Chapter 9 - Home truths to swallow

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"May I ask what it means?" Caden asked looking between our hands rather baffled and I couldn't help but laugh.

"It’s just a gesture that says great idea or that something good happened." I told him vaguely, having never had to explain such a simple gesture before.

"Oh, I see." He said with a grin.

"It must be good to have your magic back."

"It is marvellous to finally have some control." He flexed his fingers as his smile broadened.

"So I guess the only thing we really need to worry about is food, water and any Trolls we happen to come across." I scrunched my face up trying to think of anything I'd left out.

"The Trolls will be no problem. They are harmless as long as they believe we want nothing of theirs, which personally I have no need of. In the morning we will head into the nearest village, buy some supplies and leave." Caden explained as he sat down next to the fire.

"With what? I haven't got any money on me." I asked sarcastically.

"Never fear my Charlotte, I have more than enough." He shook his bag which jingled and I raised a brow in question "Markus went home the night before we left and brought back plenty to get us through the next week or so."

"So you were planning on this happening?" I gestured to the flat desolate plain surrounding us.

"I wanted to be prepared for whatever came our way." He told me firmly "I have no desire to see you suffering." I snorted at his words.

"Do you think I have trouble roughing it or something?" I frowned at him but he shook his head.

"No but if I can provide better accommodations than I shall." He said primly.

"Uh Gawd I'm not one of those prissy idiotic girls." I told him with a roll of my eyes "I'm just fine."

"I know that but I want to look after you and take care of you. I am sure that right now you would happily bathe or have a comfortable bed to sleep in rather than on the ground." He stated calmly.

"Well no duh of course I would but it’s not like I'm going to have a gripe about not having those things." I told him with a scowl but he just smiled at me.

"Come and sit with me please." He gestured to me.

"Well I'm pretty sure you just insinuated that I smelled so no thanks." I told him crankily.

I sat down on the opposite side of the fire while he chuckled at me and shuffled over to my side. He draped an arm across my shoulders, pulled me closer to him and took a deep breath.

"You actually smell quite fantastic." He whispered in my ear causing me to shiver and scowl equally.

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