Too shy pt 1

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Warning: There will be a tiny bit on depressing/suicidal feelings and thoughts so you can skip this chapter if needs be.

I'm not a strong person at all. In fact I'm struggling with my life and the only person i have is my friend called Tom. That's it. There's no point surrounding yourself in big groups if you are going to get bullied. Total bullshit. And I don't want you lot to think that I'm a bad person because I swear, because, don't you? I wish I had the courage to kill myself last week so I wouldn't have to experience this humiliation today. I wish I could start my whole life again. But as they say, you only get one chance in life. What if I've ruined everything?

Y/N quickly shut her diary as she heard a knock on her door.
"Hello? Y/N, it's me. Tom."
"Come in."
She got up and sat on the bed. He walked in with a big smile on his face. Y/N didn't want to ruin his mood now.
"What happened?" She asked.
"Nothing. Just improved on football."
"Oh. That's good."
Silence overcame them. Especially her.
"How are you?" His eyes were darker than usual and his hair had less gel in it.
"Oh. Great you know. Just about to read a book."
"Oh okay."
Again silence overcame them. Her personality is shitty that's all everyone needs to know.
"Anyway, why are you here?"
"Just to see what you were doing."
"Don't need to.  I'm busy and I need no distractions."
"But your mom said you weren't going anywhere."
"She forgot. Now please."
"Tell me what's wrong. Please. Look if it's happening then I'll help."
She couldn't stand it anymore.
"No. I don't fucking need your help here so get lost."
He grabbed her hand and pulled her up. He then kissed her on the lips roughly. Then once he realized what happened he slowly stopped at least he looked like he knew what he was doing. Her eyes were flooding up with  tears. Tom then hugged her, not wanting her to cry.
"Please, don't cry at the impossible."

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