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There's something beautiful in silence

I don't always take notice

I'm sure not many do

Life is too chaotic

To make sense of it all

But if you take the time

I promise you it's worth it

Nothing can be better

At times it's almost perfect

Now I know that not all silence

Is peaceful and relaxed

But in those times when we're content

Silence is serene

You cannot underestimate

The clarity in the night

When the world is quiet 

And the sky is dark

And no one is too near

I know it all sounds scary

And sometimes it is

But don't forget to notice

The nights when it isn't

Silence is a gift

When all the world is too loud

To get a moment of peace

Is not something to dismiss

You don't always need to be doing something

To be productive

You don't always need movement

To get things done fast

You need motivation


Those are things

Chaos will always lack

So take refuge in your silence

Silence the wars you fight

Allow yourself to rest

At least for the night.

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