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Sometimes I really want to tease him in the classroom in front of him, to bring out his weak side. But it's too dangerous. I look up from my work and see him, messing around with his friends. Although he's a Playboy, the whole school knows he has a girlfriend, which is me. And for the past few days he's been annoying me sexually and it's starting to piss me off, the fact I can't do the same back.
"Hey Tom, so have you banged Y/N recently?"
I heard a few scattered giggles and mean marks going around the classroom. I felt too exposed right then. But then I caught Tom looking at me, with sorrow spread on his face. Good. He should feel guilty. I just can't wait til home time.

Bell rings......

Fuck yes!!!!! This is my time to shine. I was walking out of the classroom when I saw Tom coming up to me.
"Hey Y/N."
He grabbed my hand and quickly led me outside before it got too crowded.
"Come on. I'm tired. Let's go to my house." He said.
Yes. It's all going the way I want it to go.
"Okay. Tommy."
I kissed his cheek and began to walk. On the way home, we've experienced several sexual things and actions which is making me hotter and more needy. I slowly turn my head and see Tom dazing off into the abyss. He's not aware of my sexual need for him which is okay. For now.
We slowly get to his house and a smile crept onto my face. I walk to the door and open it for Tom, making him smile.
"Thank you, darling."
"You're welcome. Daddy." I whisper the last part.
I leave my bag at the door.
"So what do you want to do?"
"Nothing really. I'm just tired. I think I'm going to go and have a nap."
"Oh, okay."
I guess I'm gonna have to change my plan up a bit.
After doing all my homework, cleaning up, and thinking up a plan, I decide to go to Tom. I open his bedroom door and I see him fast asleep, spread out. I then slowly walk into the room, not wanting to wake him up yet.
I then crawl on the bed and he is lying flat on the bed. I then slowly crawl on top of him, slowly moving each leg on each of his sides without waking him up.
No response.
"Hey. Wake up!!"
Yet again, no response.
I then then start slowly rubbing his clothed dick but that just made him turn around, so I then had to get off him.
"Fuck!" I whispered.
I now have to go onto plan B. I walked into the bathroom and closed the door. I looked into the mirror and adjusted my skirt, making it higher so when I bend down, my butt will intentionally be shown to arouse him. To get me warmed up, I wanted to touch myself and to try and wake him up. I sat and leaned against the bath tub and took off my tights and pants and left my skirt on. I stopped moving and made sure that Tom was asleep. I then closed my eyes and felt my cold fingers rubbing against my clit, slowly. I felt all tingly and goosebumps growing on me because of the cold flooring. The feeling made me more wet, allowing my fingers to slide right inside my glistening hole. I pushed my head back and I started to moan quietly. I opened my eyes and I could see the sun rays spreading across the floor and I was feeling warm. I shot a finger out and then in imagining Tom seeing me here. I went faster and rough wanting to wake him up. I bucked my hips up, slipping a loud moan out. I wanted him to wake now because I was starting to feel too horny and I couldn't take it much longer.
"Fuck!" I screamed too loudly. I slowly stop and I could faintly hear some shuffling from the other room. I carry on, spreading my legs out more. I heard mumbling going on. I pumped two fingers in and out.
I moved around a lot trying to speed things up. I forced my fingers in and my body collapsed. I could feel it all coming out. A lot.
"Shit!" I whispered.
I got my tights and quickly wiped my cum with it. I then looked in the mirror, sorting myself out. I undid my hair and shook it, looking sexy,in a messy way.
I opened the door and I saw him in front of the door, looking half asleep and half shocked.
"U-ur what h-happened?"
"Oh, nothing really just thinking about you."
I walked to him and he started to move back, shocked at what I was doing. Slowly, he got to the edge of the bed and didn't move any more.
"You've been using me all week, Thomas so it's only fair I return it."
I grab my tie and dragged him to the other side of the bed and push him onto the bed.
I put my legs on each side of him, sitting on his lower stomach. I grabbed my tie and and blindfolded him.
"Hey! What are you doing?"
"Punishing you."
"What for?"
"You'll see."
