11 - chenle

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very slight angst + fluff
1 part


[ 3rd person pov ]







You rolled your eyes. You knew what to do in this kind of situation but was confused as to why your boyfriend was acting like this. He would usually respond straight away regardless of what you would call him.

Sighing, you yelled out in a whiney voice,

"Oppa~" After letting those words out of your mouth, almost immediately you heard footsteps. You chuckled softly. You knew Chenle couldn't stand it whenever you called him that. When he finally emerged, you saw him with crossed arms and a pout on his face. He glanced at you for a mere second before turning his face away, uttering a small "What?" before fully facing his back to you.

You were shocked. The usual Chenle would start giggling uncontrollably, sometimes even letting out a few of his cute dolphin screams whenever he heard you call him 'Oppa'. But now, he was totally avoiding you, he wasn't even looking at you. You definitely knew something was up.

"Yah, Oppa~ Why won't you look at me-"

"What do you want (Y/N)?"he scowled at you. You were so confused. What in the world did you do to make him this angry?

"Yah, why are you so angry-"

"Find out yourself." he simply stated before stomping off in anger.

What?! How do you expect me to find out?! Okay, (Y/N), calm down. Now, when did he start giving me the cold shoulder...about two days ago? And what happened two days ago...?

Then it hit you.

Two days ago, while Chenle was at practice, you were at home, staring at the blank ceiling, bored to death. You decided to text him since you were so bored. But after about 10 minutes, you gave up as he wasn't answering.

He's probably practising really hard. You thought. Suddenly, you got a text from your best friend, WinWin.

WinWin: (Y/N/N)!! Let's go eat ice cream together! The hyungs don't wanna go with me! >.<

(Y/N): Yea sure! Meet you there at 3! :)

You replied before turning off your phone, grabbing everything you needed before heading out. You reached the ice-cream parlour exactly on time and saw WinWin sitting at the corner table, near the window. He looked up, saw you, and waved enthusiastically, a big smile on his face.

"(Y/N/N)!! You came!!" You chuckled softly before saying,

"Why wouldn't I?" before getting engulfed in a bone-crushing hug. Suddenly, you heard the bell ring. You saw Chenle and the rest of the Dreamies coming in. But you were too busy catching up with WinWin to even acknowledge your boyfriend's presence.

"(Y/N)!! (Y/N)!! (Y/N)!!" Chenle shouted, excited that he saw you at the ice cream parlour.

"Oh hi Oppa." you simply stated before turning back to talk to WinWin. Chenle clenched his fists tightly, thinking,

Why is (Y/N) paying so much attention to WinWin hyung? I'm her boyfriend, all her attention should be on me!

And with that, Chenle stormed out of the ice-cream parlour with the others chasing after him frantically. But you didn't notice a single thing as you were too busy talking to WinWin.

After that mini flashback, you smirked a little.

Oh so Chenle is jealous of WinWin...I see...

You decided to tease him just a little bit to see what would happen. You dialled WinWin's number but before you carried out the plan, you let WinWin in on it. He agreed to do it as he was curious about what his dongsaeng's reaction would be. You smirked before loudly saying,

"WinWin-ah~ Do you want to go to the ice-cream parlour together again later?"

"Sure! I'll meet you there in about 20 minutes?' he replied loudly.

"Okay! See ya there!" you said in return to hear loud footsteps coming your way. It worked.

"(Y/N) where are you going?" Chenle asked in a stern voice.

"To the ice-cream parlour, to meet WinWin" And with those last three words, he snapped. He grabbed your wrist tightly before loudly saying,

"Why have you been spending so much time with WinWin hyung?! Do you even pay any attention to me?! Do you know how much my heart hurts because of you?!" He asked, tears streaming down his face. Seeing this type of Chenle wasn't what you had expected. Seeing him cry like this...made you feel like crying as well.

"I-If you like WinWin hyung so much, then why don't you just go to him?! Break up with me! Do what you want to do and leave me all alone-" he got cut off by you engulfing him in the tightest hug you have ever given him. He was shocked but hugged you back before burying his face into the crook of your neck, softly sobbing.

You soon started to stroke his hair gently, while saying in a gentle voice,

"Shhh, it's okay, lele. Don't cry anymore. I'm right here and I won't leave you, I promise with all of my heart."

"R-Really?" he asked, looking at you, hope evident in his eyes.

"Really" you replied back sincerely. He smiled at you cutely before hugging you tighter.

"I love you, (Y/N)"

"I love you too lele~"


Yay! Another one done! I know I said I was gonna be inactive but I got bored during Math class and wrote this...and this might be irrelevant but...I really miss Jaemin!! :"(  Thanks for reading and I know this one was quite crappy and not really....fluffy

Chenle and his dolphin laughs and screams >.<

Warning! The ending part is very loud and yea so be careful when nearing the ending. His very high pitch screaming might break your ears.

Can you imagine Chenle being the jealous type?


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