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I tried to go
But they begged me to stay
I guess it wasn't as hard for you
When I walked away

It's not a surprise
So really I shouldn't mind
But still I kind of wish
You wouldn't leave me behind

I know that you don't love me
That you never will
But despite accepting that
Tonight I'm crying still

Well no, not really crying
It's all become so numb
And I definitely know
Falling for you was dumb

But try as I did
I just couldn't help it
So really this is my fault
That I'm hurt by all this shit

I know it's for the best
So I won't beg you to stay
I know that it's time
To let you get away

I'm sorry for the trouble
That I always bring
I'm sorry for the problem
That I've become this thing

I suppose I haven't
Even crossed your mind
You're already over it
Now happiness you can find

You already know
I love you oh so much
You deserve the world
And now can have it all
When I stop using you as a crutch

They all told me to leave you behind
That you're no good for me
But I never really cared
Until I saw what you could be
What you could have
If I would just leave

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