I got his tie and undid it for him from around his neck. I then moved forward, sitting on his bare chest so I could tie his hands to the pole above.
"But I want to see and feel it."
I moved away down his chest, back to my original place and then I leaned over, near his ear.
"Aw, baby. Too bad."
I slowly bit the side of his ear and dragged my teeth across the top part of his ear. I then looked at him. I don't know what his eyes are doing but I have total control over him and I don't know where to start. I moved to his mouth and bit his bottom lip, harshly.
"I hear a slight moan.
"Y/N can I least feel your body?"
I then give him a small, slow kiss.
"Come on. You can do better then that."
"You're right. I'll do better."
I then open his zipper and pulled down his trousers and snaked my hand down to his dick. I then grab hold of it and start to pump my hand around it. I start to hear a small moan escaping his mouth. I turn around and lean forward towards his dick.
"Aw!! it's a shame you can't see the view."
"Fuck. I need to see it all."
"I'm sorry, but I don't think that's an option."
"Yeah, I know the feeling."
I then lick the tip of his tip, slowly. Purposely teasing him. I then carry on pumping.
I'm not going to have all of it in my mouth because it's punishment so I want to see his reaction. I then lick one side all the way up from the bottom to the top, slowly.
"Fuck! Y/N you're making a big mistake. I need your whole mouth now."
I carry on pumping, ignoring him. I begin to go faster. Moans from him were mainly just cursing about he needs to be let go. Here and there I would lick parts to tease him. At one point he muttered," I think I'm going to cum."
I gave a few more pumps quickly and let go, turning around.
"Yes, daddy?"
"Can you least do one thing for me?"
"Well I'm just doing what you do to me."
I then picked up his bottom lip with mine and bit it, roughly. I could feel wetness on his lip. I then swipe the blood off his lip and wiped it across his stomach.
"Is there blood?"
"I'm not telling."
Before he could say something I crashed my lips against his, finally giving him a little bit of what he wants. I stick my tongue in his mouth, yet again having complete and utter control of him. The vibrations of his moans gave me goosebumps everywhere.
My tongue explores his mouth and my hand goes to his hair and grips on it. My mouth then goes to his jawline and I lick it down to his neck, slowly. Once I get to his neck, I start to suck on he neck, biting, licking, kissing, sucking. Making him moan as much as possible.
"Y/N. Fuuuuck! This is so goooooooood."
I attack his neck giving him hickeys everywhere.
"That's the only decent thing you are going to receive from me now."
I then move forward and put my pussy above his mouth.
"Lick me out." Was all I said.
I then sat on his face, all ready gripping on the poles of the bed. One lick made me warm up inside. Ever since I came in the bathroom, I feel super sensitive so I feel like is going to be fast. He started sucking my lips and I moaned, my hair covering my face.
I started panting. His mouth was a machine. I moved my hips forwards and backwards. Everytime I get wetter and wetter and I could feel it go down both of my legs.
"Ooohh! Yo-uu ta-taste so goo-good."
I lift myself so he could breathe. He was panting really fast.
"I'm not waiting for you to calm down."
I sat back down and I moved my hips faster, unable to take in my surroundings. My vision became blurry. This is the best feeling ever and I can't concentrate anymore. I start muttering some nonsense that I don't realize.
I could feel him smiling.
He bit my clit and I arched my back and screamed.
"O-oh t-oomm."
He licked faster and faster until my body started to jerk, crazily. I could feel it. His warm breath was making my clit too sensitive but I wanted him to taste my cum. When it came out, I moaned loudly. Still waiting him to finish.
When he finished I rolled off him and laid next to him.
"Hey, Y/N can you untie me?"
"Oh, yeah."
I got on top of him again and I untie his arms first and his hands automatically grab my waist. I then untied my tie from his eyes and his eyes were brown and big.
"You missed me?" He asked.

I finally made it. I know I took a very long time to do this but I went on holiday and came back three days ago so....yeah. AND GUYS? I can't believe I got 1.11k reads from just two stories. I love you all. I thought I would be a low key writer and not get much but I underestimated y'all. Anyway, I hope you love it and I'm sorry for any spelling mistakes/ grammar mistake. Love you!!!!!😘😘

Tom Holland SmutTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang