I haven't seen you in ages! Chapter Two.

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7 June, 2014

It took us a week to compleatly set up the house and get everything unpacked. Its six in the morning and we finally the fridge got set up so I'm in charge of going to buy groceries, and I have to take Casey. Today shes a happy baby, which is rare because she has colic right now. I put her in the backseat of the car in her carseat, with the air conditioner on then get in the front seat.

"Lets go to the store Casey." I say as I pull out of our drive way. She giggles in her seat while reching for her toy on the handle of her seat. I drive for about four miles till I come across a Walmart. It's still early, so I find a parking spot close to the building. I pull out the carseat and put up the hood while we're outside. Once im inside I get a shopping cart and put the carseat inside then pull out my list. God mom needs a lot of food. I guess I was looking at the list rather then paying attention to where I was going and bumped in to some one.

"Oh my god! I am so sorry." I say as I begin picking up the stuff they dropped out of their basket.

"Its fine I wasn't paying attention." He says while we both reach for a box of poptarts. Our hands touch and we look at each other. Cheesie... I know. He has short brown hair. He is about six foot and buff. He's wearing a navy blue tee - shirt and chaki shorts.

"Do I know you from somewhere?" He asks while standing up.

"Um proably not, I just moved here from Flint Michigan. Although you may know my cousin." I reply.

"Wait... Alice? Alice Macintosh?" I give him a confussed and shocked look, how the heck does he know me? "I'm Jason, Jason Smith, you Lainey and I used to play at the creek up on Harson street." He says.

"Jason!" My face lights up as I wrap my arms around him for a hug. "I haven't seen you in ages."

"Thats what happens when you stop visiting." He laughs. "So what are you doing back here?" He asks as we begin walking around again.

"My mom got transfered to a hospital here and I'm going to college at The University Of Phoenix in the fall." I say happily smiling, then turning back to choose some bananas.

"So we're going to be school mates then?" He says while picking up Casey. "This isnt your kid is it?" He asks while tickeling her belly with her giggling wildly.

"No shes my baby sister." I say finally puting some bananas in the cart. "And to answer your first question, I guess so. What is your major." I ask although I bet it's a sport.

"Accounting. What about yourself?" he says happily. I look at him wide eyed, if I had a drink I would have done a spit take.

"Veterinairy, why accounting and not a sport?" I ask curiously.

"I havent played a sport in school since i broke my leg in the eight grade. Plus I like math, call me a nerd, but I do like it." He smiles and grabs some apples.

"Oh, well as long as your leg works now." I laugh.

"Yeah, So hows Lainey?" He asks, He was always closer to her.

"Engaged, and pregnant." I say continueing to walk to the drink isle.

"Engaged? Pregnant? When did this happen?" He asks dumbfounded.

"I wouldn't know I haven't seen her in five years. I thought you two were best friends?" I ask

"Things change, people change." He says bitterly. What have I missed? Its not like they ever dated... did they? Wow I'm lost! I don't understand, they've been best friends since pre-k. I would visit in the summer and all we would do was hang out at the creek. Although I should know better then anybody that people really do change I lost two friends because they started dating, while I grew an attraction to science and animals.

"Yeah I know what's that like." I say sadly while putting various juices in the cart. "Anyway... how's your mom?" I ask cautiously because when we were kids she had lung and Brest cancer.

"She, she passed away a few years back. She had gotten a tumor in her abdomen." he said quietly.

"I hope you except my condolences, but why hadn't I heard of this? I would have come to her funeral." I was hurt to be honest, of course he picked on me a bit in the last few years I came here I always thought he would at least try to contact me.

"Thank you, and, um, I had lost your number, and address." He said, although it was a pretty sketchy answer. I think it's time I get to the bottom of this.

"Did... did I miss something between you and Lainey? I mean if anything I have a right to know." I said in a stern voice, looking straight into his eyes I could see that there was a hidden pain hidden under a facade.

"It's a long story..." he began but I interrupted.

"I have a three page list." I said holding up the five and a half by eight inch papers.

"Ok so it started four years ago, you had to cancel on coming to visit for a second year in a row. Well we had been planing to tell you we were together, but she said she would tell you when you came. She never said a word to you I imagine. Well three years into our relationship I broke my leg playing football, we all knew I could no longer play. One day... God she was being so, so irritable, she started screaming about how I was getting lazy and gaining weight. Saying things like they'll never take you back on the team if you don't start get up and moving your leg won't heal right!" This is my cousin were talking about here I think to my self. " Finally she told me that age just wasn't happy anymore. So we broke up and haven't talked to each other since, it's been two years." he looked sad.

"I'm so sorry." I say but really I was confused that's not like her.

After shopping for a few hours we both checked out and exchanged cell phone numbers. that gave me a bubbly feeling in the pit if my stomach.

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