As soon as he said that he left. He just left without any notice, I didn't seriously mean for him to go. Oh Gosh! Where did he go?! Wait a minute-no. I didn’t want him here and that was that, wasn’t it? I looked around in hopes of finding him but saw nothing. Great- you’ve out done yourself again Caitlyn, I shouted at myself.

 "Caitlyn, Caitlyn! Get up, we are leaving now"

"Huh, what? Where are we?"

"Come on Caitlyn, were leaving now" Macie started pulling me up to wake me up.

"Wait. We are home? Already? That was so fast!"

"No it wasn't, It took a whole four hours"

"What? Already? Wow, how the time flies by…." I was so confused; in my dream, it felt like ten minutes but in reality it was a whole four hours! I opened the door and got out of the car, I had to get to the boot quickly and take out my luggage so I could run into he house quickly without Dad noticing, otherwise, he would have thrown all of the luggage onto me.

I grabbed my suitcase and ran upstairs; I turned around to see Dad and Uncle Callum throwing the entire luggage onto her and praised myself for not getting stuck in that mess.

I threw my suitcase onto the floor and dropped myself onto my bed. If felt so good, welcoming, amazing just to be back home. I just felt so safe now, here. Wanting to get everything over and done with, I scratched open my bag and roughly threw all the clothes inside my cupboard without caring about how messy it was. After all my clothes were put away-well sort of I went to put away all of the small items that I bought, like all the towels, cream and make-up…

It took me longer than I expected to unpack; but I finally did and relief flooded through me as I threw my suitcases in the corner of the room and I fell on my bed for the final time.  Not ‘till now did I realise how upset I really was that our holiday ended. Such a rough end; and we had to go to school tomorrow! And I already knew that no matter how much I’d try to persuade my Dad to not let me go, he wouldn’t allow it.

I put my make-up bag inside the little drawer in my cupboard, there were three drawers, and I opened them all to see which one had the most space. I pulled open the second one to throw my make-up bag inside; and when I opened the third draw, something really pink and frilly caught my eye. I t was quite a large square to put it straight; I couldn’t see it all properly so I pulled it out of the drawer.

On the top was a picture of two small kids running and ducking from a water fight, laughing. It didn’t take a genius to figure out who those two little kids were. Chase and I. In fact, I could vividly remember that day when Tyra and Alex came over, we were all trying to clean the car outside and after that we were soaking wet. Mum then offered for us to have this huge water balloon fight- and no-one dared tell her how cold it was or how ill we were getting. It felt like war, all on all, and still it was so fun!

I felt a tear spring at the back of my eye and fought hard to keep it back. Flipping over the page, I was eager to see what was inside. WOW! Some of the things I didn’t even remember until now, like the picnic or the stables. It was all coming back to me, the moments I spent with Chase and Macie and Tyra and Alex. We used to act like losers. Not giving two thoughts about what we did, and where we did it. Like the time my unt made me hang on the tip of a branch so it could break- guess what happened to me in the end…

This time I didn’t even bother to shed my tears, they all flooded out as soon as I saw a picture of my mum, Dad and me. I was so small and Dad looked so calm; but mostly, Mum still had both arms.

Soon enough Macie walked in with Alex and Tyra. They were all talking and laughing, I felt somewhat left out knowing that Tyra was with them. Pushing my thoughts aside, I lay the album back in the drawers  and stretched my arms. I quickly wiped my tear stained cheeks and cleared my throat. 

 They all stopped and looked at me and I suddenly felt awkward. I squat my hands back to my side and pushed slightly past them,

“I’m going to go find something to eat. I’ll be back soon enough.” I said and walked down the stairs. As I walked past the living room, I saw Dad and Uncle C droned onto the couches and surrounded by endless luggage. I walked inside the kitchen and got myself a nice, cold glass of water.  That really woke me up!

“Caitlyn! Get me a glass of water please,” Uncle called out.

“Okay, I’m coming,” I replied.

“A nice cold glass”.

“I know”.

“In the big cup as well”.

“I know”.

“With extr-‘

“I KNOW!” I hated it when he did that! He just went on and on and on and wouldn’t stop until you made him! I could feel the sudden jerk in his voice as I yelled at him but I didn’t care. Getting the glass of water that he wanted, I made my way to the living room.

He began to drink it and I took a seat down, clearing out my thoughts. At first all I could think about was the holiday, and how it ended up without mum and Dad’s rage; I was getting more and more frustrated in my mind and then it came up. The dreams. So much as I didn’t want to think about them, I couldn’t help myself. They were so unusual I couldn’t even put it into words. The man and the whit- my thoughts were interrupted by the phone.

“BRRING BRRING!” It called out and I moved over to answer it. As I picked it up and held it to my ear, I clicked ‘answer’.

“Hello”, a voice on the other end of the line sang, no, it couldn’t have been. But it was.

Matthew. Matthew Cain.


A/N: This is the latest chapter! Hope you enjoy. Read, comment and vote, maybe fan :). Uploading after next 50+ votes, so if you want your next chapter, you need to get voting!! :). A special thanks to 'Hermoine6789 for being my most dedicated reader, :D!!

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