What is your past doing in your present?

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It's your first day at your new job, and you go to meet your boss. As you enter your boss's cabin, you don't see his face because he is facing towards the window. And as soon as he turns around your heart stops beating. Your mouth is sealed, your eyes ain't even blinking. The folder in your hands fall on the fall. You don't know what to do next and you stay still, you have no idea what to do next. You become a statue. You see the guy, Jungkook, you fell in love with when you were a freshman in college and you are extremely shocked. And he is your boss.
Jungkook walks towards you and Ovid up the files from the floor and gives it to you. He is like centimetres away from you and as he gives you the files, he smirks and says hi and your name. He also says what a coincidence it is that you guys meet again. He is unaware of the fact that u loved him during your freshman year.
Your Brain finally starts to function and you realize the situation and realize that you are at work so you shouldn't think of personal matters and greet him as acquaintances. It's very hard for you to do this but you know how to keep your personal and professional life separate.

It's been a week since you are working there and you feel very awkward but don't let others realize it. As you are leaving from work to home it's starts to rain and you don't have an umbrella. So you put whatever is in your hand over your head and run to the nearest bus stop and wait for the bus in the rain.

As you are waiting a car stops in front of you. Instead of a window opening you see the driver sides door opening and what you see after that is unbelievable. You see Jungkook, your past love and current boss, getting out of the car holding an umbrella coming towards you.
And you cannot believe the fact that the guy you used and maybe still love is coming towards you.

This night reminds you of the moment you fell in love with Jungkook. The day you fell in love with him was when one rainy day you decided to go see the football match. That day there was an interaction between you and him, that probably you only noticed and admired and fell in love with him. That day it was raining too. When you were watching the game you didn't know about Jungkook, you just knew that he was a football player but when you were leaving the game you were forcefully taken in a corner by your stalker ex and he was misbehaving with you. At the same time Jungkook came and helped you. That day he saved you. He pushed your ex away from you and punched him several times. When you looked at Jungkook doing this you fell in love with him. But at that moment you were so scared that you ran away from there and never got a chance to talk to Jungkook and thank him. You weren't sure if he saw your face or not because it was dark there. But from that day onwards till the day you changed your college in your sophomore year, you loved him but never told him. You always looked at him from far and never said anything. You knew he would never love you you but you still loved him and still have some memories of him.... You knew he just remembers you as the girl in his English class.

But today he noticed you... He came and took you under his umbrella and sheltered you. And is standing a few centimetres away from you. Before you get to say anything, he says holding the umbrella for you "I don't know when the bus will come but do you wanna get in my car, I'll drop you." And your heart sinked.
You couldn't deny him and politely Said yea. When you sit in the car you thank him.
There's awkward silence in the car and he notices that you are being uncomfortable, he says they should listen to music. When he turns on the radio, the song that plays is "I Need You." Instead of making it less awkward it became more awkward. He extends his hand and skips it.
And you won't believe your life.... Now the song that's playing is "Lets not fall in love", you think to yourself why are all the songs like this today. And you extend your hand and skip it.
But then you realize no life is more harsh and it's not the end of awkwardness but is the continuation of awkwardness. Now the song that plays is 'Eyes, Nose, Lips". And you regret deciding to take a life from him. This time you don't do anything but he does. He pauses the music. And then stops the car.

You think to yourself why is he stoking the car after all this awkwardness and then you realize that you have reached your home. You thank him once again and are about to leave the car when he stops you and says "You know I love when people thank me, so do you wanna thank me everyday".
And you are so very confused over what he just said, so you raise your eyebrows and say "what... Is that... Supposed to Mean?.."
He replies with a smile on his, "I could pick and drop you. I don't like to get denied so text me your answer." And he closes the window and leaves. I'm so shocked standing outside my apartment building.
And so many thoughts run into y head but the biggest thought that is in my mind is.... How did he know my address??

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