Chapter Five

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"A werewolf with the talons of an eagle. Possibly a shape-shifter, known in eastern mythology as a Garuda," Deaton explained to Theo and I.

Theo and I looked at each other funny before looking back at Deaton.

"We don't understan-"

"Tracy's claws. The unmistakable claws of a werewolf, but a werewolf who also bears the venom and the scales of a Kanima," He continued.

"What do you even call that?" Theo asked.

"A Jackson." I mentally laughed at my own joke. God I was so funny in my head. Maybe I should start a comedy show in my head, invite all my closest friend that live in my head like depression and anxiety instead of fighting mythical creatures.

"Personally, I call it terrifying. But at the moment, I'm more interested in how Tracy was able to get across the mountain ash," Deaton frowned in confusion.

"I thought nothing supernatural can do that," I murmured.

"As did I," Deaton agreed.

"So if Tracy was able to cross the mountain ash and no one supernatural can do that then that means Tracy's not a supernatural," I thought out loud. "If she wasn't born and she wasn't bitten, she had to have been made."

"Made? Don't you think that's a tad dramatic," Theo laughed.

"No, Kendall might be on to something," Deaton agreed. I smiled sarcastically at Theo because I was right.

"So you're saying someone is trying to make supernatural creatures with non-supernatural means?" Theo questioned, not believing it.

"And whoever they are, they're somehow managing to blur the lines between science and the supernatural," Deaton explained.

"But there's more. Liam said he found another hole out in the woods," I told Deaton.

"Burying them could be part of their process, a kind of incubation," Deaton theorised.

"What are we supposed to do? Scott and Stiles are at the hospital with Lydia," I told him.

"Same thing you've always done. Protect your friends. Protect each other," He nodded at me. "Hopefully, I'll have more answers soon. I'll be gone a few days."

"You're leaving?" I asked, getting up from my seat and near the bench where he was standing.

"Just a few days."

"How scared should we be?" Theo asked.

"I've lived in the world of the supernatural a long time. But I'm still a doctor. Still a man of science. Something like this happens, it rattles the foundation of everything you believe. Something like this shakes you to the core," Deaton started.

"Something like what?" I asked, fearfully.

"The rules. The rules have changed." He looked at us.

"One more thing." I told him. "My eyes. They're turned purple, which you already know but it happened when I looked into Tracy's eyes. I saw what she saw, at least I think I did. Does- does that help?" I asked desperately.

"I think your family's bestiary will help more than I can ever do." Deaton smiled sadly at whilst I made a mental note to check the book later.


"So what do we do now?" Theo asked, walking out of the Animal Clinic. I looked at the sun rising and smiled.

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