The apprentice was bleeding heavily and a brown tom was helping her to her paws. "Nightpaw are you okay?" He questioned. "You should go back to your brother, he'll help you back to camp."

The apprentice, Nightpaw, nodded and limped away from the battle. Victory flooded through his body, he couldn't even feel his wounds! Falconpaw had gotten his revenge, but there was much more to fight! He looked around, and spotted his mother. They met gazes and she seemed to be staring at him shock. She must have been amazed at how he was fighting.

"Falconpaw, are you okay?'re covered in blood." Dawnstar questioned, she only had a few bleeding wounds on her body. Was he? Falconpaw nodded.

"I'm fine, I'm perfect to keep fighting!" Falconpaw assured his mother. Dawnstar gave a slow, uncertain nod.

"Just, be safe... " She turned and ran back into the battle. Falconpaw needed to do that himself, he dug his claws into the ground and looked for another fight! The next scene he saw a light brown tom pinning down Bramblepelt. Blood was pouring from a wound in Bramblepelt's side, he didn't look good. Falconpaw ran forward, throwing himself against the AshClan warrior, knocking him away from Bramblepelt. The tabby SunClan warrior, slowly stood up, he was incredibly unsteady.

Falconpaw clawed at the brown AshClan warrior so he couldn't go back towards Bramblepelt, he spotted Cinderflame shoving away a silver and white tabby she-cat. "Cinderflame! Bramblepelt's hurt bad!"

The deputy looked towards Falconpaw, Bramblepelt and the AshClan warrior. Cinderflame ran over to them, slashed her claws at AshClan's warrior's face, causing him to back off as blood trickled into his eyes.

"Bramblepelt!" She shouted. "Can you stand up?" Bramblepelt nodded slowly and stood up, his legs shaking and threatening to give out on him. "I'm going to take you back to camp, Falconpaw, be safe!" Bramblepelt put his weight on Cinderflame's body and they limped away to safety. As he turned back to the battle he saw Dawnstar towering over Ashblaze.

"Your leader was too much of a coward to show her face here! Leave, AshClan, leave and leave knowing you cannot take from SunClan! Tell Riverstar that she's a coward and you better stay out of SunClan territory!"

"This isn't over, Dawnstar..." Ashblaze stood up. "AshClan, retreat!" The AshClan warriors turned and ran into the forest, back to their own territory. What had once been an area filled with screeches and yowling was now eerily quiet.

"SunClan, you've all fought well. Time to return to camp and care for our wounded, those who are hurt the most go see the medicine cats immediately, myself and a few others will see to it that AshClan have left."

"I want to go!" Falconpaw stepped forward, but Cherryleaf stopped him.

"You've done enough, Falconpaw. I'm so proud of you, let's go back to camp. Your fight is over for now." Falconpaw felt like arguing, but Cherryleaf's praise meant a lot to him. He nodded and followed his Clan back to camp.

Once in camp, there was several cats visiting Pebblestep and Honeypaw. Falconpaw felt his own wounds begin to sting and sore, his muscles ached and his entire body felt bruised but he knew his wounds weren't dire. Falconpaw sat down and began to clean the blood from his fur and his wounds.

He heard pawsteps and saw Lionclaw approaching him, his father's pelt was only slightly stained and he had a few scratches across his flank but his gaze was bright. "I saw your fighting, Falconpaw." Lionclaw's eyes glowed. "I'm so proud of you, you fought like a true warrior. You're incredibly brave."

Falconpaw held his head high, his father's praise warming his heart. "Thank you, it felt right--fighting for my Clan."

Lionclaw dipped his head. "You'll be a strong warrior someday, I know it." He licked his son's shoulder. "Take care of your wounds, and help your Clanmates if they need." Lionclaw turned away to talk to Cinderflame who had returned, Falconpaw's heart dropped as he saw the large blood stain on her pelt, where Bramblepelt had been. Was he okay? Was Bramblepelt alive?

Falconpaw stood up and approached the medicine cat den, inside Honeypaw was working frantically on patching a bleeding wound on Redclaw's chest and Pebblestep seemed to be completely focused on Bramblepelt. Even Snakewhisker was helping with herbs and the not as severe wounds. Falconpaw sighed and turned away, he couldn't help but feel an inkling of fear for Bramblepelt. He was a strong warrior, he shouldn't die!

Falconpaw walked away from the medicine cat den, Dawnstar and her small patrol had returned from seeing that AshClan had left. Dawnstar touched noses with Lionclaw for a brief moment before taking her spot on the SunTree, there was no need to call the meeting, almost all of SunClan had gathered already.

"This battle has been incredibly rough," Dawnstar announced, her voice echoing throughout the hollow. "It hurts me to see my Clan is such a state, but we won this fight. AshClan knows that they can't take us so easily. Please see to your wounds, and get some rest. Tomorrow we will restore the border and go from there, I want you to know that I'm incredibly proud of each and every one of you." Dawnstar jumped down and Falconpaw could feel pride swelling inside him, he had fought for his Clan and he had fought hard. He wondered if Falconclaw was proud of him.

SunClan stuck together, cleaning each other's wounds. He noticed in particular that Heatherflight, Flamepetal, Brackenpelt and Fawnheart were staying close together. He remembered that Bramblepelt was their father, and that their mother had died in the battle against Thornstar. They were all scared, Falconpaw couldn't imagine what losing one of his parents would feel like. He dug his claws into the ground I'll never let that happen, I'll defend my parents until the day I die. He took a deep breath. What about Honeypaw? A voice mewed in the back of his head, taking Falconpaw by surprise.

Honeypaw? She was a medicine cat, she didn't need protecting! She was always safe in the medicine cat den. Not always... Falconpaw shook his head, trying to get rid of the thought. He didn't want to think about it.

"Falconpaw." He looked up, glad to be pulled away from his thoughts. Cherryleaf approached him. "Great job, today. I've already told you this, but I'm very proud of you. You've proven to be incredibly brave and strong, you're on the path to becoming an incredible warrior. I want you to take a break from training for a little bit, not for long just enough to rest your wounds. You've fought well."

Falconpaw didn't like the thought of not training, but exhausting was weighing him down. His body hurt and he just wanted to sleep, but he wanted to make sure the Clan was okay first, he couldn't ever let his Clan down.

The moon was high and SunClan was silent, the wounded cats were sleeping off their wounds and their pain. The fight had been long, and Falconpaw was incredibly grateful to be sleeping in his nest once again. Without a thought, he fell asleep and instantly woke up in the forest. He really, really didn't want to train tonight, he dropped his head.

"Do not worry, Falconpaw." Falconclaw mewed. "We're not training," Relief flowed into Falconpaw's blood. "I wanted to congratulate you on your victory. You fought like a true warrior, I could see the fury in your eyes as you taught that apprentice a lesson. You've left a few scars tonight, my apprentice. AshClan won't be forgetting about you any time soon."

Falconpaw lifted his head high, Falconclaw's praise meant so much to him. "I'm going to let you rest your wounds for a while, but we will return to training soon. Just because you won this battle doesn't mean you've won the war. AshClan will return, and you will be ready."

Falconpaw nodded. "Thank you for training me."

Falconclaw's tail twitched and his amber eyes burned fiercely.. "It's my absolute pleasure."

A New Horizon: Book 1: Sun Awakening {COMPLETE}Where stories live. Discover now