Just another Harley

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I've been compared to harley Quinn
Oh so many times
But honestly I don't mind

She's insane,
But she's happy
She's crazy
But she's loved
And in the end
what else is there to think of

I'll admit I might be crazy
Or even really insane
But is it really me?
Or just life's twisted game.

I like to think I'm sane
And the world I live in isn't.
I guess what I'm trying to say
Is the world itself is far from sane
So who's to say I'm not
Just simply ahead of the curve?

I'm okay with being crazy
It's what makes life more fun
And why should it matter
When all is said and done

I don't want normal
I much prefer insane
I guess I live my life
In a super twisted lane

I want a love like Harley's
No matter what people say
He loves her with all his heart
And she loves her Mr. J

Spare me all the judgement
But they prove something
They may not have their sanity
But they have everything

They prove love isn't simple
People are complex
Life is not a movie
People are easily vexed.

I don't want perfect love
I want messy but obsessed
Just actually care
And forget all the rest

No I don't want perfect
That doesn't even exist
Crazy is always fun
And easy's not on my list

So make mistakes
And I'll make mine
But if I'm sure you love me
It will all be fine

So maybe I am insane
But really I don't mind
I'm just seeing clearly
And you're all behind

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