Jun: T-That's insane...(murmurs)
Zed: That's the power of a Servant's Noble Phantasm. Now what I'm wondering is, why hasn't your Servant used it's Noble Phantasm as well?

Jun doesn't answer but Zed quickly figures it out judging by the expression that Jun was showing.

Zed: Seriously? Your Servant can't use her trump card? I may not have been born into a family of mages, but at least my Servant can you his Phantasm. Pathetic. Simply pathetic.
Zerra: He's not pathetic!

Zerra's shout catch the attention of Zed. Despite being severely injured, she manage to slowly stand up. Blood continues to flow from the wound.

Zerra: My Master is just as good as a mage as you are! Underestimating your enemy is a grave mistake.
Zed: Are those your final words? You're just as pathetic as him. Like Master, like Servant.
Zerra: Insult my Master anymore and you'll--!!

Before she could even finish her sentence, several more black spikes appears and stabs Zerra multiple times throughout her body. However, she was still conscious despite her condition. She coughs out blood from her mouth a couple of times. Zed was impress by her strong will and whistles as a respond.

Jun: Zerra!!
Zed: Your Servant can take a hit, I'll give you that. But this is the end. You're done as a Master.

With her remaining strength, Zerra turns around and looks at Jun. He was surprise that despite her condition, she still had a smile on her face.

Jun: Z-Zerra....(murmurs)
Zerra: Jun, run.....
Jun: What?
Zerra: Please, run....away....
Jun: What are you talking about?! I'm not leaving you!

Just then, Zerra resumes their conversation but this time through telepathically.

Zerra: Trust me, I'll be fine. I have this feeling that everything will be alright. I need you to get as far as possible because something is about to happen. I don't want you to get caught up by it.
Jun: Zerra...?
Zerra: Please Jun. Run. Run away.

By listening to her words, Jun can tell that Zerra was serious. To Zed's surprise, Jun suddenly turns around and starts to run as fast as he could.

Zed: Oh come on. I know you're pathetic but this is too much, Jun. You're actually leaving your Servant? You just said you weren't going to leave her.

Zerra then starts to laugh softly. Zed hears this but only sees this as a way of mocking him. He glares at Zerra with a serious expression.

Zed: What's so funny, Servant? You think you have the right to laugh right now? You can't even counter my Servant's Noble Phantasm.
Zerra: It's just that...I finally know who I am....What I am...
Zed: Oh? Well it doesn't matter since you'll die. Your Master even abandoned you.
Zerra: No, no. You're mistaken. My Master didn't leave me. I asked him to leave.

Something about Zerra's words made Zed suspicious. Zerra coughs out more blood before her flaming swords slowly disappears.

Zerra: You are right though. I'll definitely die here. But my death will also be my beginning.

Zed: What the hell are you talking about?

Zerra then collapse face first on the ground. From the look on her eyes, Zed can tell that she had died. As he stares at the lifeless Servant, he notice something.

Zed: Strange. A Servant usually disappears after they die.

He also notice that Kerberos was acting strange as well. He was restless and couldn't stay put properly. He keeps growling as the hair on his back stands up.

Zed: Hey now. What's wrong with you? Are you sensing more enemies?

Without warning, Zerra's entire body burst into flames. It was so sudden that it startles Zed as he falls backwards to the ground.

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