Chapter Seven

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"Leave me alone." I kept walking up the stairs as he was following me.

"You're being childish Kendall." I heard, as I avoided him by walking up to my room. I was about to slam to door shut before he put his hand out. "Kendall please, I want to fix this. Otherwise it'll be very awkward today."

"So the only reason why you came to speak to me was so that the book reading won't be awkward? Wow I feel so special Brett." I told Brett before trying to re-close the door again. Which he stopped again by the way.

"The only reason I came here was to speak to you. Not read a stupid book." Brett then walked inside my room as I stood near the wall. He sat on my bed while I avoided eye contact with him. "Please look at me."

I wouldn't have looked at him if it wasn't for the hurt sound in his voice. As I looked at him, I wish I never did as he looked in pain. Wow, sometimes I am rude.

"I want to fix us." He whispered. "And it hurts me so much that I'm the only one fighting for us."

"If you didn't want this, why did you have to be so rude in the first place." I mumbled. "It's like every time we fight, you always have to bring up the time I died."

"Because I don't want it to happen." He said, as he stood up. "It'll will eat me alive if I lost you."

"Do you think I want to hurt you? Do you really think that! I, out of all people ,would know how it feels like! I lost my mum! My boyfriend! My sister! My best friend! For all I know next could be you! You're not the one losing people, I am!" I yelled at him as tears unwillingly fell upon my face.

Brett walked up to me and wiped my tears away. He then pulled me into a hug which I accepted because I've missed him so much.

"I couldn't tell if I loved you the first moment I saw you. You know, when you pushed me against the bus." He laughed as I giggled against his chest, tears still streaming down my face as I sniffed. "I don't know if I loved you the second, third or fourth time I saw you. But I remember the first time I saw you, I felt like I finally found the one. The one who pushes me and makes the rest of the world seem to vanish."

"I love you." I whispered, not knowing what else to say.

"I love you more." He kissed the top of my head. "C'mon now, let's go read that stupid dread doctor book."

We held hands as we begun walking down the stairs. When we reached the living room I noticed everyone, including Theo, was already there. I felt Brett's grip on my hand tighten.

"So Donovan was just another failure." I heard someone say as I took a seat next to Brett on the three seater couch.

"Well, I'm only here because I was the first one to finish the book and I can help you's if you guys start to hallucinate." Malia replied. I looked at Theo discreetly. He looked at me knowingly and I felt Brett stiffen a bit.

Theo walked over to the couch and sat next to me. Oh great, I was stuck in between Theo and Brett. This can't get any worse.

I guess I spoke to soon because Theo put his arm behind the couch, behind my back, and Brett pulled me towards him as he let out a little growl.

"Well guys, I guess it's time to start reading." I heard Lydia say.


'As if she knew what Judy was thinking, Amy turned and hissed a challenge. Her jaw extended impossibly low, revealing rows of deadly fangs.' I read as I yawned.

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