Chapter Three

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"Hands on the wheel, at 10:00 and 2:00," Kira instructed.

"Actually, the recommended position is now 9:00 and 3:00. At 10:00 and 2:00, a deployed airbag could break your thumbs," Lydia stated.

"Mine would heal," Malia shrugged.

"Save your strength. And try not to destroy your beautiful new car," Lydia sighed.

"I like holding the bottom of the steering wheel," I pointed out. Malia turned on the car and it seemed everyone in the car had heightened nerves buzzing.

"All right. Just ease into it. Good, good, okay. There you go-"

"Please shut up," Malia hissed.

"No problem. Shutting up," Kira frowned. Malia was driving good all until she started to turn slightly off the road.

"Uh Other way. Other way. Uh, other way. We are now off the road, this is not the road," I commented.

"Other way. Malia, please go the other way," Lydia begged. A car drove passed and begun to honk at us.

"What is that? What is beeping?" Malia frantically asked.

"The car's telling you not to run into the tree. Turn the wheel. Malia! And try to stay on the actual road," Lydia yelled.

"Okay, sure," Malia agreed and proceeded to turn and uh, keep turning.

"Uh, this is called a U-turn," Kira mumbled.

"Maybe you should press a little harder on the gas-" Lydia started but was cut off by Malia pressing hard against the gas pedal.

"Whoa! Okay, just turn up here. No, no, no, slowly, slowly. Go," Lydia instructed.

"Anybody want to tell me where we're going?" I raised my hand up.

"The school. We can finish with parking practice in the lot," Lydia stared at the road.

"Oh no," I mumbled to myself.

"Lydia, we're actually heading downtown-"

"No. Keep going," I told Malia, biting the side of my cheek as I looked at Lydia.


Malia pulled up to what seemed like a tunnel and as I suspected a dead body was found.

"Call 911," Lydia told us coldly.

"I'm gonna call Brett," I replied with a grim frown as I stared at the man who got murdered. I typed in Brett's number and heard the ring.

"Hey this is Brett, leave a message after the beep." I sighed and begun to speak.

"Brett I need you, I'm l-looking at a dead body and I'm still not used to it, not like I ever will be," I stuttered, sad that he hadn't picked up.

'It's okay he's probably sleeping now,' I thought to myself.

"Scott, you saw this kid, Donovan. He wasn't like you, right?" The sheriff asked Scott after we called him to come.

"I don't think so. Unless he knows how to hide his scent," Scott replied.

"Well, human or otherwise, this kid might have just murdered his lawyer and mortally wounded two officers.
We've got an APB out on him, but you think you can find him faster?" He asked.

"I can try," Scott shrugged.

"All right. Keep it on channel two," Sheriff concluded.

"Dad, what if it wasn't Donovan?" Stiles asked.

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