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Archer, of course. What is he doing here? Doesn't he have a she-wolf to look after since he got her pregnant? What could he possibly want from me now? I don't have anything to offer him anyways.

Archer kept growling at the boys when I realised something, he's jealous, of my brothers. Wow that even low for him, lower than he calling me a whore.

"Archer, enough."

All he did was growl at me and continued stalking towards the boys. This is a do or die situation for them as they both haven't shifted into their wolves yet. Hell Jordan has another two months until he's sixteen so he won't shift until then and Jake he still has a fair bit longer to go. And with that in mind I jumped in front of Archer stopping him from doing anything stupid, that's when I noticed his eyes were pitch black which meant his wolf in close to surfacing.

All of a sudden he stopped, sniffing me and then purring against my leg while rubbing his head against it. His wolf purred and purred while I patted his fur repeatedly, trying to calm him. "Good boy," I whispered to him. 

"Shift now Archer!" someone behind me shouted. I turned around to see my mum and dad standing there watching us intimidatingly. Why is my family so creepy?

All of a sudden, I heard the cracking of bones realigning telling me that Archer was shifting back into human form. My only question is that I've been here for almost an hour and he turns up now?

"Why are you here Archer?" I asked him out of curiosity.

"Because I've come to win the heart of my mate back." 

"Well good luck child she was one hard nut to crack when she was a child and I think she is trying to think of ways to kill you as well by the look on her face," my mum said.

"Oh I'm not thinking of how to kill him," his face relaxed a bit, "I'm thinking of ways to disposed of the body and evidence." And his face went back to scared shitless, while my mother and I crack up laughing.

"I'm going to check up on my 'brothers' and see if they're okay," I said to him as his face drops knowing that he had done another thing to hurt me.

"Archer, dear may I talk to you in private please?" mum said to him.

"Of course, your highness," he said and followed my mum inside as I walked away to go and check up on my brothers. Jennifer and Amber must have gone and got mother and father.

"Hey Jordan, Jake are you guys alright?" I asked they looked up with tears in their eyes and I pulled them into a hug as they sobbed into my shirt.  

Alpha Archer - process of being publishedWhere stories live. Discover now