from 4 to 10. Be there or be shy out of the canon.

Finn: what?!? No?!?

Sue: not a suggestion, you quit glee and in order to graduate you need to fill that elective slot and I'm the only club that will take you.

Finn: you're evil you know that?!?

Sue: yes. Yes I do.
From: Kurt to: Rachel

Kurt: I can't believe you!

Rachel: what?

Kurt: Finn told me what you did!

Rachel: I didn't actually die, I'm on anti depressants now.

Kurt: Rachel I was there when it happened remember? I'm talking about cheating on Finn.

Rachel: I couldn't help it!!! He wasn't faking me back and Jesse had always been so sweet to me.

Kurt: SO SWEET?!? He made breakfast on your head!!?

Rachel: I can't help love Kurt. Be supportive or loose this number.

<you are blocked from seeing messages from one or more people in this conversation:>
I need your help. Do you want Finn and Rachel to end up together?!? Comment yes or no and if anybody is good at video editing and is interested in making Quinn, Puck, Mike and Tina's montage reach out to me if nobody does I'll do it myself. Thank you so much for reading, and I'm sure you'll all be pleased to know I'm back to Wednesday and Saturday updates.

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