"Does anyone feel anything?" Scott asked.

"Tired." Lydia muttered.

"Hungry." Kira called back.

"Horny." Brett replied back. I let out the biggest laugh ever as my stomach begun to hurt. Tears fell upon my face as I hit Brett in the back.

"Oh my god Brett, you're a funny bloke aren't ya?" I told him while wiping my eyes.

"You guys make me suicidal." Stiles gagged as he looked at us.

"Shut up you Nogitsune." I replied back as Stiles glared at me. "Look, you can all take a break if you want but winners don't rest so I'm going to keep reading."

"We can finish this later." Scott told me.

"No. If the dread doctors did something to me, I want to know." I told him seriously while getting up.

I walked over near the window and started to read again. I wanted somewhere quiet so I can focus.

'With a roar, Amy charged her friend. Judy swung the bat as hard as she could and connected with the side of Amy's head. The creature went down but was up again before Judy could react. In an instant the bat was out of her hands and clanging at her feet. Amy swiped her taloned hands ripping Judy's shirt and the skin beneath.' I kept reading.

I rubbed my eyes as I repositioned myself on the couch. I then glanced away from my book and looked at Brett as he was already looking at me, love present in his eyes.

He was beautiful, gorgeous even. I don't know why, but I begun looking deep into his eyes, trying to understand him. He's been through so much yet he still fights for us.

I loved Brett Talbot so much. I was utterly and deeply in love.

Suddenly, I felt my body collapse on the floor as my breathing stopped. I tried to breathe in but I couldn't. Everyone got around me, but I couldn't see them.

All I saw was smoke.

I tried breathing, but my lungs felt weak. My throats was tightening and I couldn't even let out a cough. The house was on fire and I was all alone, no one in the house. Everyone just disappeared.

I heard screaming, the crackling of fire. I heard it all. I tried to think but my brain felt like it was going to explode from the lack of oxygen.

"Brett! Get your sister and run out of here!" I heard a women yell.

"I -I can't leave you mum." I heard a young boy reply back. I know that voice.

"Save your sister before she dies too." The women cried out. My breath was short as I slowly turned around, trying to find out the source of the voice.

I saw a blonde women struggling to breathe as a young boy ran out with a little girl holding tight onto him. The young woman looked at me, noticing my presence as she smiled.

"Thank you." She whispered. "Tell him I said hi."

The roof collapsed on her, fire engulfing her as I screamed. Everything begun to vanish and I was suddenly back to Scott's house, breathing heavily.

I took a deep breath in as I begun coughing out, Brett holding onto my arm. He then quickly let go of my hand as he breathed in deeply, grabbing his chest.

Like the weight of the world has been lifted off his shoulder.

He then looked at me in astonishment, breathing heavily. I looked back at him, not knowing what to say. But we both knew I did something, something we can't describe. Something I also did to Tracy.

I didn't know what to tell Brett, or the people who were gathering around me that moment on what had just occurred. So I said the first thing to Brett that was in my head.

"Your mum says hi."

A/N- I'm sorry for such a short and badly written chapter. I've been quiet busy & I'm sorry :( I've been thinking that every Friday (Australian time) I post a new chapter.


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